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Posts posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. He's been off the air for a long time now.....at least on a regular basis. I always thought his analysis of the bills was usually fairly accurate.


    Like him or not, he did know football. His draft previews were always pretty good - he did a good job reviewing players and telling of their strengths and limitations. He was crying for the bills to fix their oline years ago. Maybe the bills should have listened. Look at the mess we've had there for a decade.


    You can bet he would have been crucifying the bills the past few years, especially for the lousy job Jauron was doing ...... but honestly most of his "complaints/rants" are the same things the majority of the posters on tbd are clamoring for.


    With the joke WGR is lately I'd welcome him back. You may not like his opinions on matters but he was a hundred times more interesting than Schlep and the Poodle



  2. the common theme of all those articles is the negative effect of the marathon on the individuals body, and how long it took to recover. if one were to train again during the recovery period, they'd be doing serious harm to their bodies ... JUST LIKE a football player that trains BETWEEN games.


    as for my individual experience i'll share one with you. i have a sibling of comparable age, size and same sex. historically he was a better athlete than i am. however he bought into the whole cardio-aerobic training hype years ago and has religiously been doing several routines on a weekly basis. i, on the other hand, jogged for maybe a year or two and then stopped about 10 years ago because my intuition told me this was hurting, not only my joints but also my endurance, the very thing it was supposed to help most. my only training activity has been weights, mostly nautilus machines. (as it turns out too much, but less excessive than most fitness types.)


    anyway years later im visibly more muscled than he is, stronger (he looks frail) and, what would surprise most people, my endurance is far greater. im also far less susceptible to illness. we went hiking recently and he needed to stop all the time ... me almost never. that supports my point that cardio systems support muscles, and rise and fall with muscle density. working on cardio has it ass backwards, it actually shrinks muscles and makes a weaker cardio system!!! also, after muscles are worked they need a much longer recovery period than nearly everyone realizes.


    anyway, what do you think the most probable cause(s) of the bills excessive injuries has been?


    1. Marathoning is COMPLETELY different than playing football. Stop with the marathoning studies as support for the Bills excessive injuries. Maybe the Bills are overtraining in other ways, but I guarantee you they are NOT running marathons!

    2. As for your individual experience, you are leaving out several factors. First, THAT is just one example and too little to draw conclusions from. What has your diet been in relation to your brother? I mean, if you're brother is eating Big Macs and partying it up while you are eating responsibly to support your workouts, that is going to make a huge different in the results you see. What do you and you brother do for a living? We spend huge amounts of our lives working and I believe this plays a role in how we age. Also, just b/c you are comparable ages and sizes, does not mean your genetic makeups are the same. If you're trying to make him off as your identical twin, you can't.


    Like I said, maybe you are right that the Bills are overtraining OFF THE FIELD, but maybe it's just a fact of them overtrying ON THE FIELD, maybe being a very young and inexperienced team. I just think you're trying to make parallels with evidence that doesn't really support your theory.

  3. thanks for ridiculously exaggerating what i said, on a very serious health matter. nice work fella. you're obviously sold on over training. i wish you the best of luck in still being able to walk as you age. most marathoners end up old biologically old well before their time and many barely able to walk. and just look at all the fatties busting their butts on stairmasters "week in/week out" before lecturing anyone. weight management is all about calories consumed, you cannot "burn off" fat with cardio from over eating, another huge myth. at most you may be able to generate excess calorie usage of around 250 in an intense workout session which is nothing compared to the calorie intake of over eating. and most people simply increase their calorie intake above and beyond what the burn in a gym anyone, to compensate. working off excess eating ... especially sugars ... would mean coming close to death. something the messengers in ancient greece did all the time at the end of their runs (i.e. the original marathon runners for whom the race was named after.)


    I'm pretty sure the Bills are NOT running marathons during the week.


    I get your point, though, MAYBE their Bills are being overworked during the week. Or MAYBE they have a bunch of undersized players. Or MAYBE they have a bunch of athletes less skilled than those on the other teams and get themselves in awkward situations. Regardless, all of this is just pure speculation. But, I think you are very quick to dismiss certain types of recovery workouts that the Bills could do during the week (if they aren't already), such as yoga, stretching, light indoor biking...BREATHING is another very important aspect to athletic performance and by being a "couch potato" for an entire week that aspect of performing on the field goes quickly.

  4. Before the season, nobody knew we would need a right tackle. As it turns out, he would have been a great pick, but our need was at LT and Oher looked like an RT, and he still does.


    A sensational RT, and still a question mark at LT.


    Are you suggesting that Brad Butler had proven himself at RT, because he hadn't. And what kind of proven depth did we have at RT?

  5. Everything Chad Johnson does is about one thing, drawing attention to Chad Johnson.


    If I really wanted to pay a tribute he should show up, play and not doing anything during the game that gives anyone any reason to say anything about him. Allowing people to talk about the game and Chris Henry is far more tribute then the Johnson sideshow.


    Good to know you decide how other people should express themselves.

  6. Is the game sold out?


    I think the Bills will play with a lot of emotion and fire like the Dolphins game. I think Behlicheck will pound the run despite the obvious push to go back to Moss. For a team out of the playoffs since before thanksgiving, this game and the last game against the likely unbeaten Colts are great.... go bills!


    I'm wondering how many of the fans at the game with be Pats fans though???

  7. Lucky we never had any of those then. Wish we'd re-signed Jason Peters, though, who only missed four games in five years with the Bills and is a terrific pass blocker.


    But back to the thread's topic, it's just about impossible to argue that Byrd belongs.


    What do you guys think about the fact, though, that he has two fourth-down INTs? Are those legit? Not that that is a major point, it's a minor footnote. The guy is always in the right place at the right time.


    Well you take those two away and he still has 6 INTs, still two more than the next FS in the AFC. How many 4th-down INTs do the other guys on the list have? Being in the right place at the right time is what producing is about...if he were in the wrong place at the wrong time what good is that? How many times do you watch winners like Brady/Manning pull throws & games out of their a$$ and you're left scratching your head thinking they are the luckiest ba$tards on earth?

  8. I wonder if TE has suffered mre brain damage because of his two concussions than originally thought. it may very well be he reason for his regresion. he plays well one moment, then poorly shortly thereafter, when nothing has changed to cause erratic behavior. Possible backouts?


    You never know, but it's all pure speculation and I just want a QB that can win games for the Bills. Either way, Trent has not played well this year.


    I do know the O-Line doesn't help though. My high school (a small school) used to dominate the other small schools all across the state. Why? We always had the biggest/best O-Lines (it was a clear distinction), so no matter who our RBs were, we could run the ball against other teams at will. At this point in the year, if there is any hope for the future of Trent's health and maybe career, it is probably best to keep him in as a backup until that O-Line is shored up.


    As for his trade value, it is probably lower (like people saying, 5th to 7th rounder) than the Bills are willing to trade him for. Have another offseason where we focus on shoring up our lines (O-line and D-line), with a new coach, and then I think we can make a fairer assessment of Trent. I do know we can't afford to screw up the top 10 pick we are going to get in this year's draft.

  9. Yeah he`s real slow.Kinda like some people here. :lol:


    I like Poz' demeanor, character and leadership skills, and agree that his arm is probably limiting him strength-wise on the field. I love the fact that he is from a blue-collar town like Buffalo. But how many times do we have to see him get beat to the edge of the field and outrun before we realize he is too slow to play middle linebacker in the NFL? Maybe he would be better suited to play on the outside?


    Here's a look at 40 yd dash times against the rest of his linebacker class, coming out of college. Of these guys, nine are currently getting any notable snaps in the NFL (Poz, Beason, Timmons, Black, Nicholas, Willis, Harris, Siler, Durant).





    Of those nine guys, the only guy that posted a worse 40 time is Beason, who reportedly had a sore back on the day of the combine. Put Poz on the outside and get someone with a little more speed and range in the middle of that defense. Then we have Poz & Mitchell on the outside, with some new stud rookie like McClain in the middle. Then we still have the issue of our LB depth, but at least we've beefed up our starting LB corp. Poz & Mitchell can provide good leadership to McClain while he is still learning, too.

  10. I still think POZ could become really good. He is still playing with one arm basically.Have any of you done alot of lifting,and you injure something.You just are not the same. Give him the offseason to get his strength back in the arm. And hey maybe he will be better outside.Bottom line is he still isnt up to strenght yet.


    And that's probably what is making him slow too

  11. Not so. There have been many occasions where starting and backup QB's have gone down to injury and a FA is brought in, force fed a simplified plan and saw the field the next week. I don't buy any of this 'he's not ready' stuff.


    Feed him to the wolves and let's see what we have.


    Give me an example where it's a guy that has never played in a regular season game.

  12. Look it is in Carolina and Delohme (However the hell you spell it) the interception machine will probably be on the bench. If Carolina's "D" shows up I think they have a shot. How nice would it be to see the Pat's lose for a third week in a row?


    would be nice. the game is actually in new england. but yea anytime the pats lose it is nice. probably nicer than a bills win these days.

  13. Just derailed momentarily, but JP is back on the track with the Locomotives.


    The UFL is also back next year with a couple more teams in two new Cities and next season everyone is gunning for the UFL Champion Loco's and J.P. Losman, especially Bollinger and the Florida Tuskers,


    as a new league and rivalry is born...


    it'd be a shame if JP deserted the UFL for the NFL. he owes it to the UFL to defend his championship in the league he made relevant.

  14. I asked Thurman Thomas what he thought about Levy coaching again on twitter a couple of days ago, his answer was short and to the point, "NO" was his reply


    Thurman probably just doesn't want to take no part in killing the old goat, but Marv Levy comes very well qualified to be a HC again for the Buffalo Bills in my opinion.


    10 million a year and part ownership, its a good way to go Marv...


    I say let's go big and bring Vince Lombardi back!

  15. More excuses for JP...love it...and if only Jim Kelly did'nt have Hank Bullough in his first year...oh wait, he was able to overcome that....oh and Payton Manning with Jim Mora as his head coach his first season, oh wait he overcame that. See if you have that "it" factor from the beginning you can overcome bad coaching, that is the difference between QBs with talent and projects like Losman and Edwards and whatever other scrubs the Bills bring in.


    Not to say I disagree with your point, but your examples of QBs "overcoming" coaches I'm not so sure about.


    Unlike JP/Jauron, Bullough was fired during the middle of Kelly's first season. Kelly was 2-7 while Bullough was coach, so he never really had to "overcome" Bullough b/c Bullough was gone before Kelly started winning.


    As for Manning/Mora, Manning did have a horrible first season in the NFL (3-13, 28 INTs, 71.2 QB Rating). The next two seasons under Mora, Manning had two seasons with a QB rating over 90, and led his team to the playoffs only to get knocked out early. Manning/Mora then had the "PLAYOFFS?" season (84 QB Rating) in which they did not make the playoffs and Mora was fired. Even the HOF Manning regressed in his 4th season in the NFL. If you believe Mora was that bad of a coach, Manning did not "overcome" anything in that season.


    Mora never won in the playoffs, but his overall record dominates guys like Jauron and Bullough. He's really a tier (or two) above Jauron/Bullough.

  16. Why would the SAME OC, architect of JP's best season in 2006, DELIBERATELY change that successful offense? Why would an OC choose to change the formula for his starting QB that ranked 11th in the league? That's right, he wouldn't. And Fairchild didn't.


    After JP's injury in '07, Fairchild dumbed down the playbook for Edwards which was the smart thing to do considering they were throwing a rookie onto the field. That was the only "changing" Fairchild did.


    The only thing that changed for JP was teams had him figured out (read: teams very seldom let him see single coverage on Evans) and, seeing as he wasn't very good at reading defenses and going through his progressions, his play worsened. It worsened to the point that just getting "adequate" play from Edwards was enough to force JP to the bench. Didn't help that JP suffered from a crisis of confidence and put so much pressure on himself that there was no way he was going to recover.


    Hopefully, he's matured, learned to read defenses, and can get himself back into the league. But this revisionist history of Fairchild changing his offense needs to stop. It simply didn't happen.


    GO BILLS!!!


    A link to JPs '07 stats...




    I completely forgot that after his injury, it wasn't until the second half of that Jets game (85 yard bomb to Lee) that JP did get a second chance to play again that year. Then the Bills beat Cincy, beat Miami (not that either were good teams), got killed by New England on Sunday night, then lost at Jax. The Jax game was bad enough on JPs part that Dick decided to go with Trent the rest of the year.


    I'd still prefer JPs big play/big mistake making ability over Trents dink & dunk style, but either way offensive line is and has been the biggest problem for the Bills in my mind since the Jim Kelly days. Flutie is the only Bills QB in my mind since Kelly that had the ability to win behind a bad offensive line.

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