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Everything posted by raleighbillsfan78

  1. Manny & Mario played together in college Wolfpack!
  2. Ive met Mario a few times when he played at NC State Ill see what I can do! haha He's a monster though... One can dream.
  3. That said, I think Ryan is a pretty damn good coach. The Jets aren't that much more talented than the Bills IMO. And I do like his swagger. But that's stuff you keep in house and don't broadcast. I guarantee Belichick talks a ton of crap but he keeps it in house Really????? Reavis,Ferguson,Mangold,Scott,Plax,Holmes Do we have the best corner in football? 2 Perennial Pro Bowlers on the OL 2 Stud receivers ..and they dont have more talent???? Rex Blows
  4. Its ALWAYS about the QB! Pats & GB have two of the worst pass defenses in the HISTORY of the NFL this year Two #1 seeds w/ two future HOF QB's
  5. I think we should sign the Rooney family out of Pittsburgh.
  6. "Dont worry Fitzy, lets go out and get some Buffalo kitty tonight, Jesus will forgive us in th morning.."
  7. Nobody circles the drain like the Buffalo Bills.. Maybe we need to Occupy the Ralph!
  8. Nobody circles the drain... Like the Buffalo Bills
  9. We should have been cordial hosts and brought in Fireman Ed So we can **** on his head all day long! Go Bills!!! I HATE the jets and their dbag cheerleader.
  10. #37 is going to the Pro Bowl & GQ below average Sanchize is in for a world of hurt! Go Bills
  11. #50 & #51: We should have resigned Poz, he is what a Buffalo Bills stands for!, Barnett sucks.
  12. So winning the turnover battle on a weekly basis isnt a good way to win? Im pretty sure that teams that have a great +- in turnovers win consistantly It means you have a smart disciplined offense, and an agressive ball hawking defense lets keep finding things to be unhappy about!!!
  13. Eagles Giants Redskins Jets Cowboys We do well in the next 5 weeks we are in the playoffs We take it on the chin...at least we're moving in the right direction Go Bills!!
  14. Only to NOT have the bills cover..SOB!!! Cant hate on Walter Payton, BUT these regional covers blow.. Lets Go Buffalo
  15. Love the national media talkin Buffalo! Now lets go out and crush the Patriots!
  16. I HATE Brady & the Pats BUT The dude is one of the greatest of all time...easily. And personally i think he is better than Marino. AND Marino was/is a bigger douche than Brady !@#$IN hate Marino.. overrated !@#$ nut!...
  17. http://www.nfljerseysbay.com/ Are these jerseys crap? How patheteic that the Football Giants continue to parade out LT at their 'celebrations' AND that the fans continue to cheer him! Hes close to OJ in the criminal world Why dont we just start bringing back the juice at halftime!? Go Bills!
  18. I understand the debate, but I dont! Would I rather have someone who would be the greatest Buffalo Bill in history or a decent qb & likable guy?! CMON MAN!
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