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Everything posted by CountryCletus

  1. Was only 45 minutes off of my home location....
  2. I am at Ft Lee Virginia, a couple hours from DC... I was considering a day trip tomorrow
  3. If I’m at a mix and match joint, I will throw one or two Raging Bitches in the cart...
  4. If these fellas don’t straighten up I’m gonna send this thread info along to a fella I know that will inundate you with so much lock knowledge you will want to start staying in topic!!!
  5. This has nothing to do with Parking at Hammers for the Dolphins game Read above.... Rules were not made to be broken... ? poor Mead shouldn’t suffer from hijacking....
  6. I will cut you! Likes PSU guys.... but not like that...
  7. I think I drank 12 Guinesses and 2 Jack and Cokes last night....
  8. Eats venison like it’s going out of style.... always well supplied
  9. He may need a hand plowing the lot.... bring snow pants and gloves
  10. Get to the lot early, pay more...: there’s a sign and everything
  11. No doubt he will be a wall of fame guy.... I hope’s around a lot, he’s a hell of a man
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