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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Just wanted an affirmation that you don't not some passive meely mouthed, I haven't avowed violence... Unless again its protecting your goaltender or capping Tom Brady's knees.
  2. Really... how is that different than fascists and right wingers... middle ages come to mind...Balance man, capitalism with a safety net is where I am at. Still haven't see where you disavow right wing violence.
  3. really one of you called them communists and had posted pics from who knows where of guys in black carrying communists flags and now you call them socialists... who's the (*^*&%^$^#dc... make up your mind or better yet learn the difference or really because you can't argue logically, so you resort to calling names... pathetic
  4. I dont support them Joe anymore than you support Nazi's... quit it... They are anti right but dont recognize its a circle not a continuum... violent left and right meet on the other side and both are command and control oligops Im sure you can find flags some of them fly and are communists but they are not that monolithic. Either way they support violence as a way to confront what they deem the opposition right. So Joe do you support right wing violence... haven't seen you disabow it only attack the antifas. Really DC you are lumping socialists with communists... common man, like lumping conservatives with neo nazis
  5. No they're not... they are anti establishment... they would fight the communists too.
  6. Antifa are anarchists, not necessarily anti fascist but looking for fights. Dont equate Antifa as pro civil rts just anti government. Surprised you dont like them Joe. Guess because they are fighting your guys...
  7. I don't see a difference other than during Obama, conservatives wing nuts sharpened their teeth in public and now with a bat shiite left over occupying our Presidency the rt wingers have put away their files and the left wingnut bought new ones to better sharpen their teeth. Like a circle #%#! here we go round and round... ack thppt...
  8. Trump is a horses rear end. Even when I agree with him he bothers me. Rule no dont attack the media... talk down to them... crack funny jokes and if you cant smile and wave... Clinton baffled them with stats and stories, Reagan with sharp wit... Bush 1 with dignity, Bush 2 with barroom humor... Trump just pisses people off or get ns people to attack castles with hate in their eyes. He has to find a stick to put off the media... not energize them...
  9. Just figuring that out now? Worst news annnouncer ever..,
  10. Antifa is bad agreed... but so far they haven't run a car into a crowd. BLM agree has some bad actors preying on a movement supposed to be peaceful. Agreed all violence and hate speech should be condemned except as it pertains to Tom Brady... can we all agree on that?
  11. . Fine, personal experience though I know there is a lot more too it. But I was an uncontrolled jerk when I was young. Racists on all sides are dangerous and anger in younguns is even more so. The Middle East wars are about race and ethnicity and look at the results. Calling me an idiot is your deal. As a young adult I wasnt racially focused... just pissed off at a World I did not understand and brewing for a fight... any fight. PS didnt say white racists should be shot but go ahead and put words in my mouth. The left wing punk anarchists are getting to the level of right wing guys. Again angry young males looking for fights...and dangerous... Solution.., reprogramming... frontal lobotomies for all and chip shock therapy... serious sarcasm..
  12. Damn we agree on something... just listened to the Guess Who last nite in the ER... " American Woman stay away..."
  13. Yeh he does, that being said the hysteria bubble stems from the fact that no one is listening to each other, not looking for reasonable solutions and just looking for a fight. Happens when there is a leadership vacuum and the current President is a self indulgent psycho who gets offended a the meer appearance of a perceived slight. Trump needs to grow a pair and settle down. And once the dust settles maybe some actual compromise can happen. Ain't gonna happen right now... hence the hysteria bubble...
  14. . I know Im coming into this debate late. And hate speech should never be tolerated. Threats should be actively investigated and punished. But seriously college campuses are so much tamer then the 60s and 70s where cops came on campus to pick fights with the hippies. Again, not to sound insensitive, but this kinda stuff has been going at least since the 60s and its part of the learning process. Protests... protests against protests happen. Young people learning to stick up for themselves. Arrogant proffesors being stupid and not responding appropriately. Meh... let it play itself out. The one thing I will say... the mellenials have a long way to go before they understand what hard work is all about. Have a 13 year old, good kid but a definite mommas boy. On the race side of things. I've seen a bit of both sides and White anger just scares me... black anger is tough but can be turned with some respect and inclusion. White anger at that age is directionless or directed at whoever is in the way. PS I was once an angry young white male... Now just an old fart who plays hockey and takes my aggression out on the ice. Again just my observations.
  15. Hence why I am no longer YellowLinesandArmadillos to quote a infamous Congressmam from Texas
  16. Slow day at work, just felt the need to poke the bear. It's an itch that needs scratching once in a while, though not as often as when I did this crap for a living. I see this board is still about the same and so much fun... woopie!
  17. So if Joe is against Terrorists why isn't he advocating squashing the neo nazi's like bugs to paraphrase his words...the hypocrisy... There are segements on the clueless extremes of both sides advocating this for years and always will...
  18. Was tempted, was thinking about it because she was such a bad candidate. I hear you... I more middle of the road thinking some safety spending is important but could be done so much more efficiently but so could defense spending. Would love to see line-item veto return. Defense spending and Medicare make up almost 90% of budget... Not much left for room for social spending. Still lots of money wasted.
  19. Good analogy... one messed up by drugs... the other who knows oxy?? both clueless and tone deaf. And both get/got pissed off when confronted.
  20. Lol spell check didnt catch fixed but it could be.., Nancy Pelosi without the grating voice but same political acuuem.
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