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Everything posted by TH3

  1. See…you and other MAGAS and the whole MAGA social world and media outlets are just conjecturing….looking for some invisible shred of an angle to make this fit your cult broken mind…..as opposed to discussing the facts….big difference See…you and other MAGAS and the whole MAGA social world and media outlets are just conjecturing….looking for some invisible shred of an angle to make this fit your cult broken mind…..as opposed to discussing the facts….big difference
  2. Well ….if he called someone stupid for liking Trump….can’t be all that crazy
  3. Wut? I wish these guys would just own what they want to do.
  4. Wait. You think I listen to an echo chamber …and you post links to your echo chamber? You see this right? Tell me you see this self own😜
  5. Have you done ANY reading at all about the kid? You know...from like places that just post facts and basic information... I mean other than your MAGA social media spigot? Prepare to be disappointed;)
  6. that tinfoil hat you are sporting is getting a little too tight
  7. I mean....it could have been a hunting accident. I am not trying to drive a flag into a hillside and make a stand. He just sounds like every other mass shooter 20 year old bullied kid who got into guns that filled a void in his soul and went out shot something up to ...I dunno ...get back at the society and structure that treated him so poorly? Maybe that is all there is to it....
  8. The rally was in his backyard. Just my hunch.
  9. Everyone is going to be disappointed. Just another scrawny disaffected socially awkard kid who got bullied in high school. Found an idenity in guns and instead of the next Uvalde, Florida, Texas, Buffalo, Colorado, Connecticut light up of his old school or store....went to the rally to make his splash. Probably not politically focused at all.
  10. Are you high? Surely a rookie judge with no almost no legal experience, appointed by the guy being indicted.... understands and sees things that decades of legal precedant didn't....well other than Clarence Thomas. I can't beleive this is where our country is....
  11. Ford got shot at. Your analysis blows: Ford got shot at by a Helter Skelter chick. Reagan by some dude with a Jodie Foster bnoer JFK Reagan and Ford couldn’t be more establishment. When Trump got his ear pierced was he taking about how to balance the budget…or was it lowering health care costs…or just more dumbass crap that won’t happen but tards like you love it
  12. Nah. Dont kid yourself…Biden is not a threat to our country structure but DT and the current scotus sure is
  13. They are faking it…the non trumpers wish that bullet found its mark. At least I say it out loud.
  14. That may be..but you gotta give it to the Dems….all that “Hang Mike Pence” talk was just talk….team Blue gets stuff done!! (Almost)
  15. Boy…DT sure got an earfull at that Rally🤣
  16. I ain’t trolling..DT is a POS…MAGA is a cult and is ruining this country i am stating the obvious …
  17. Report to who …for what? world would be a better place without that traitor
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