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Everything posted by WellDressed

  1. I just saw it, and if I had not known it was Scorsese's picture, I would have never guessed it. Not enough Max Von Sydow for me, but Ben Kingsley was in top form. Leo as always, showing he is in the top five or six of his craft. A good turn for Michelle Williams as well. With all of the swirling buzz about the "surprising ending," I walked in with the same scenario that I walked out with. The only difference being, there are many unanswered questions and interpretations just as you pose above, in your synopsis. I need to see RP's Ghost Writer to see how good Shutter Island really is.
  2. Adrian Lyne's (Line) masterpiece. A terrific film. So suspenseful and bizarre....with a wee bit of horror and there you have it, one fine film. Who didn't love Danny Aiello as Jacob's "Cherub" I do have to admit, I really did like Basic Instinct.
  3. Wooohh, might as well add in Identity, Final Analysis & Basic Instinct. ----------------- I really liked Presumed Innocent, from the Scott Turrow Novel.
  4. Well, maybe I used the wrong vernacular. I can live with being the technician. I'm happy for the little French-Canadian girl, Ms. Joannie Rochette.
  5. How long has ice dancing been in the games?? Sign that kid up, that's where his talent lies.
  6. Yea you're right, judging always leaves room for controversy. I guess it's my love for the soviet skating program; I'll never forget Irina Rodnina & Alexander Zaitsev; they blew me away as a kid. I'll always be a purist.
  7. Hey boy, you's got runniin water in that there house??
  8. So it sounds like Japan should be expecting another tsunami.
  9. .2 seconds in.......the guy is not a commentator, he at best would be considered a boob. A commentator is one who's job it is to report what he see's happening on the field, then translates that back to us. Like Vern Lundquist.
  10. Hey, hey, hey my film friend. Have you seen the real "Departed" Infernal Affairs is the better film, then it carries on further with IA-II which was mainly backstory, and than IA-III, which I have not watched. I am not bashing Scorsee in the least, but Cape Fear & Departed were total remakes. Who do you think will be cast to star in his upcoming Sinatra film??
  11. Nicholas Ray was not given credit for a leat one Film noir, that now is a classic. "The Racket" As I was looking for this slight, I have to add another film to my favorite noirs--"In a Lonely Place" I have 'Bigger Than Life' on order as we speak.
  12. Yea, and you're surprised?? The Canadian's (not hosers, you childlike goon) didn't start Brodeur when they won their last olympics, in '02 but he won the gold for them. Stop calling people childlike names: Jackass, Deerball, hoser......I know there are more. You talk like a teenager.
  13. This show introduced me to Romano (He's a funny guy) I've never seen an episode of 'Raymond'
  14. Ah, not to worry, 'The Third Man' was discontinued earlier this year. I guess Criterion buys the rights for a set number of years, and when it comes due, they decide not to pursue it???? You like Rope?? Wow, I thought I was the only one. I even liked the large background of the New York skyline. I fell in love with Joan Chandler in the film. Unfortunately, I think that was her only silver screen performance. Laconte is one of my favorite modern day directors, I loved 'Man on the Bridge' with Johnny Halladay. I loved when he was given the pair of slippers and initially didn't want them. The dialogue was superb, and the western motif was great. I had to laugh at the music, it was kind of comical. What did the slippers represent?? Now, I really think 'Woman on the Bridge' with Daniel Auteuil was just as good, if not better. My favorite film noir has to be 'Double Indemnity' followed closely behind by 'Out of the Past' JP Melville's take on American noir was FABULOUS, and I love all of his films. Army of Shadows was a masterpiece. So, Polonsky banned just like Dassin?? Dassin made his best films when in Europe. 'Rififi' & 'Night & the City' had much more depth than 'The Naked City' & Theives Highway. Although 'Theives Highway' was really well done.
  15. Peeping Tom is a sleeper, and very suspenseful. Criterion is discontinuing about ten films, and Peeping Tom is one of them. I snatched two copies, one to sell at a later date. The Hitchcock Criterion Collection 'Wrong Men & Notorious Women" (five films) can fetch an easy $250 on eBay. I bought Rebecca & Notorious (Criterion) a few years ago to replace my older Anchor Bay featureless versions. Rebecca used was $75 and I think I paid slightly over $50 for a used copy of Notorious. I know Hitchcock did not like Selznick’s control over him while making Rebecca, but that film is in my personal top five Hitch movies. I loved the atmosphere, the amazing performances of Joan Fontaine, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Judith Anderson’s evil presence, the huge doors and eye level doorknobs. At least there was some of Hitch’s trademark dry humor in the film. I’ve always wondered if Orson Welles copied the over sized fireplace and doors from Rebecca for Citizen Kane. -------------------------------------- I watched my fist Claude Chabrol film tonight, 'La Ceremonie'. Not exactly one of his masterpieces, but overall, a fine film. God, foreign cinema towers over the shlock that hollywood puts out. My preference in film is Film Noir & the Nouvelle Vague period established by Mellville, Truffaut and Goddard. I also have an affinity to good French policiers like the Oliver Marchal thrillers- "MR73" & "36 quai des orfevres." As you can see, I like films about criminal behavior. But even modern European cinema makes hollywood look downright childlike. Check out 'Monsieur Hire' Directed by Patrice Laconte-----A must see sleeper. You also get the benefit of a young Sandrine Bonnaire The film holds up amazingly well for being over twenty years old.
  16. It's always nice to find out your crime has an opportunity for an upgrade. Next time I kill someone in my dreams, I'll have to think about the premeditation a little harder.
  17. Would you care to know how to properly & legally choke a B word??
  18. Back in the dizzle breakdancing was done on cardboard.
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