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Everything posted by Nevergiveup

  1. Nothing solid. It has just been very quiet regarding Mornhingweg. Kind of surprising considering all the other coaches that have been mentioned.
  2. The owner is the ultimate issue, but the drafts over the last few years other than a couple of players are Modrak's. I am sure there is still debate over what players people like and don't like, but at least you know who is responsible.
  3. Sounds like you just backed me up. Just trying to provide some insight. If you would rather not have it, that is fine. Of course TD was calling shots. But that was a few years ago. It has been Modrak's draft to run since. Marv was not picking anything except the restaruant that was having the early bird special at 4:30 every day.
  4. Larry must have finally given in and started using the internet. At least we know where his story came from.
  5. Double edge. You could argue that he has been as imporant to the business as Brandon has. However he is definitely a detriment to football. Keep an eye on the coaching search. If they pay big money, that is a good indication that he as been compromised. No way that fits into his economic equation.
  6. You really think Modrak was not pulling the trigger on the early round picks? You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Also, do you think it was Modrak's idea to bring in Nix? Ralph had a long standing relationship with Nix and that is the only reason he was brought in. The last thing he wanted was Nix second guessing his picks. Step away from the computer and stop giving these people such poor information
  7. If Modrak gets fired, as many have commented, it probably won't be until after the draft. I think it is more likely that he stays on in a consulting role. Ralph is a big fan of Modrak's. One the pro side, Nix has probably not had much time to consider what he is doing there with the coaching search occupying most of his time. I would anticipate changes after the coach is hired.
  8. I didn't know he has been so bad for so long. That really puts it in perspective.
  9. Of course Larry picks Marty. Larry is trying to justfy the reason he is still hanging around. Another elder statesman getting a job only helps his cause. He is completely out of touch.
  10. Where did the Bears rate this year in games lost to injury? I don't think you will like the answer to that question. Why have quite a few asst. coaches that many thought were not good here, go on to succeed elsewhere? There are good coaches that have not succeded for any number of reasons and bad coaches that are still in the league. You blind indictment of Allaire is embarrassing. The coaching staff should have been removed becasue the ultimate benchmark is success. But to pin it specifically on Allaire working in a position where many of the problems are out of your control is ridiculous. I am sure Wes Welker or Bill Bellichek would be interested in your injury prevention theories.
  11. That would be great. However Bobby April has already been contaced by multiple teams and there is no way he would ever come back to the Bills after being snubbed for the interim HC job.
  12. You are 100% right. Of course it will never happen. Not to mention, whoever takes your stance with him would be out of a job.
  13. Exactly. Absolutely no one from the Bills organization speaks to Sullivan. So that would mean that he would have to come up with information on his own. It is not likely that he has any solid national relationships or access to inside information. You should not take anything that he says as fact.
  14. Not a big fan. He defintely has talent, but is the farthest thing from a team leader you will find. Also, not a very hard worker and will never show up for something even remotely voluntary. Could be better and more consistent if he ever actually worked at it. Take his talent and give it to a player like Keslay and you would have a superstar. Can't imagine he will be working any harder in the off-season if he is thinking about retiring.
  15. Brilliant. Why don't you add that posting a comment chat site doesn't make you right. I am surprised that one of the teams looking for a strength and conditioning coach has not picked you up yet. Check out this injury stats. Most games lost to injury. Bears, Bills, Colts. Either Rusty or from his tree. How did that happen? If you are in the profession, it is emabarrassing that you would indict one of your own without knowing anything about the guy. Hey Thurman. How is it that you partied like a rock star and had one of the worst work ethics of any player yet stayed relatively injury free?
  16. There were talks about Toronto, but he got it done. There were talks about camp in Rochester, but he got it done. There was never a club seat in the building before he arrived, he got it done. They doubled the number of suites. They secure sponsor after sposnor all without winning anything. It was never done before he arrived then it happens. Coincidence...I think not. If you insist on chalking it up to the great, loyal fan base, explain to me why their were less than 25,000 season ticketholders when he arrived and now there are 55,000? Where was all that proven support then? Stop being petty, small minded, jealous or whatever hater category you fit into. The guy is obviously good at his job.
  17. Thanks for adding some sane commentary to this mix. Bobby April's special teams here have been consistently at the top of the league. As many have pointed out, injuriues to key special teamers definitely played a role in this years numbers. Not too mention, the injuries overall forced back-ups into starter roles further depleting resources to field a strong unit this year. There is a reason he is the only coach to fornally opt out of their contract so far. He can and will get another job. Would not be surpirsed if he was a candidate for some head coaching jobs at the college level. Congrats on a great run here Bobby. Anyone ripping Bobby April does not have a clue. Sorry if there are any typos.
  18. They are not overtraining. I am telling you there is no way a head coach that was as player friendly as Jaroun and ran one of the easiest camps and off-season programs any where would allow his S&C coach to overtrain anyone. Dick's strategy was to go easy on his players to keep them healthy. If it is anything, it is the exact opposite. Please stop with this nonsense. Are there different training techniques that can help with injury prevenetion? Of course, but if you think JT Allaire was not up on the latest you are kiddng yourself. If anything, with a coach as weak as Jaroun, he was not able to get the suport to implement and get compliance with the programs he wanted to install.
  19. Sorry for that. Just imagine how challenging those discussions are prepping for the press conference.
  20. No way it is Marty Schottenhimer or Brian Billick.
  21. Sorry. I just could not let that last one go.
  22. Do you really think Berchtold would put Ralph in front of a microphone if he had a choice? Go the retirement home and grab a random 90 + year old and start talking PR strategy with him. Let me know how that goes. Amazing.
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