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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. You googled it...don't lie...you have never read him, that's why you couldn't spell his name...
  2. Because I am not trying to speculate...and I have people that will buy the house for that price...THUS IT IS DICTATED BY THE MARKET... What is "the Market"...you truly need to explain it...because I was under the FALSE assumption that "the Market" is what you CAN sell something for...dictated by...............THE MARKET...if I can sell something for four bucks...the MARKET VALUE IS FOUR BUCKS...allllllll YOU'RE talking about is speculative pricing based on comps...that is the banks or investors BEST attempt to GUESS what the market value is...yeah and IIIIIIIII don't understand....so please, I might not understand speculative pricing as well as I could...but that's something I am purposely NOT studying becuase I have guys that will preach to me about that on board already...and INTELLIGENTLY they aren't the shot callers...
  3. That I am...and imbecile?...IMBECILE?... okay lets review...I will take money and place cash bids on properties that need work and are going for good prices...I will put in work to rebuild them to upgrade them whatever...with my connections and volunteers and resources...I can do the job much cheaper than appraised...then I sell them back to people for a profit...but instead of taking the profit, I pour it into the next house and next house....yeah, that's never been done...it would take an IMBECILE to back something like that...you're soooooooooo right... And KD...do you think I will present my plan as it is on this message board?...really?...as vague and broad as it is?...yeah, and I add up all my posts and send it to publishers for my published writing to... you guys HAVE to be joking...you CAN'T be this out of touch
  4. If we did we would...our oil is far more expensive than getting it elsewhere...makes a lot of sense...there goes the cost of shipping theory heheheheh
  5. wow...again...it would be prudent to read what I am saying... what you are taxed on is what?...say it with me...what the property is appraised at by the city....so paying what the city says your property is worth after the property is fixed up...is the price I am using to sell the property...I am not taking advantage of anyone... Only a bunch of wannabe genius posters like yourselves would say that taking money from the city, rebuilding the city, and getting our working class citizens into those homes is an evil plot...heheheheehh ridiculous...originally I thought Magox and co. were intelligent...and while I guess I can't attack the intelligence of the posters...I can say that some of you need to go out into the world and actually see how things are and maybe MAYBE you'll understand such a simple and common sense plan that I have outlined vaguely... Who was it here that said I was stupid for posting a plan on a message board?....well I should have heeded that warning...these posts are obviously coming from people with no real life common sense or experience in working class neighborhoods...and I thought this was Buffalo?...blue collar?...wow...hehehehe...anywho...yeah good call on being a bad idea...but not the reasons you thought...
  6. You obviously don't read Lao Tzu...I remember it's the WSJ or nothing hehehehe...kidding I know you don't read that either...that's Magox's Bible not yours...so what exactly do you read? And who is Lao Tsz? you can't even spell the name...wow...you must be an idiot...
  7. Considering what both sides have achieved....that's more of a compliment "The greatest wisdom seems childish" Lao Tzu
  8. Yeah and with minor upgrades to a home...you can actually save 20% on energy costs...even in the NE solar power can reduce your costs by 40%...and with the tax rebates on green power technology it would only cost 15,000 out of pocket for a complete update...not to mention the simple little fact that Diesel engines...AS THEY ARE NOW...EVEN THE OLD ONES...can run on biodiesel...wowzers...but you already knew that didn't you Magox?
  9. Did I not state that I get no love from either side because I'm too socialist for the right and too right for the left?...dude...ahhh nevermind
  10. If by artificial you mean buying them cash, fixing them, and selling them for the price you are taxed on...than yes...I'm artificially doing it... And if by Dolt you mean outstanding leader that will revitalize the blight in my own home town because nobody gives a rats behind about my people...then yes I'm a dolt... And if you took the sarcasm out of the better than Wall St because it's going to benefit my people...you'd be right on...
  11. I agree...the teachers unions are a joke...and the money we already spend is not being spent correctly...there should be reform...I'd still rather spend more on that...than paying off bankers that caused the crash to begin with
  12. I just said what it was...good job cracking that code...
  13. I am also solidly in the "don't drill" category...not for any environmental concerns at all really...though the environmental backlash makes it more ridiculous to go ahead with it... I think we use high tech energy sources...green crap they have...why? because we will reap all the benefits economically...at least a lions share better than what the middle east would get...and that is the reason we need to get off oil...and inspire other nations to do the same...not so much for environmental reasons, but for prosperity reasons
  14. Is that a fact...so because people "cat call" your wife...it's time to kick them out...how bout you sach up and stop whining about you feeling like less of a man because you are jealous of those "caramel skin" guys?...it's not a problem that people think my wife is hot...I laugh...oh, because I know she ain't goin nowhere...certainly not with someone as tactless as whistling at her...please guy...grow a pair and lets not compare society's problems with your wife being whistled at Ignorant...completely ignorant that you feel hispanic immigrants are more apt to kidnap rape or murder than anyone else...why don't you read a study once in a while and learn something about racial profiling and the ridiculous myths you seem to hold so dear to your heart....here you can start with this http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~c...8782&db=all And I feel the same way about liberals...I think thier extra coca cola tax is friggen ridiculous as well...I'm a small government open borders wierdo...when I talk about immigration or the working class...everyone thinks I'm Karl Marx or Barrack Obama...when I talk about welfare, gun control, and government policy...everyone thinks I'm an anarchist or a right wing christian evangelicist...you'd figure a moderate like myself would have more friends on both sides...instead both sides hate me hehehehe...but I would be lying if I said I didn't find that amusing
  15. I'm all for state rights...I think they should make whatever laws they want...I also want them to reap what they sow...I think all immigrants both documented and undocumented boycott the state...that's 30% of documented citizens in AZ and another 300,000 undocumented workers in AZ...I think they should all strike from employment...and stop paying taxes...and purchase NOTHING that was made in AZ....if 3% of the population can boycott and get civil liberty (million man march) imagine what over 30% of a population could accomplish...and not even federally, but pressuring just a state government...please...if they do not respect you as a human being...do not empower them with your business or labor...they would change thier mind very quickly... Not to mention, I believe the MLB and other star leagues should put as much pressure as they can on the state as well...
  16. I am not a marxist...you're crazy...lol...I read some marx and it was a horrible read...he wasn't even a good writer in my opinion...never mind his ridiculous vision of a good society...the compassion wasn't even there...and what is good socialism without compassion?...completely worthless...IE communism
  17. Tis not that I do not know the difference between parasitic and symbiotic...I very much know the difference my friends... I am sorry that I cannot see a mexican or honduran or el salvadorian or any human as a parasite...that is how nazi's view human life, not me...I feel sorry for your ignorance... Pac as in Tupac...Tupac as in "they don't give a **** about us" old hip hop power to the people type of song...okay KD...sometimes I miss the sarcasm and/or humor in posts...I am sorry for getting all huffy and puffy... You can only say that either all humans or no humans are parasitic...I believe none are parasitic and it is our great systematic design is the problem not the people...but to change the system you must change the people... Also, my business plan has nothing to do with this...however, it is less a business plan than teaching the working class to ignore those that mistreat them to do it themselves.... "She trusts people that are trustworthy...She also trusts people who aren't trustworthy...This is true trust" Lao Tzu "When rich speculators prosper, while the farmers lose thier land; When government officials spend money on weapons instead of cures; When the upper class is extravagant and irresponsible, while the poor have nowhere to turn--all this is robbery and chaos." Lao Tzu "I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all being in the world." Lao Tzu I am not a communist or socialist...I am compassionate...so I see how I can be confused...I am far too against big government to be anything but conservative
  18. It's ignorant to compare working class to gangsters as if they are the same thing KD...very ignorant I guess Pac was right
  19. Yeah and all Arab immigrants are Al Qaeda to aren't they? MS-13 are the same damn thing terrorists...not just some regular undocumented worker...there is a difference... If the law said, we will deport those that break the law...whole different story...and BELIEVE me MS-13 are not all that COVERT... http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...%26tbs%3Disch:1
  20. No, I'm just very disgusted with a free country that is acting like we need gestapo law to stop the undocumented worker "epidemic"...it's stupid and ridiculous...
  21. I like the D...with the scheme change I was originally shaky...the scheme is good, but we didn't have the right people for the scheme...I think in the offseason and draft we did enough revamping of the people that we should have good success this year on the defensive side of the ball...our run defense killed us last season...everyone could run against us...that will change, and our pass defense was good last season...so I think we definitely improve our chances on that side of the ball for this season... We got huge in the front seven and with the blitz styel 3-4 we should pressure the QB more...only questions left is on the edges...with Shobel/Maybin...if Shobel comes back AND is able to play OLB...or Maybin shows up...I believe we could have a top ten defense on our hands...we have a very solid down three and the inside backers are 100 tackle 3 sack guys...in a more attack based defense I say Poz could post 5 sacks and our OLB's if they are good enough are supposed to post double digits...again that's the question...but best case scenario we are posting a good 30-35 sacks this year on D with a much better run defense...I really am excited about our defense this year...GO BILLS
  22. Why shouldn't they? Most of the baseball allstars are hispanic...so they will be harassed while they are there...walking around acting alllll illegal and what not becasue of thier caramel skin
  23. link? SACKS ALLOWED, TEAM BY TEAM Player Team Sacks Allowed Median Time Player Team Sacks Allowed Median Time Levi Brown ARI 6 2.8 Ronnie Brown MIA 2 2.65 Mike Gandy ARI 5 2.5 Donald Thomas MIA 2 2.8 Tim Hightower ARI 1 2.7 Anthony Fasano MIA 1.5 2.5 Reggie Wells ARI 1 3.1 Justin Smiley MIA 1 3 Deuce Lutui ARI 1 3.3 Bryant McKinnie MIN 4 3.5 Sam Baker ATL 4 3.25 Phil Loadholt MIN 3 3.5 Harvey Dahl ATL 3 2.6 Naufahu Tahi MIN 2 2.5 Tyson Clabo ATL 1 2.6 John Sullivan MIN 2 2.6 Chris Chester BAL 4 2.7 Chester Taylor MIN 1 2.1 Michael Oher BAL 3 2.2 Steve Hutchinson MIN 1 2.7 Jared Gaither BAL 2 3 Nick Kaczur NE 2 2.55 Matt Birk BAL 1.5 3.3 Stephen Neal NE 2 3.05 Ben Grubbs BAL 1 2.8 Todd Light NE 2 3.15 Omar Gaither BAL 1 2.8 Logan Mankins NE 1.5 2.9 Ray Rice BAL 1 3.5 Dan Koppen NE 1.5 3.1 Demetrius Bell BUF 4 2.55 Sebastian Vollmer NE 1 3.7 Jonathan Scott BUF 3.5 2.7 Jermon Bushrod NO 4.5 2.6 Eric Wood BUF 3 2.9 Jon Stinchcomb NO 3.5 3 Kirk Chambers BUF 2.5 2.55 Reggie Bush NO 1 2.2 Fred Jackson BUF 2 3 Jahri Evans NO 1 2.3 Geoff Hangartner BUF 1.5 2.4 Carl Nicks NO 1 3.3 Brad Butler BUF 1 3.3 Kareem McKenzie NYG 3 3.3 Derek Fine BUF 0.5 2.3 David Diehl NYG 2 2.7 Jordan Gross CAR 7 2.6 Rich Seubert NYG 2 3 Jeff Otah CAR 3 2.9 Chris Snee NYG 1.5 2.8 Travelle Wharton CAR 3 3.1 Shaun O'Hara NYG 0.5 2.7 Keydrick Vincent CAR 1 2.3 Alan Faneca NYJ 4 2.9 Ryan Kalil CAR 1 3.5 D'Brikishaw Ferguson NYJ 1.5 3.1 Chris Williams CHI 3.5 3.6 Damien Woody NYJ 1 2.6 Greg Olsen CHI 2 2.9 Tony Richardson NYJ 1 4 Garrett Wolfe CHI 2 3.3 Mario Henderson OAK 4.5 2.7 Orlando Pace CHI 2 3.6 Erik Pears OAK 4 2.4 Matt Forte CHI 1 2.4 Cooper Carlisle OAK 3 2.8 Roberto Garza CHI 1 2.8 Chris Morris OAK 2 2.55 Frank Omiyale CHI 0.5 3.6 Khalif Barnes OAK 2 3.45 Anthony Collins CIN 3 2.3 Zach Miller OAK 1 2.2 Andrew Whitworth CIN 3 3.6 Michael Bush OAK 1 2.8 Dennis Roland CIN 2 3.2 Cornell Green OAK 1 3.2 Cedric Benson CIN 1 1.9 Gary Russell OAK 1 3.3 Kyle Cook CIN 1 3.2 Tony Stewart OAK 1 3.3 Joe Thomas CLE 4 3 Justin Fargas OAK 0.5 2.7 Floyd Womack CLE 3.5 2.7 Jason Peters PHI 4 2.4 John St. Clair CLE 3.5 2.7 Stacy Andrews PHI 3 3.1 Kyle Williams CLE 3 2.5 Winston Justice PHI 3 3.7 Jerome Harrison CLE 1.5 1.9 Jamaal Jackson PHI 1.5 2.1 Hank Fraley CLE 1 2 Brent Celek PHI 1 2.6 Flozell Adams DAL 4 3.05 Max Jean-Gilles PHI 1 2.6 Leonard Davis DAL 2 2.3 King Dunlap PHI 1 2.8 Deon Anderson DAL 2 3.15 LeSean McCoy PHI 1 3.1 Felix Jones DAL 1 2.2 Todd Herremans PHI 1 3.2 Kyle Kozier DAL 1 2.4 Nick Cole PHI 0.5 3.3 Marc Colombo DAL 1 2.4 Max Starks PIT 4.5 3.7 Jason Witten DAL 1 3.1 Chris Kemoeatu PIT 3.5 2.7 Ben Hamilton DEN 2.5 3.4 Rashard Mendenhall PIT 3 3.3 Ryan Harris DEN 2.4 3.35 Justin Hartwig PIT 2.5 2.7 Chris Kuper DEN 2 2.35 Trai Essex PIT 2 3.05 Ryan Clady DEN 2 3 Heath Miller PIT 1.5 4.2 Knowshown Moreno DEN 1 1.9 Matt Spaeth PIT 1 2.6 Corell Buckhalter DEN 1 2.4 Jeromey Clary SD 4.5 2.8 Russ Hochstein DEN 1 2.8 Marcus McNeil SD 4 2.55 Casey Wiegmann DEN 1 3.8 Louis Vasquez SD 1.5 2.3 Jeff Backus DET 4.5 2.5 Brandon Manumaleuna SD 1 2.2 Gosder Cherilus DET 4 2.85 Scott Mruckowski SD 1 2.4 Dominic Raiola DET 2 3.25 Brandyn Dombroski SD 1 2.7 Will Heller DET 2 3.25 Kris Dielman SD 1 3.4 Daniel Loper DET 2 3.4 LaDainian Tomlinson SD 0.5 3 Jon Jansen DET 1.5 3.9 Nick Hardwick SD 0.5 3.8 Stephen Peterman DET 1 2.3 Julius Jones SEA 4 2 Aaron Brown DET 1 2.7 Ray Willis SEA 3 2.9 Kevin Smith DET 1 2.7 Brandon Frye SEA 2 2.35 Brandon Pettigrew DET 1 3 Damion McIntosh SEA 1 2 Allen Barbre GB 7 2.6 Steve Vallos SEA 1 2.3 Daryn Colledge GB 7 2.9 Max Unger SEA 1 2.8 T.J. Lang GB 5 2.4 Chris Spencer SEA 1 3.9 Chad Clifton GB 2.5 3 Adam Snyder SF 7 2.6 Scott Wells GB 2 2.65 Chilo Rachal SF 3 2.1 Jason Spitz GB 2 2.95 Joe Staley SF 3 2.6 Donald Lee GB 1.5 3.1 Tony Pashos SF 3 2.6 Korey Hall GB 1 3.2 Frank Gore SF 2 2.75 Ryan Grant GB 1 4.2 Eric Heitmann SF 2 3.3 Duane Brown HOU 7 3.6 Vernon Davis SF 1 2.3 Kasey Studdard HOU 2 4 David Bass SF 1 2.8 Chester Pitts HOU 1 1.6 Richie Incognito STL 2.5 2.3 Eric Winston HOU 1 2.7 Jason Smith STL 2 2.05 Kevin Walter HOU 1 3.1 Steven Jackson STL 2 2.35 Mike Brisiel HOU 1 4 Alex Barron STL 2 3.05 Charlie Johnson IND 2 2.65 Jason Brown STL 1.5 2.3 Mike Pollack IND 2 2.65 Kenneth Darby STL 1 1.9 Joseph Addai IND 1 2.2 Adam Goldberg STL 1 2.6 Ryan Lilja IND 1 2.3 Jacob Bell STL 1 3 Jeff Saturday IND 1 3.8 Jeremy Trueblood TB 3 2.7 Eugene Monroe JAX 4 2.5 Donald Penn TB 3 3.1 Eben Britton JAX 4 3.05 Davin Joseph TB 2 3.6 Tra Thomas JAX 3 2.5 Cadillac Williams TB 1 1.8 Maurice Williams JAX 1 2.9 Jeremy Zuttah TB 1 2.4 Jordan Black JAX 1 3.2 John Gilmore TB 1 2.4 Vince Manuwai JAX 1 3.2 Jeff Faine TB 1 2.5 Greg Jones JAX 0.5 2.6 Michael Roos TEN 3 2.6 Maurice Jones-Drew JAX 0.5 2.6 Chris Johnson TEN 1 2.7 Sean Ryan KC 5 2.6 Jake Scott TEN 0.5 3 Wade Smith KC 4 2.65 Stephon Heyer WAS 6.5 2.8 Branden Albert KC 3.5 2.8 Mike Sellers WAS 3 2.6 Larry Johnson KC 3 2.3 Mike Williams WAS 2.5 2.5 Mike Goff KC 3 2.5 Chris Samuels WAS 2.5 3.4 Ryan O'Callagahan KC 2 2.6 Fred Davis WAS 2 2.55 Andy Alleman KC 1 2.9 D'Anthony Batiste WAS 1 2.2 Jake O'Connell KC 1 3.1 Ladell Betts WAS 1 2.2 Brian Waters KC 0.5 3 Mark Mason WAS 1 2.4 Lousaka Polite MIA 4 2.2 Casey Rabach WAS 1 2.5 Jake Long MIA 4 3 Chad Rinehart WAS 1 3 Vernon Carey MIA 2 2.15 Derrick Dockery WAS 0.5 2.3 Those are what I got for statistics....
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