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North Buffalo

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Posts posted by North Buffalo

  1. My route was the longest of any carrier between 1983-1987. I had well over 875 customers and my delivery times were usually 6-8 hours which was recognised as the third best time but I also had 80-100 more businesses and houses compared to Larry Morton and Chet Blank (those two really werent better than me but they had less catalogs and packages). I had more satisfied people that knew me and kept asking for my route to be expanded but my boss (the superintendant) didnt want to increase it. Shirl and i have discussed this before and she knows I had the hardest rout but I never complained. Just like Russ Brandin. And no we arent third best in the division. We have great players and we'll get more with Tyrod redoing his contract. Im even writing a letter to Mr Peluga to see if he wants me to help look at tickets this season until October when we go to Arizona for winter.

    The Bills finished behind the Fish and the Cheatriots... unless you are doing advanced calculus with those mag deliveries behind two other teams is third place...
  2. Quote him

    North Buffalo has your head all foggy. South Buffalo is the place where people think straight. Mr Brandin has done a great job and should be given more responsiBills. He really is a nice guy when I met him. I don't have a photo thing on my trackphone but he was nice enough to help me find Shirls latch rug craft section. Its the little things he does that should be recognised. Quote him

    Thanks mike.

    Nice guys finish last and so do the Bills under Russ.
  3. Of course unions aren't the only ones creating tension - I'm not implying that. The labor/management relationship always has the potential for clashes. Adding unions to the mix adds another dimension to an already adversarial relationship. LA is right though - if you are unhappy in your job, and you can't change the situation, then at some point a person needs to understand that it's on them to do something about it. A union can't solve everything.

    . True but a Union helps balance an uneven power relationship in a potentially adversarial setup. That dimension i would argue is better for the worker in the long run, but id company is failing it is too easy to blame union for ressons for the failing, ignoring the underlying issue.
  4. While I can empathize with the situation at your wife's workplace, the reality is that poisoned atmospheres create high turnover, high turnovers create inefficiencies, inefficiencies erode margins, and once the pocketbook gets hit, people who own/run the company tend to adjust personnel to eliminate the poisoned atmosphere.


    It doesn't often happen quickly, and many times it's corrected long after the quality people are gone, but in the end, when you find yourself at a bad job, you only have to ask yourself a few questions:


    Can you change it?


    If the answer is no, can you live with it?


    If the answer is still no, then, well, what are you waiting for?


    You can always go get what your worth. Always. But it's up to you, not someone else to make that happen.


    Here's an example: The Buffalo News is in the process, apparently, of developing new contracts for the workers. The newspaper will do promotions about how great it is, and when they do, left wing-nutbag-turned-sports writer Timmah Graham is often times tweeting "If the newspaper is that great, it can afford to give the workers the contract they want."


    This is stupidity. If you want to make a point to the newspaper, quit and get what you're worth somewhere else. And if you can't, come to terms what your current market value and take the steps necessary to increase your value.


    Unfortunately, self-important people are usually crappy as self-awareness and, ultimately self-accountability, so the easy, lazy, progressive thing to do is complain that you're not getting what you're worth because 'the man' is out to get you.

    Too easy to blame the left or progressives. Bad management is bad management whether the left is complaining about the mannor the right is complete laining about the union... Complaining is usually not a good sign in general. Self important ceos raping and pillaging a company while cutting workforce in the name of downsizing is also a bad sign.

  5. A right to work state recognizes the right to unionize. Unlike other states, you are not forced to join a union just to work. With regard to pay and benefits, there are many unions, each with their own contracts and negotiations. Some are more powerful than others. Speaking for myself, I make about 35% more in hourly wage than telecom techs make working for companies with a non-unionized workforce, and I have excellent health insurance provided to me free of charge. The drawback of a unionized workforce is that it creates a very real "us vs them" mentality between labor and management, which I believe is detrimental to the business, and ultimately to the customer.

    That I understand though Unions are not the only ones that create that tension. My wife is a nurse in a non-union shop in ny and management constantly creates tension with the nurses. Docs are catered too and this ortho OR hospital is losing nurses rapidly because of this poisoned atmosphere. It happened on Capitol Hill in certain offices when I was there. Staffers avoided those office which had nothing to do with politics. It crossed party lines, but we served at the descretion and salaries were and are relatively low even for public servants.

  6. there is a reason that tom made an automated script for tibs and pastajoe. They're not worth time. Replying to either makes the board worse. Just if youbdidnt know. They're a farce and need to be banned

    Oh common all these discussions are biased farces on both sides claiming rumor and innuendo as facts and attacking the messengers when someone disputes. Pot can I introduce you to the kettle.

    Clapper saying there’s no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign & Russians seems rather important, no? http://bit.ly/2mMxw0m



    So, if we believe Clapper:


    1. Trump's claim of wiretapping is false.


    2. Dems claim of Trump-Russia collusion is false.


    Your move Dems.



    Gator, Pasta, Baskin,,,,,,,,,,,and the rest


    No....no...no........“He’s lying about the part I don’t like, but telling the truth about the part I like!”

    Clapper has his own bureaucratic agenda to extracate from the political fray... Aint happening on either side.., Trump or his associates??? We shall see and doesnt take Sessions off the hook.

  7. No. I am a union employee in a right to work state. I earn the highest non-management wage in the company - an extremely large company that everyone is familiar with. Every few years we have negotiations, we eventually get a new, good contract, and I only had to strike once - for two days. Right to work does not prevent unions from either existing or helping advocate for the employee. What right to work does is hold the union's feet to the fire to make sure the employees are well trained and keep the wages and benefits from becoming inflated to the point of being impractical. When you're a business in a right to work state, a company with a unionized workforce must still be competitive with non-union companies - ultimately that competition still works for the consumer.


    Another way to look at it is having the freedom to choose. Right to work does not eliminate unions, it only allows non-union companies to enter into competition. Choice is always good. Competition is always good. Everyone benefits.

    It depends as long as right to unionize is protected... in a lot of places even in NY it isnt always done. True Unions can become unresponsive, not good... to me though unless anti-trust laws are enforced im not sure right to work is good plus does the earning power calcs include health insurance purchases?

  8. Do you remember how upset the political left was when as SoS, Hillary Clinton laundered millions through the Clinton Foundation from terrorist states in exchange special favors?


    Neither does anyone else.

    All heresy by right wing conspiracy theorists but turn around is fair play so have at it. Clinton and Bushes were in bed with same crowd... Trump isnt so this is upsetting the apple cart for better or worse.
  9. Hey Nut...look on the bright side. The income of union workers can go up over $2K a year now that they're not forced to give that money to the union. So some of them will actually get a raise!


    Plus, it's always been a liberal demand to get big business money out of political campaigns. Buy reducing the amount that unions are able to shake down from employees, this definitely helps reduce the role that big companies like SEIU plays in getting people elected.



    Sounds like a great idea. You should be thrilled with it.


    Oh, wait. Let me guess. How can we help the average working joe if we can't force him to belong to our group and pay us money to have a job?


    Yeah. Shoulda known.


    Really right to work states cause workers to get shafted. PS also union health insurance lots cheaper than outta pocket costs of employer owned or run insurance cos. Workers get the shaft then in missourri. Would have agreed till i had to join a union and now wont work at a scab shop.

  10. None of those things are evidence of anything, certainly not evidence that Russia influenced the election or has somehow compromised Trump.


    And that's the real issue right? Whether or not Russia tipped the scales of the election illegally in favor of Trump and whether or not they compromised him or his team?


    To date, despite months of speculation and unnamed sources citing speculations, there's been zero evidence proffered to make that case. None. Zip. Zilch. It's all circumstantial and speculative.


    But because you don't like Trump (nor do I), you're willing to take the speculations and stories of people who are PROVEN LIARS at face value because they fit the narrative you like best.


    That's not evidence. That's confirmation bias of the worst kind... kind of like the confirmation bias that got the majority of Americans to support invading Iraq after being lied to by the very same people you're now citing as paragons of the truth. Here's an honest question, let's say everything you think happened actually did and there's a smoking gun to prove it which comes out to the public. What happens next? Do you think it stops at Trump's impeachment?



    Of course ti doesn't stop at Trump's impeachment, because if the Russians actually did what they're being accused of, it would be an act of war that would demand a response militarily.


    ...And then, that's the ballgame.


    You just really have to take the time to walk out these scenarios to see where they're leading.

    And zero evidence that Trump was tapped but he made the accusation... show evidence.... pics want them candid.


    Trump has admitted business dealings with Russia. Russian officials have admitted attempts to influence elections and have been harboring, Assange who has had axe to grind against Clintons. Whether Trump or his family is guilty of treason before the election hasnt been proven... ill agree to that... still follow the money

    Until Trump discloses his tax returns, his denials are disengenous at best.

    I don't want to take Trump's word for it, but you clearly do want to take the word of people who are proven liars (WMD in Iraq/NSA spying et al) because the lie they're pushing on you fits your political outlook.


    That's not real evidence. That's the thinking of a lazy and uninspired lemming. My entire point of contention is that since there is no evidence being offered, we're forced to just take the word of people who just recently lied us into a war we're still fighting. Only now they're trying to goad us into a war with the largest nuclear power on the planet.


    If that isn't alarming to you, then you're more of a partisan hack than people give you credit for.

    Trump making an accusation is not evidence either.

  11. Again, not defending Trump.


    There's a difference between being upset that unelected intelligence officers from our own IC are undermining our democratic processes and defending Trump.


    To date there has been ZERO evidence proffered that "Trump is now making us Ruskies". None. Zip. Zilch.


    So, I'd say you should look in the mirror. If you're really so concerned that Russians influenced the election (again, there's zero evidence of this) then shouldn't you be equally concerned about American intelligence officers doing the same?


    The difference is there's far more proof that American intelligence officers are the ones performing the psyop on our country than FSB or GRU.


    Bull crap there is plenty and Trump's financial dealing... what we know about them are enough... in politics follow the money... Clinton's with Saudi's and Trump and the Russians. Common get your head outta the ostrich..
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