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Everything posted by Nevergiveup

  1. Don't joke. There are some people over there that are close with Tressel. The Ohio State pipeline is no coincedence.
  2. The Bills pulled him off the undrafted scrap heap. Made him an O-Lineman, coached him up, gave him a pay raise before he was due one and watched him skip OTA's. He then has 2 years left on the deal the never had to give him the first place and holds out? Not exactly the guy you build around. He is a great player, but it was not going to work here. I would have prefered to get more for him, but the Bills treated him fairly over the years and he screwed the team.
  3. You can't be serious. There is no marketing benefit to playing Fitz. And do you really think Brandon makes the call on the starting QB? Ridiculous.
  4. Brandon extended Jaroun? There is no way that was his call. Mr. Wilson even went on record talking about how he kept Jaruon because he wanted continuity. Wake up.
  5. It is a lose/lose. As long as Ralph has it, we know it will be challenging to field a competitve team. When he sells the team it will not be long for the Buffalo market.
  6. Exactly. That was not much of an article. Probably not a new list, just moving further down any list they have.
  7. Then you better figure out where to spend your money. He will hire whatever comess first. If it is the coach. He will dictate the personnel set-up. If it's a GM. He will hire the coach. Either way, Brandon draws first blood. Which still leaves him in the mix.
  8. He is probably looking for the GM or "football person" as well, which is better than having Ralph do it. It is either going to be Ralph or Brandon. I will go with the guy who has some mental acuity remaining. Not too mention, Brandon did not hire the previous coach or any of the football staff for that matter. He is your best bet, probably should get used to it.
  9. What part of what I said was not true? - I would like more insight - Would be taking a pay cut - He probably has not trademarked the term "Inner Circle" - and I did miss the 6 part ESPN series unless there never was one. I did already attempt to make nice with him and I will refrain from further banter if it makes you feel better.
  10. Your right. It is silly and I will stay out of it. I appreciate you covering the Bills. I am really only riding you because I have some extra time during the holiday. I probably should find something more constructive to do. Thanks for contributing to the topic. I really am interested in what will happen next.
  11. I think that may be the best coached area, but it is not saying much. If I remember correctly it took a series of injuries to other players for Greer to even get on the field. Another expamle of the coaching staff not recognizing talent. They found out just in time to lose him via free agency.
  12. John. I think everyone would like to have more insight on the situation. Short of taking a pay cut and getting a journalism job, we are counting on you. I personally will refrain from using the term "inner circle" so you don't send me a cease and desist order. I didn't realize it was trademarked and part of a renowned investigation into the Bills organization. I must have missed the 6 part series you ran on ESPN and all the groundbreaking information. Man...lighten up.
  13. I don't think he controls the cash. Littman is the ultimate money person. Overdorf may make recommendations and be the internal expert on the cap, but it is likely that the actual financial decisions come out of Detroit. Littman or Ralph himself. The way Ralph is with his money, those decisions probably come closer to home. It's not much different that Brandon having no real decision making power. If he won't give it to Brandon, I doubt Overdorf has it either.
  14. At least we now agree that Ralph said it. I don't know that anyone should believe him or think he can get it down at this point. Spartacus should be skeptical. I just hope he is wrong.
  15. I would be all for a combo like Reese and Harbaugh. If we get the poerhouse GM, we probably end up with a first time coach. Unless we find some kind of connection like there appears to be with Bruce Allen and Shanahan in Wash. I just can't imagine Ralph spending big money on both. Hope I am wrong.
  16. No matter how bad we think our scouts are, you would think they would hit more often. It doesn't seem like the players we draft ever get any better and very few come out of no where and develop like on other teams. Have players like Schobel, Evans, Reed, Poz, Kelsay, Lynch, et al become any better? They look alot like the same players we drafted. In some cases they have regressed. Maybe it is the coaching turnover, but it could point to our lack of really good position coaches. We could not get anything out of Roscoe on offense. We go through QB after QB. Free agents even come here to die. It seems statistically impossible. Could it be the rare combination of poor scouting and coaching. Maybe. But every other team has players you can point to that have really developed. Is it that they draft better or do their players improve because of the coaching? I am all for the right GM if available, but maybe a big time coach that could put together a top notch staff would be the better bet. No way we get both the GM and the coach. I am leaning toward the coach.
  17. Nice to hear from someone who actually spoke to him. Thanks John. Of course it remains to be seen whether he will follow through. Also, if one one these coaches actually has interest, will Ralph pony up the money when this thing becomes real. When you add in the money that he still has to pay Dick and any assistants that will get let go, that will be a big number all in.
  18. You would think they would stick to their board and take the highest rated player at whatever position they select. It would be a real reach to think otherwise. Listen...Maybin and Hardy could still work out, but it does not look good right now.
  19. The guy was able to get behind defenses even at this age. If we could get him the ball, he could still have posted decent numbers this year. He defintely has a couple of years left. He also kept relatively quiet. Someone will give him a chance. Also, 6.5 million is not a big number.
  20. I can't wait till he leaves so he can be honest. He will have some interesting things to say about this entire situation. Should be comical.
  21. You are right. We would never be able to get him the ball. However I would still like to have him on the off chance that some day we could. In the meantime, he could return kicks. It was another in a long line of huge misses by our scouts.
  22. We should have never paid Peter's that kind of money....but we should have an actual plan to replace him. Not move a guy to LT...play him during camp....cut that guy....play a guy that has never taken a snap in the league at LT...have no one to back him up.....
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