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Everything posted by d_wag

  1. at least pennington played.......that is more then john "moneybags" abraham can say.......if the NY media is going to slay someone, it should be him.........
  2. well that wasn't really a stretch to call him a potential legal problem -- he was dealing with legal sh*t when he got drafted........ however, in the last year, he has kept his nose clean and may finally be wising up........once this guy gets his head on straight and focuses on football he's going to be a stud, and a stud is not easy to find at TE.......... i'd love to see the bills take a chance on the guy, but i doubt it will happen.......1) i think the hawks have invested enough in him that they're willing to wait it out and 2) TD doesn't like guys with off the field issues.......but someone mentioned potential trade ideas, and that is one that would make sense for both teams......i don't see anyone else offering suggestions, just critisism
  3. what about jerramy stevens from SEA? 1st round pick 3 years ago who has had some off the field issues, but every time i see this guy you can't help but marvel at his raw skills.........6'7".........260......soft hands.......i think he's ready to breakout......
  4. keep an eye on dane looker tonight.........UFA this off-season who hasn't been given much of a chance in STL........i'd love to see him and his speed brought in to push reed and aiken.........
  5. there loss is our gain.......thank you martz!!!!!!!!!
  6. steven jackson is the kind of franchise back every team wants.......big, fast, and elusive.......why do they need faulk and his 5.75 salary next year? especially considering all the big cap hits on the rams as it is.... anyone know the rams cap relief for dumping faulk this off-season?
  7. i think they're are quite a few similarities between dillon's situation last year and henry's situation this year.........
  8. just like we'd NEVER get a 1st rounder for peerless.......it happened, and so will henry for a 2nd rounder........
  9. "If Harrington were to play the 2005 season with the Lions, his salary cap number would be just under $10 million. The Lions can absorb that for this year and also make it easier for them to release Harrington next season (for a cap hit of less than $4 million). If the Lions restructure Harrington's deal, however, and then want to cut him next year, the cap hit would be closer to $8 million." they got some options there and they don't have to commit to him long term in order to do it........
  10. i hate to rain on everyone's parade, but i just don't see the lions releasing him this soon......drew brees showed that some QB's develop slower then others and that it is not a good idea to give up on a guy to soon........i think harrington will develop as well, just requires more patience.......they've invested alot in him already, and they'd be foolish to dump him now......
  11. i agree, i think it will effect his "oh so important" pay cheque.....he has proven he can't be counted on to act in the team's best interest and cares more about himself then a big game.......
  12. green bay is hurting big-time for cap room.......i think harrington could still snag a better contract from someone else at his age.......if he wants to take less money, green bay would be a defanite option........
  13. and god knows donahoe loves CHEAP........to bad he won't pony up the cash to keep a good, young player like jennings around and instead goes bargain bin shopping........with our cap, we can afford to keep our talent around.......
  14. he was cleared by doctors to play over a week before the game.......he was listed as probable -- i.e. the team EXPECTS him to play........he downgraded himself.......75% by his own statements? so now he's smarter then a doctor? please, i don't trust a word he says when it's obvious he has other motivation...... "I have to weigh my options" options? what options? the only "option" he has to worry about is a playoff game and whether he is healthy enough to play (which the doctors deemed was the case).......otherwise, he's more concerned about money then rings.......plain and simple.......
  15. he wouldn't be the first punter to handle kick-off duties........it's not like it's unheard of........
  16. hate to break it to ya, but he was cleared by doctors.....he was ready to go....... it wasn't something to do with it, it was EVERYTHING.........that is what abraham said......... actually, edwards and bradway have been defending him.......you would expect them to be negative about it? not when they're hoping to resign him/trade him.......of course they're going to kiss his ass.........
  17. i've always wondered why moorman's big leg can't handle that.........i'm sure they've tried it though.......
  18. it's no wonder you don't "get it" -- there is a HUGE difference between a regular season game and a playoff game.......
  19. he'd be a great addition.........as for him being over-rated due to the dome, let's not forget he toiled in the CFL before coming to the NFL.......he used to kicking in bad conditions.......
  20. after the year wiley just had (combined with the previous two where he amassed only 9 sacks), i think he's done with big money deals......... 1 year at the vet min is not out of the question.......few teams will want the guy with his attitude.........
  21. your right he's not in that "fraternity"......if he was, he'd get their market value......i never said he'd get that kind of money....... pace - turned down 13 million bonus/wants 20 million ogden - 15 million bonus jones - turned down 14 million bonus/wants 18 million roaf - 6.5 million bonus, but on a contract signed 3 years ago.....would be looking at 12+ if he signed today jenkins - what the hell? when are people going to realize that a 10 million signing bonus IS what jennings is worth?? that's what the market dictates, and just because you don't want to pay it doesn't make him overpaid....... buffalo fans seem to always want to under-value their players in relation to the market.......it's not rocket science -- luke petitgout, todd wade, john tait, chad clifton, flozell adams, etc..........these guys are all comparable to jonas and, as a result, he will get a comparable contract........he's earned it, based on his play.......
  22. i don't know why there are so many posts questioning what kind of money JJ will see as a free agent -- it's obvious if you just look at the market from the past few years...... 5 million/year 10 million signing bonus those are the MIN numbers.......if the bills aern't willing to pay that, they're going to let him walk because that is market value and he's earned it....... top 5 money? top 10 money? over-used terms......just talk dollars and cents......
  23. i'd switch the 2nd rounder from a "pass rush specialist" to a "nickelback" and be quite content.......the rest of your list i love and feel it is completely realistic, although i have doubts that TD will sign a top guard and instead will try to get by with a "bargain bin" guy.......i hope that isn't the case because, with our cap situation, we don't need to go discount shopping at that position.......it's a need and it should be addressed (should have been addressed last off-season)......
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