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DC Grid

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Everything posted by DC Grid

  1. I believe Spiller will be just fine and develop into a Reggie Bush like back. If the Bills were more desperate for RB help he would have had a better year as he'd get more touches. (Obviously this only underlines what an odd luxury pick an RB was.) Think of how jackson didn't hit his stride in the season till about 100 carries in, or how Jackson and Lynch usually take 5-10 carries a game to even get going. Right now Spiller is getting 2-5 carries and that's it. I think there is also another aspect of Spiller's development that people are missing. The time crunch Chan Gailey has been under. Coordinating plays and developing a player in a reggie bush like roll takes time and effort. Looking at the comments coming out of OBD when Spiller was drafted it seems that Chan was planning to spend tons of time with Spiller and integrate him into the offense in a Bush like or Harvin like manner. But that was when Chan didn't really seem to appreciate the mess he'd have on his hands QB wise. Instead of being able to focus on inegrating Spiller, Chan was working his rear off to try to prepare a QB to start for the Bills. He spent all preseason and the fist two games trying to make Edwards the guy, then had to completely retool and go to work on Fitz after he realized Edwards was a lost cause. As was talked about ad nauseum in the offseason, Chan is a hands on OC. He is in EVERY QB meeting, he lives with them, and he has head coaching duties to boot. Given all of this Chan really hasn't had the time to work with Spiller or worry about his development. This wouldn't be a big issue if Spiller was the typical plug and play back, or if the Bills didn't have Freddy (and Lynch at the start) and Spiller had the opportunity to learn on the field through voluminous opportunites. But Spiller as Chan envisions him is a different kind of back. And Chan spent the entrie preseason and weeks 1-5 of the regular season just trying to figure out who his QB was and bring them up to speed. Then Chan spent every waking moment trying to hold the team together and prevent a winless season. As things finally settled down a little, and he might have had time to better integrate Spiller, Spiller got hurt. Over the next 4 weeks Chan should finally have more time to work with Spiller, but with the OL now a complete disaster again due to a rash of injuries I wouldn't expect any back to excel in the Bills offense the rest of this year. And even when the line was healthy, Spiller's style was the worst posible paring with the Bills OL. Spiller is an outside runner...nothing wrong with that, but an outside runner needs OTs that can run block. Right now the Bills have 0 OTs who can effectively run block on sweeps or pitches. Freddy has success becuase he gets to run behind some of the better young interior linemen in the NFL. When Spiller gets a pitch or a sweep, he is running behind THE WORST OTs in the entire NFL. I don't defend drafting Spiller. I wanted Bulaga at the time, and it is clear the Bills desperately could have used a defensive player instead, but labeling Spiller a bust at this point is premature and ignorant of the totality of circumstances.
  2. I'd rather take the guy out of Colorado Nate Soldar. Dude had a rough start to this season but has been turning it on. At the least he is an absolute road grader at RT who goes 6-8 and is 310 lbs, at best he unseats Bell and is the franchise LT that helps solidify the Bills OL for whoever is the QB. I'm hoping for an OT first and a QB second round. But from what little we have seen of this FO's draft strategy I think they are more likely to go 3-4 DE with the 1st pk and maybe QB second, and look to round 3-5 for more OTs.
  3. Obviously the Bills are still a decent mess, but it seems there are some key re-signings that need to happen this offseason for the team to continue its slow turnaround. "Glass man" Poz -- quietly having a darn good year, stats put him as a top 5 LB Donte Whitner -- having a career year Drayton Florence -- the only CB worth a darn week in and week out this year Who would you add?
  4. If AVP is cool with giving up the nickname the Pill, I say Pillsbury dough boy.
  5. I did qualify my comments rather clearly by saying that this was based on the assumption that he became all they hoped he'd be. I know looking great in camp isn't everything, but it does usually go a long way. I can think of a number players on the bills who weren't drafted the highest, were off the radar and made a name for themselves in their first camp with the team, which eventually translated into on field success. In terms of current players that list I offer Steve Johnson, Race Parish, George Wilson, and Kyle Williams. I don't know if Easley will be added to that list, but that is the plan for him.
  6. Easley looked very good in camp, big picture he is the guy that will be paired with Steve Johnson going forward (assuming he develops as they hope he will). Evans will be on the roster only 1-2 more years (I think the Bills would gladly deal him in the offseason for a 3rd rounder, but no one will pay that). Easley's 6'3" 210lbs and can flat out run. If he can develop and David Nelson continues to progress the Bills could be looking at one of the NFL's best receiving corps in a couple of years. Gone are the days of the mighty midget lineup and constnatly trying to find a big receiver. They will have a starting three that are big and fast. As it stands already, I don't see it making any sense for the Bills to use any draft picks next year on WRs as they have some decent potential 6 deep right now. Johnson, Evans, Parrish, Easley, Nelson, Jones. Given their mini logjam a WR I think it might even make sense to try to convert David Nelson to a TE. He's big as it is and would seem to have the frame to add more weight. If Easley looks good and healthy next year in minicamps I think the Chan gang should consider this option as the current TEs are wreched.
  7. They should definitely trade spiller. Then they should trade away Kyle williams, Steve Johnson, and blow up the Ralph with the rest of the team in it. All of these moves would be equally sensible. Moron.
  8. Assuming the Bills win at least one more game, Luck will be a non issue. He will go in the top 2, likely number 1 overall and so when the Bills pick (currently they'd be 4th) he'll be gone, IF he even declares for the draft. With that in mind I think the Bills will likely be taking a DE with their top pick, and trying to grab whoever falls (Mallett, Locker, Newton etc) at the top of the second round. Given that Fitz can provide an excellent bridge and mentor, at the worst, and might actually be capable of being "the guy" himself Bills fans should be pretty happy with this scenario.
  9. Despite all the national BS, talk of a Harbaugh grudge, speculation that no one would ever want to go to Buffalo, when you look at it, Buffalo is a pretty appealing situation for a QB in terms of on-field career development. On the national level everyone lumps this team in with the last decade of futility and fails to appreciate the subtle changes that make Buffalo a pretty good starting place for a highly drafted QB. All teams who draft in the No. 1 spot stink, and have loads of negative baggage so many negatives people would point to about Buffalo plague every team. About the only wild card in Buffalo is worse late season weather, and a shaky ownership structure. Now for the reasons Buffalo should appeal to Luck or his advisers: 1- Chan Gailey. Buffalo has an offensive minded coach in Chan Gailey who seems to be able to get the most out of his QBs. He's turned turds like Kordell, Thigpen, Fitz etc, into legitimate starting QBs while he was around them. He has a solid playbook that is heavy on passing options, and he calls an excellent game. 2- Fitz. Buffalo has a decent starting QB right now who has little to no chance to be a long term starter, but who could serve as a great mentor. He also helps provide a bridge such that if Luck isn't ready to play right away he can learn on the sidelines and not have his career destroyed by being thrown in to early. Carolina for example has no one like this. Fitz is a non-threatening mentor. 2 years from now no one thinks Fitz could be starting over a guy like Luck. In Carolina, Luck would likely be thrown to the wovles and if he floundered Claussen another high draft pick with some long term potential would be waiting in the wings. 3- Skilled position players. You'd be hard pressed to find another team drafting No. 1 overall with as much talent at the skilled positions as Buffalo. At RB you have the steady freddy Jackson a back good for a plus 4 yards per carry average and over 1000 a year, and the dynamic and developing Spiller. At WR you have the speedy vet Lee Evans, and the fast developing star in Steve Johnson. Add to that role playing WRs like David Nelson and Roscoe Parish and you could be looking at one of the better up and coming WR corps in the NFL. 4- Buffalo has an improving OL. Not necessarily a good one, but with a another high OT draft pick and development of those on the roster the Bills will have a solid OL that can keep Luck from getting killed.
  10. Whoa there captain sensitive, I think you might have hung a wrong turn on the internet. Oprah's bookclub meets on a different site.
  11. You're missing a big part of the story. Take a look at what he found later in just a couple of those drafts: 2009- Austin Collie- 4th round 2008- Pierre Garconn- 6th round And this is just off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure there are more such picks.
  12. If we can get Carimi and Mallet or Locker, Nix might start looking like genius. I've never got all the people who trash Carimi, but after the season he's putting together right now I think it will be hard to find those doubters come April. It always stinks when you notice an underrated prospect and hope the Bills can snag him only to watch him fly up the draft boards over the course of their final college season, like Ngata, or P. Rivers. Luckily given how the Bills are playing this year, Carimi won't rise higher than where the Bills will be drafting.
  13. You have 10 screws loose if you think Carimi will be around for a second in round 2. Flipping your first two picks is far more likely. Barring catastrophe, Carimi will be the number 1 OT in the draft (number 2 at worst). When was the last time the number two rated OT didn't get drafted in the first round? Hint, it rhymes with schmever.
  14. Locker has looked inconsistent at best all year. At the top if the second or bottom of the first ve deserves consideration next draft as does mallet but not before.
  15. Sorry canucks, this is America, the Bills are the only choice. You might as well ask would you rather have freedom or $14.
  16. ...Gabe Carimi, OT, University of Wisconsin. Mark it down. I know it might not be the most popular pick, but with Luck likely staying in school another year this will be the Bills pick assuming Nix and Co aren't trying to "major league" their way out of town. He's a stud LT who would instantly lock down a huge hole on the roster and give the Bills a fundamental building block. No Qb besides Luck looks worth a pick in the top half of the first round, so going with the second highest need is the ONLY move. On the bright side, given their current play it is almost a lock that the Bills, if they have the number one overall pick, could get a booked OT and still draft either Locker or Mallet at the top of round 2. I'm not saying Carimi is the next Joe Thomas, but there's a good chance he could be the next Michael Oher, which would be a dream come true for the Bills.
  17. I think It's a really weird situation when the defending champ is the less experienced fighter but that is what was going on tonight and it showed. I hope for ufc's sake Brock learns from his mistake and rededicates himself and regains the crown.
  18. I'm a Big Ten fan and love OSU as the best hope to return the Big Ten to glory this year, but like anyone else who's watched college football the last 5 years, I know the Big Ten is far from the best Conf these days, and OSU often starts redhot only to fizzle in short order. Pryor is an interesting guy and would be worth a late round flyer, maybe even a 3rd or 2nd if he proves himself the rest of the year and at the combine, but your current love seems a little over the top.
  19. I think the biggest positive I took away from today's game is that there are only 11 brutal losses left to endure this year. I'm really eager to see who they pass up on in the 2011 draft.
  20. Don't dispare, we've got this locked down. After today's game I'm ready tp make the 0-for call. Just thank goodness this is still a 16 game season so we can at least share the platform of shame with Detroit.
  21. Assuming there is a 2011 labor strike / lockout how does the NFL recover? With their sponsors like NBC, ESPN, Directv, etc all having contracts that made them pay for a season that never happened they will want huge numbers again immediately, so how does the NFL stave off a drop off in interest. Post 1994 in baseball, MLB juiced the ball and allowed all the players to get on juice. How could the NFL adapt this strategy to its game?
  22. If the CBS late game map is to be beleived the Dems really are in a lot of trouble. If the Fox late game map is to be beleived, I'm moving back to Australia.
  23. Deal. Even if you are a dude, there's a good chance you'd look better than a number of the current Jills.
  24. I'll gladly buy the Bills. Heck I'll even give him double what he paid, $50k. I'd miss my 401k, but owning the Bills would be pretty cool too. My first idea to generate greater ticket sales would be to hold a raffle using ticket stubs before each game with the winner getting to play a quarter at whatever position they wanted. Except punter, cause you dont mess with the head of a franchise punter.
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