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Everything posted by Nevergiveup

  1. "although he has criticized Volek for lying to him, Fisher has not revealed what the lie was[/color], and instead also states that Volek never took advantage of his opportunities once told he was the starter. Many critics state that Volek took full advantage of his chances to become the starting quarterback, pointing towards the reasonably good preseason that the Titans had." Maybe there is 2 sides to this story. Good thing you were there so you know exactly what went down.
  2. Probably some where the owner is not over 90 with out a succession plan.
  3. I love the way you left this part out..... "In late August 2006, coach Jeff Fisher announced that the Titans intended to sign QB Kerry Collins to compete with Volek for the starting QB job. In turn, it has been reported that Volek took issue with this decision and immediately asked to be considered for a trade" Any chance Fisher lied to Volek? Could the demand lead to the fact that they only received a 6th round pick for him? I don't know if this guy could be a starter, but he appears to better than most teams back-ups and if he was available I would look at him. That was all I was saying. I don't think he should be completely written off because of the route he has taken.
  4. I don't need to look that one up to know you are wrong. No way they cut Volek. Had to be signed as a free agent or be part of a trade. Huge difference.
  5. Would have been a nice addition to our practice squad.
  6. He has backed up 2 Pro Bowlers on playoff caliber teams. That does not mean he never wanted to be a starter. He has been one snap away from starting for a very good team in both situations. He could have jumped to a team that would have been a complete disaster or stayed where he was. I don't blame him for picking those situations over the unknown. There are a number of QB's that play their best football well into their 30's. As we have found out, it's not all about youth and phsical talent at the QB position. I would take a chance with him in a minute.
  7. I don't think it will matter much either. They really have no choice but to prepare for Fitz no matter what. There is nothing on Brohm to even watch any way. Unless he is particularly mobile, I am sure they have been preparing for Fitz all week.
  8. Polian loves the kids from Buffalo. I like the fact he gives them a shot.
  9. Overdorf is the VP of Football Administration. Handles player contracts and manages the cap, but it is unlikely he would have any control over what Ralph would pay a coach or GM. With a new regime he might not even be there. Littman would probably have input on the money, but you have to believe it will be Ralp's call.
  10. According to John Wawrow of the Associated Press, who spoke with Wilson via phone from his home in Detroit, Wilson is sticking to his guns on that statement. Quoting Wilson from Wawrow's report, which you can read in full here: "We've got to revamp and take a look at the whole operation, and that's what we're going to do... It's not about money, it's about winning." Is that enough for you? He addresses revamping the entire operation and money. Who knows what he will actually do, but he said it.
  11. The experts are out in force today. How about guys like Rich Gannon, etc. Many players don't even mature as a QB until their 30's. Every time he has stepped on the field he has produced. Maybe he didn't like the options of starting for a bad team over backing up on a good one. Not too mention who knows what the offers were. San Diego seems to like him and they have a pretty good track record. You could bring him in and also draft a young QB. There are not too many players thatg could beat out Rivers right now. He has to be better than what we have and he looks to be a better option than anything I have seen so far.
  12. I know we pursued him at one point. He has been on the bench, but he backs up one of the best QB's in the league. San Diego has tried to retain him every time his contract has come up. Tough to evaluate because of his lack of playing time, but he has to be better than what we have. Anyone know his contract status? Love to be able season to add him to the list of potential QB's next season.
  13. I thought Wilson was quoted saying that money was not the issue or he would spend to get the next coach? It was shortly after Jaruon was fired. Same article talked about how he was evaluating the entire front office. I will try to locate it. Obviously doesn't gaurantee anyhting, but it would end this discussion about whether he said there would be changes.
  14. Classic. Now let's run the only part of this that works out of town. A coward? In one breath it's that he is making no comments and in the second he has no power. I guess you solved your own riddle. You really don't think he would comment if he could. I am sure he likes getting ripped by guys like you and Sully without being able to say a word. I don't want him running the football department either. But I have no problem with him heading up the organization. Andy Reid runs the football, but Joe Banner is the President in Philly. Seems to work pretty well.
  15. I have not completely figured out the Brandon anger. He did not hire one person in the football dept. It looks like he inherited all of them. What is he supposed to do, turn the the promotion down when Wilson offers it to him? You have to give him credit for taking a season ticket base that was less than 30K to 55K without the team performing at all. Not too mention all the other things he has done to solidify the business side. I don't want him making the football decisions either, but he is one of the reasons the team has survived in Buffalo. Unfortunately he looks the most competent person we have to pick the next coach or GM.
  16. Mr. Wilson is 90 plus without anyone in his organization who has ever even hired a coach excpet him. That is a cause for concern. I don't understand why people can't come to grips with that. I hope he stumbles upon the right coach or personnel man, but it is unlikely. I won't hang this current situation on Brandon. He inherited that entire football department and who knows if he has had any real input into that side of the business until now. If my choice is Mr. Wilson or Brandon handling this process, no matter how much history he Ralph has had, I would go with Brandon. For that matter, I would take most of the people on this board over Ralph. Take a random sample of 90 year olds you come into contact with and let me know how you think they would do in this position. Ralph hiring Levy as a GM was a bad move and hiring and extending Jaroun was as well. That being said, I hope there is some kind of consultant involved. Short of that, throw the names into a hat and let's hope we get lucky.
  17. How we determine who the next up and comer is, that is really my concern. I am happy Ralph is willing to spend addtional dollars, but obviously it does not matter unless he gets the right person. It does not appear that we have the people in place to make that call. Maybe he is consulting with someone outside the organization. As I said, if i had to go with anyone that is currently there, it would be Brandon. He has certainly done a good job on the business side. Whether I know him or not, I do know the numbers when he arrived and the numbers they have now. Quite an accomplisment with one playoff appearance during his tenure. We like to talk about the massive fan suport, but go back and look at the season ticket numbers before he arrived. I believe they were under 30K. Unfortunately it doesn't necessarily qualify him to put together an NFL front office, but if I had to roll the dice with anyone there it would be him.
  18. It's not parity. NFL refers to it as Competitve Excellence. Sincerely, Commissioner Goodell
  19. Thank you. That does make me feel slightly better. Even though they have been competitve this year.
  20. As long as he is not the next Rashaun Woods. Would prefer more help on the OL, DL or an LB that can really run.
  21. Dumervil is a free agent? I am sure we passed on him for some lunch pail player with a high motor.
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