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Everything posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. I think even "average" is a generous description. Piss poor might best describe the quality of tricky Dick as a D-coordinator. He's no Wade Phillips, for instance, whose defenses have a proven track record of success. Philly's D will go to the bottom quarter of the league in its Run-D with Jauron as coordinator.
  2. He was still in the field of play when he did it & it was for a fraction of a second. I'm not sure why everyone tries so hard to find something wrong with Marshawn's character; he hasn't slipped up since his suspension. I say, good for him. That run was animalistic anyway -- brute strength
  3. It never ceases to amaze me how coaches who are clear failures get second, third, fourth, fifth, etc., chances. There must be some kind of coaching brotherhood where these old guys will look out for each other. (I was similarly baffled by the John Fox hire.) I reject the notion that Dick Jauron is a good DC. The NFL is a league of innovation, creativity -- Jauron will employ the same bland, 4-3, smallish "pursuit" type defense which failed in Buffalo and will undoubtably fail in Cleveland. It's an especially poor scheme for cold weather environments like Cleveland -- in a division with Pittsburgh and Baltimore no less. I'm not sure what Holmgren is thinking. Apparently he wants coaches who won't stand up to him -- company, toe-the-line kind of guys. Cleveland is definitely in for another few years of failure...
  4. Schopp does the afternoon show -- the morning show gang did this interview. The morning show is far more tolerable than the afternoon show (which I haven't listened to in close to a year). I can't remember the last time an active Bills player interviewed with the afternoon guys -- I'm not sure why they'd want to, since Schopp hates the sport of football and doesn't appreciate the notion of athletic competition. The morning show guys, though far from brilliant, are decent. Some of the stuff they talk about is inane and silly, but at least they like football and will talk about the actual game. More importantly, they seem like nice guys, which doesn't always make for great talk radio, but at least when you're finished you don't feel the urge to knock all of their front teeth out with your fists (which is how I felt after hearing Mike Schopp, who, next to Rush Limbaugh, is the biggest prick I've ever heard on talk radio).
  5. Way to look out for you sister, Brett! Why not give her a bit of your 13 million dollar salary from this year & let her enjoy her drug addiction from the comfort of her own home rather than from some seedy mobile lab? (Or maybe possibly for rehab!) Too busy trying to get hand jobs from his masseuses & making Wrangler commercials, apparently... He's turned out to be quite the scum bag, from my vantage point... I simply can't wait for his annual unretirement...
  6. Yes, what is your point? If you don't like it, direct the conversation in more intelligent & enlightened ways, rather than simply offering a thin & pointless criticism... This is a fan board, after all, the Mecca/epicenter for hypotheticals... It's the whole point of having sites like this... sheesh...
  7. There was a story about a year ago done by Mike Florio (I don't feel like digging it up) basically saying that nobody respects McShay in league circles & that he's an unqualified hack. I don't agree with everything Florio writes, but this piece seemed dead on. When is the last time McShay watched a Buffalo game? If ever? As if the return game is a pressing need. What an idiot. Never mind: it was easy to find; here it is: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/03/31/todd-mcshay-backlash-builds/ it's a good piece...
  8. Technically, he hasn't played again in the NFL -- unless you count being the emergency 3rd string QB as playing...
  9. He has completed four passes after three quarters... against the worst pass defense in the NFL. That's not terrible!? Are you watching the game? I am. He looks worse than he did when he was with us. He's tentative, afraid to throw downfield, and locks down on one receiver... but I guess it's understandable, it's only a playoff berth that's on the line... In other words, YES, HE IS DOING TERRIBLE...
  10. This was posted yesterday by someone else. At first, the post was relegated to the off-topic board. Then, the post was closed entirely by the censors. Apparently this isn't allowed to be talked about at TBD. It is off limits, despite the fact that major news organizations are reporting on it (NBC & the NY Daily News -- where it is front page headlines.) Very Puritanical censors, if you ask me...
  11. Again, Bob in STL, you're not taking ownership for your original statements. You ORIGINALLY CLAIMED that the poster had to look far to find the pictures. Read very closely: the links to media take out are posted on PROFOOTBALLTALK.COM, A SUBSIDIARY OF NBC -- have you heard of them? He didn't have to look far to find them, since the links to MTO are posted on PFT. Are we finally clear on that, or do you need a further explanation? I'm taking issue with you because you suggested the poster deserved to have violence committed against his body for simply relaying a link that was posted on PFT. Your entire post is constructed around a point about MTO that I never made... insane... you're arguing with yourself...
  12. Oblivious to what? You implied, aggressively I might add, that the poster had gone out of his way to find these pictures. He hasn't. You are wrong, and you failed to address that in your ridiculous and immaterial reply. The links are posted on one of the most popular media football sites in the country. You also implied that the poster deserves to be violently assaulted. If the Ryans didn't post the pictures, who did? It's widely assumed that Ryan was behind the camera, as his voice is noticeable on the videos. Stop spouting slogans. I'm not oblivious to anything and am perfectly willing to engage in discussion in this matter. Most of what is posted on the internet isn't suitable for puritanical folks like yourself. Better get yourself to a church...
  13. Why is it the poster's fault that Michelle & Rex Ryan decided to post naked pictures on the internet for the world to see? The links are posted on PFT.com, so obviously the poster didn't have to go too far to find it...
  14. oh dear... that second link is not for the faint of heart... although, I did notice the caption: "trust us, you do not want to see the uncensored version..." looks like she's rocking a granny bush...
  15. McIntyre negotiated a two year extension a few months back...
  16. I was able to break away from the show -- I used to listen all the time and haven't listened in over six months. It feels good. The fact of the matter is that Schopp doesn't really like sports. Rather, he's into the culture of sports. There is a significant difference. I suspect that most of the people that visit these boards watch sports for the nature of athletic competition -- amazingly trained physical athletes competing against each other, football minds scheming against each other, etc. None of that matters to Schopp. As was pointed out earlier, all he wants to discuss are stats, why athletes are stupid, why management is stupid, why fans are stupid, why callers are stupid, etc. He offers nothing from the athletic perspective. That's the main reason I stopped listening to him. The other reason is that he's a downright dick to the callers -- very disrespectful and contemptuous of the common man. He's an absolute jackass -- a mean-spirited jerk. To hell with Mike Schopp. I encourage everyone to stop listening to the afternoon show. It will improve you life.
  17. Try checking out 97rock.com for next time. They stream their postgame show online and it's far from brilliant, but they actually talk about the game. Schopp is one of the most mean-spirted, downright hateful and condescending *ricks I've ever heard, not just on the radio, but in life. I refuse to listen to the afternoon show.
  18. What a joke. How does this guy pass a physical if his Achilles can be strained after 15 minutes of practice? Maybe in his downtime, he can collaborate on a new rap song with Maybin, since neither will be playing again this season (I predict)
  19. Did anyone else notice how on third and goal (before the 4th and goal when he threw his second interception) Edwards threw it to a receiver who had been on the ground, and out of the play, for at least three seconds??? The pervious comments about how Edwards looks different, "more comfortable" and "more decisive" are some of the most asinine comments I think I've ever seen. Anyone who thinks Edwards has looked good in this game... wow... I won't go into insult mode...
  20. You're right: Allen Wilson reported that Modrak wanted Cushing, probably to replace Poz... who is obviously a bust.
  21. Did you ever try to think of something from a journalist's perspective? Or do you think that journalists just sit down at their computers and write stream of consciousness drivel, like you do when posting at OBD??? Jesus, man, give Mark Gaughan a break. It's not easy to cover this team week in and week out; he can't write negative stuff four times a week. He has the license to take a light-hearted perspective once in a while. Jerry Sullivan writes negative stuff every week, people complain. Mark Gaughan writes something positive and light-hearted, people complain. I liked the article. What I don't like is your pointless cynicism...
  22. Like most Bills fans, I had really high hopes for Poz. I loved the pick and thought it was a steal. However, after having a chance to re-watch several of the games, I'm truly convinced that Poz is the worst player on the entire defense. I'm really not exaggerating. I encourage you all to look at some of the replays this year. He is always two steps behind and he's never in position to make a play. It's not just "ten yards down field" as some of you allege, but usually 12, 15, 18 yards down field. In fact, it's common for a tight end or a full back to drive him 10 yards off the ball with ease. It's clear to me that he doesn't have the instincts or the reaction speed time to play in the NFL. He's a bad football player, and I'm not convinced he's capable of becoming a quality linebacker in the league, period. Can anyone point to ONE play this year where you thought -- "wow, I'm glad he's on our defense?" I don't even care about the injuries -- he's simply not good at football. Neither Poz nor Kelsay should be on the team. Cut them both, and throw in Coleman, Maybin, Moats, etc. What has Gailey got to lose, except the first pick in the draft...
  23. This is definitely a possibility. Maybe Gailey didn't like his attitude... He must have done something in the locker room, in the film room, etc. to make a bad impression... or maybe he violated the league's substance abuse policy and the appeal is still pending -- the media aren't always made aware of these cases... It's tough to speculate about why a player is cut when we don't know what goes on behind the scenes...
  24. I see. Makes sense. Thanks for the intel!
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