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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. People like you do not listen to what I have to say anyway. I'm a fool and a dirtbag. You say it is a loan. I have explained different. Since it is me setting it up, and you are not here, I can see why you know better than I. You are right, I missed the inflation question. I am basing payments on average salary increases, not inflation. I know very risky considering our pay doesn't go up wayyyyy down on our edge of town, but I am thinking fair not practical. It is a shame they are two different things in our modern society.
  2. What's the difference? So now the government tells us what to spend our money on (Healthcare, Health Foods, No Alcohol, No Smoke), they can't tell us what religion to believe but can cater to Christianity, privacy is now a thing of the past, they can tell us what language to speak. This is stupid. Our country really needs to back up and take a gander at what is going on. Our citizens are getting weaker by the day and the more freedom that they take, the weaker we will get.
  3. Not that I'm an offensive genius. But my scheme would be use thier aggression against them. This also caters to Edwards' strength and Spillers strengths. Screen passes and check downs. They blitz a bunch and if we can chuck it short to a RB, which is definitely something we CAN do. We have a shot to put up okay numbers on an otherwise outstanding defense. I think getting rid of Thomas and Leon was dumb to. I don't think the run game will be a weakness per se. I am just hoping those losses along with Faneca will weaken it a little. Enough to where our improved run defense will be able to stuff them.
  4. Trent is a future HOF QB. His release is smooth like butter. He can make all the throws. He can make plays with his feet.
  5. hehehehehe I don't doubt it, but something tells me I don't have a future in politics in WNY
  6. I like the knockout scenario much better. Always great to see a journo get knocked out.
  7. That's my line! It depends on the issue, if its abortion or gun control or the constitution I'm a tea bagger right wing douche. And if I'm talking about immigration I'm a socialist commie dirtbag.
  8. I thought you'd be in bed by now Tom. Alright I'll give you a hint. It is in this nation. No more than 9 hrs from Buffalo
  9. Oh, please! hehe like this message board is just bursting with intelligence. I could say the same about many others here. Is this a right wing board only? Or do moderates get to speak thier minds as well? Were you expecting an Obama shut out tactic because I believe differently than many of the outspoken people on this board? It is not as if I personally attack people at random like some who have been here far longer than I will be.
  10. Sorry won't post my real information at this time...
  11. I know right? All the lies that pour out of my mouth. Like the pentagon thing never happened. Or that Tea Baggers never showed up with riffles during an Obama rally. Where do I get this crap?
  12. What do you need me to go over more slowly for you? Did I lie in my post?
  13. well after a truther blasts his way into the pentagon, you kinda have to take precautions. that's all I'm saying. You never know which tea bag party is going to show up to protest. The ones with guns. The ones that follow the "teachings" of Alex Jones. Or just the old white folk looking to speak thier mind. You just never know. Better safe than sorry is what I always say. Oh, wait, no I never say that.
  14. Tom you're not conservative? Hey, you sound like me when I tell Magox I'm not a commie Seriously, anyone that trusts any of these news outlets for actually putting on no spin news is insane. Whether you like your news mixed with fear and republicaned up from Fox. Or outlined with a smidge of lefty socialism MSNBC. Journalists are ridiculous sources for facts. What I like doing is watching both of them, to see how ridiculous they both sound. I like Hannity, not because he's so friggen honest, but because he's funny and cocky. Same with O'Rielly, great. Beck is a little out there for me, but I like the issues he talks about. Again you take nothing at face value ANY journalist says.
  15. It's not clear how James thinks the change would save the state money. Marc Ambinder of the Atlantic says Alabama could actually lose billions of dollars in federal funding if it enacts the measure, and he points to an Alabama political blog that runs down the legal history for why the exams are in multiple languages. no Tim, it doesn't. And safety? c'mon guys, reading signs and reading the language are very different. Another thing, why do we give it in so many languages? becuase there are a plethora of different cultures here. But you're correct, we should all be speaking one of the MANY different native languages, none being English of course, but you get the idea. Oh, it's because we took control and now the language is English. Well I am pretty sure that the Hispanic population is growing and a nice voting block is forming, that would be power. Oh it is rotten when hispanic folks do it, they should employ the tactics of the English, that's way more fair to the people here. I am very confused about this language thing considering our country's history
  16. ehhh...I haven't done credit checks...but the properties they would be getting the loan for...no I really don't...most properties that need work are even harder to secure loans for...I know there are at least enough people in my neighborhood that couldn't though, and that's my market Obviously if there is a better option, they should go for it, but I do not believe there is If there was, they would do it. Who would rent property for 700 a month on the apartment next door when they could own a three family for what 200 a month by calculations of these bankers posting but that is the situation, so it tells me that they cannot secure financing for these properties and the reasons for that is most likely that the properties need too much work or the credit rating is too low, either way I will fix that
  17. Sign em all up, see who can hang Mitchell and Poz have been said to be the frontrunners as starting ILB's but there is speculation that Davis will take Mitchell's spot and depending on these other OLB's he may find his way back outside...
  18. 1. Edwards 2. Fitz 3. Brown Brohm...see ya brah
  19. Oh c'mon, have you ever heard of spellcheck???? grammar check maybe? There are too many periods at the end
  20. Yeah after they were recruited into the military and spent thier lives fighting for the country only to be treated like dirt...they put together political machines and took over the city and then defended themselves against "patriots"...
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