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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. YOU KNOW BANKERS THAT WANT TO INVEST IN BLIGHTED HOODS????????....sweeet...maybe I don't have to do it after all????...
  2. hehehehehh wow...yeah...I won't even comment there...who am I kidding...yes I will...being rich doesn't make you righteous either... and I'm not in over my head...I'm in over your head...there's a difference...you don't understand how a simple design can work... I completely do not have a plan B...because that would address one thing or another...I do not try to see things coming...I have worked on reaction time...you start and as problems come...as I have said they surely will...you learn to move...you need only one safegard...I will have no debt building up...it is a performanced based good faith payment...I'm getting a headache trying to explain the most simple thing...buy, fix, friggen sell... and if ten percent default...awwwwww...I'm sure there are just not enough people to put back into the homes...you react you don't plan...you cannot, NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, control what will happen...you can only control your reaction...I have said there will be plenty of bumps and bruises...but who cares?...if you can't take that then you will sit behind your desk all day making someone else money...
  3. Yeah, because exploiting someone is giving them work...and exploiting them is rebuilding the blight in thier community...ohhhhhhhhhhhh I see now...you're right...jobs and rebuilding a city is horrible work...I should be ASHAMED OF MYSELF...
  4. Really?...okay...well yeah you're right...they come up with sayings like "two weeks" to keep y'all happy, but anyone that has actually used a nail gun knows there are far too many variables to accurately tell you how long it will take to upgrade that many homes with so many different crews....so, we'll be done in "two weeks" brah and by cycle I mean buying cycles...in the first two years we should have quarterly cycles...buy 20 houses, rebuild 20 houses, sell twenty houses...so, we buy 20 then rebuild, buy twenty more rebuild, sell the first twenty...on and on and on... Three months is a cycle...our crews should be able to handle 20 homes...who knows if they can...if not...we change on the fly...this is what my uncle is telling me...if three months a crew of 15 can do seven homes...but it's not accurate...it depends on the fifteen guys...depends on how much work the home needs...you can't realllly structure that sort of thing until you look at the damn home and what it needs...this is just estimations that could be WAY off...but wont' matter so much as long as we are not too rigid and we have the versatility to move at the pace that needs to be kept...
  5. My town is 33% Columbian 47% white 8% black and 12% other hispanic/asian/pacific islander already...I don't need to import immigrants...but we sure as hell welcome them in our city...I wouldn't get run out of town...I'd get elected Mayor
  6. Oh, is THAT what I said...I was impatiently waiting for you to put words in my mouth...
  7. It's not a completely volunteer workforce...again...I will hire people and experienced crew leaders for renovations...it helps I have family that run a roofing company and do cosmetic work on houses... It shouldn't take more than three months per cycle...of course that's VERY general because it will differ from house to house...and crew to crew...and if it friggen RAINS OR NOT lol...that's not a question ANYONE could answer accurately...I mean c'mon
  8. I'll take them all...let them allllll come to my state...I unlike y'all know what a good worker can accomplish with the right opportunity...
  9. I will be specific when DC Tom and Magox and everyone else is specific about what they are investing in...I can't be too specific... But I will try to be more specific... I am forming a CDC that will be a one stop shopping for urban development...first I want to secure funding from the local government...I have the political clout to do so, regardless of what the fellas here are saying...maybe not to the tune I want, but funding none the less...I want to buy homes at low prices...via foreclosed homes that need work for between 15-50k http://www.foreclosuretogo.com/search/MI_125.html I am not using this site and I am not buying in Michigan...this just gives you an idea that there ARE homes that NEED work being sold for THOSE prices... I have assembled a group of around 15 volunteers and will hire some workers that are out of work to help rebuild or upgrade the properties... I do not plan to insure the properties but I am "overpaying" for hazmat remediation insurance for my working crew...why? because I am also cleaning up a neighborhood that was once a mill town...it also has a river that was dumped into for ages...remediation teams make about 2-5M per year at a similar size so the 120k for 500k of insurance of this kind is an investment... https://www.zurichnac.com/Environmental/?WT...004M2S017CR0952 not the company I am using, but sign up and get quotes if you would like.... http://www.midwestsoil.com/?gclid=CK6zpaCsr6ECFQEMDQod9B9O-Q not my team of course...but I am sure thier bids are around what any remediation crew charges...ask for pricing for verification... Also supplimenting the police force of this blighted city with armed security guards that are much cheaper than hiring more police...so the CDC will hire guards and have patrols around the city...11 dollars per hour is about average for a guard of this type and we will rent them out to the city among other private and public entities that need them...profit after overhead should be around .5m The "loan" for these first prongs of the CDC will be good faith payments from the local government to the tune of 1.7 m two consecutive years...50,000 from the state...and whatever I can get from the federal government...along with some private money from fund raising and myself Best case scenario I am purchasing 85 homes...and having my remediation team ready to go after rebuilding the homes...the security company will be up in the air until we figure out exactly how much we are taking in from the other two prongs... The income produced by the CDC should be 1.3 m roughly the first two years...then as high as 5-6m there after...taxes and paybacks will be around 30% of the "profit" after overhead...our overhead should not be more than 40%...and the rest goes to expansion... I am attacked on the board for things like...what if a guy falls off a roof...what if the property burns down...valid I guess...but honestly is it relevant?...I mean my guys will be insured WELL over what they need...and if the property burns down I'm out like 40k...the insurance...just like if you were buying from a bank, will fall on the shoulders of the buyer...it's not some ridiculous thing...if they insure the property, then they will pay off what they owed...if they are uninsured they will not be on the hook and I will take the loss with them... Another reason this is attacked because I'm marking up the housing to the tax assessed value of the house...well above the normal market value...which I reply that the market is whatever I can sell them for...I know I can sell them for that, and therefore I AM THE MARKET...so eloquently put by a few posters that responded... They also retort with these phantom loans that are not only unavailable for the property I am buying up, but also unavailable to the clients I am putting into these homes...becuase of poor credit ratings...they say they will all default...and I will be in the hole somehow if that happened...but since the payback is based on the performance...like buying stock and NOT like taking out a business loan...if it crashes it crashes...and we still have the property and can resell it...so I fail to see how I will in the hole...so again...phantom loans which are not viable solutions to compare my plan with, because they don't and never will exist for the property or clients I am targeting... Another poster says that when my clients find out that I sold them a property at above what I bought it for, they will revolt and chase me out of town with pitchforks...which, of course is unlikely because they are still getting a home for 500 bucks a month bottom line cheaper than renting in the city I'm targeting...and thier credit score will stop them from owning property...so I can only imagine they will feel both proud and happy to have something of value without being just another subprime borrower getting foreclosed on...all the remnants of what I am buying up Then there was a huge argument about market value...I say that I am putting cash bids on foreclosed homes for say 30k on a bunch of homes...this depresses the value, and I continue to buy until the money runs out...then I turn around and sell them for 120k say, and those sales...like my 30k purchases...set the new comps and therefore raise property value up again...they say Im wrong that it won't work like that...because of gas prices and inflation... Then they say I misspelled mispell and therefore I have not the attention to detail it will take to pull something like this off and my investors are imbeciles...then turn around and misspell Lao Tzu and say they are experts on the Tao Te Ching...attacking my concept by saying that I have no skill in finance or detail and that is why I will fail...as if I am going to run the construction crews myself without having construction crew leaders...or I'm going to be the armed guard patrolling the city...or the environmental driller hammering soil samples...or the bean counter counting beans...which I'm not...just in case you think I am...details, I say are overrated and meaningless without vision and concepts...and that obviously makes me mentally challenged... In the end...the more a bean counting wannabe elitist DOESN'T like what I have to say, the more confidence I have in WHAT I say because my project is not taking place on Wall Street...and I am not looking to enrich the pencil pushers and white knuckle traders...I am looking to enrich a city...and its citizens...and our citizens are the ones Wall Street gave up on years ago...so I feel my project fits the bill completely...even more so when certain people think it will utterly fail...what scares me is DC Tom thinks it's a good idea...but I think he found enough problems with it to still merit a smile from myself...
  10. Alright not THAT high lol...but it's like 87 here...and like 75 or so in Venezuela...83 in Kuwait....our oil is always more expensive...so what's the point?...why not just continue to buy what we are buying and work on real solutions instead of drilling all over the joint just to raise gas prices higher?...maybe I'm missing something...but just like any other American product, it becomes more expensive because the cost to do business here...
  11. yes YES exactly...EXACTLY...when I'm scooping them all up...market is what I am paying...when I turn around and start selling them...for whatever price I say...THAT becomes the market value...THAT IS WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN... Yes, YES I AM THE MARKET
  12. Ween off is bull...we could create jobs, a cleaner environment, and put our nation back into the forefront of the energy game again...drilling offshore to ween ourselves off oil is stupid...we can just ween off using the same oil we're using for the same price without the environmental backlash...give me a break
  13. Exactly See that's the thing about the truth...it's the truth whether you believe in it or not
  14. I seperated myself only from YOUR reality...I do not feel as though this (look around at what we are as a society) is something to be cherished...not when we can do so much better... I am happy that I am a ****ing wierd dude...if I was a status quo moron like most of the people posting, I'd shoot myself in the face I think...
  15. Okay...it's obvious from LISTENING to you talk finance then... and nothing like cutting out half the sentence to make it say what you want it to say...hey, you work for the mass media too?????? Is there nothing the great DC Tom doesn't have a hand in????
  16. We sell our domestic oil nearly 50% higher than what we buy it from the middle east or south america...hmmmm...what would you do?
  17. Among other incomes yes...that's exactly what I'm doing...not 100%...I'm looking to cover overhead with about 30%...payback the city with about 30%...and expand with the remaining 40%....this is not just a single prong deal either...like i've mentioned my "overpaying" of insurance for the remediation team...total cost upfront 1 million and income of 2-5m...that goes into expanding the CDC...a privatized security company...to help suppliment the undermanned police force...another few hundred thousand start up and income after overhead 450,000...jobs, money, rebuilding property, promoting home ownership, I'm am sooooo evil
  18. Very close...very close indeed...I posted my idea...my concept...not my plan...my plan however is much more simplistic in its design than one of Wall Streets plans...but my plan has to be simple and bending...considering how plans do not work for very long, it has to be versatile...the more rigid the plan, the higher the chance for failure...this is why great accomplishments seem to evade people that overthink and overplan... I'm not trying to offend anyone by saying this...really...so don't take it the wrong way...but most of you white collars...you guys have done great things?...my "ridiculous" plan has already been endorsed by someone that could buy and sell you three times over...its been endorsed by political leaders and activists...activists is a given, as most do not care about anything but how it will affect thier constituents...but like I said, I am not saying they are better people...I'm just saying I am not going to go to great lengths to justify my "idea"....and this "childish" or "naive" confidence is because I have had this project justified to me by people I believe are more of an authoritive voice than y'all... I posted the concept to get criticized and I have been...ooooooohhhhh I have been lol...but that's why I did it...I mean, I love hearing bean counters rip it apart...it lets me know I'm doing the right thing...
  19. Again thinking on mortgage loan terms...and I would expect no less from you... I recieve cash upfront FROM THE CITY....I PURCHASE THE HOMES FROM THE BANKS CASH...I sell them...I DO NOT PAY THE CITY BACK AT 100% OF WHAT IS COMING IN FROM THE RENTERS/NEW OWNERS...mmmmmmm riiiiight...again I'm the imbecile I know...so naive....consider it whatever you wish...but the houses will be technically the CDC's until they are rented...and then they will be just as the banks and purchaser set up...they own it, but bank gets it if they default...since I owe nothing technically on the properties...only the good faith repayment to the city, which is stipulation laden....I'm not doing business with ignorant elite investors...I'm doing business with us...we will do it ourselves...allllllll the imbeciles of the ghetto...and if it don't go as planned...which nothing ever does anyway...who cares...it is an action that is filled with compassion, vision, and all good intentions...and it will work based on that alone...see you're surrounded by back stabbing white collar people...I couldn't possibly expect someone like you to understand the heart and backbone of a community like mine...loyalty and not afraid to do real work...that's something you guys know very little about...I may not be excellent at the ins and outs of the lending business...but I'm doing business with a whole different crew...a crew all of you outcast...but I embrace...you do not, and probably will never understand what real heart is and what real sach is...so it was my mistake in bringing you into all of this discussion...you obviously cannot get outside your normal mode of thought to see things in a different light...you repeat yourself about market values and my "deal" versus interest loans and how I'm paying back my funding like I am taking out a gigantic loan...which I have answered over and over again I am not doing...but you just can't fathom that...sorry for confusing you with my simplistic designs...and compassionate solutions...
  20. I never said we didn't...AND I didn't even bother looking at your link because I already know we've had plenty of horrible laws on the books for a very long time...since we decided freedom was something to be feared...we've been headed in the wrong direction ever since
  21. If you read anything Gandhi had to say...you'd understand...it takes sach to get results...will it hurt to strike your jobs as immigrants in AZ?...course it will...but maybe you can win the respect... Shoot...since they SENT all thier MONEY back HOME...maybe they just get a return check and buy out of state products to survive during these tough time
  22. Yeah sure you do...I have forty five copies of different translations to...and I've memorized the entire book... Lao Tzu does not say anything about childishness is childish...or that all simple things are wise...it's the concept I have been talking about over and over again..."the ones that make it complicated never get congratulated"..."details and complicated systems to drain money are ignorant"..."you don't need outrageous sums of money to be successful"...I mean the concept is stated in the Tao Te Ching...but it's all over the place...Kid Cudi...Christ...Socrates...I decided to quote Lao Tzu today...and the Bible yesterday for immigration laws...I could care less if you have copies of the Tao Te Ching....you OBVIOUSLY have missed the point...anyone can see that in talking finance with you...
  23. That is EXACTLY what I'm doing...do you question my ability to sell these properties?...then you can't question the valuation I am giving them
  24. Okay, specifically, the border drug is terrible...I'll give you that...but to harass the immigrants NOT involved in the war is IGNORANT...period end of story
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