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Coach Klein

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Everything posted by Coach Klein

  1. so people like us don't see that Byrd is losing and try to stuff the ballot.
  2. I voted but there is NO way Cushing doesn't win. 9 Tackles INT 2 FF? jesus that is a monster game.
  3. doesnt sound like you remember buttt possiblyyyy link?
  4. The fact that his hands are so poor yet he still has put up the numbers that he has over his career amazes me. I wish I wasn't too lazy to do research on how many career drops he has. His ability to get "open" is unreal. (For you slower ones, I put open in quotation marks because it has been said that TO is open even when he is covered)
  5. It's amazing how many times I hear Ryan Fitzpatrick get called "Fitzgerald"...not trying to rip on you in particular because I've made the mistake too but it's starting to become pretty comical to me.
  6. I've said it in like every thread its been brought up. DAN LeFEVOUR. CENTRAL MICHIAGAN. Yes he plays in the MAC conference but he tears it up like he should. Has a cannon arm. Great accuracy. And is mobile. And if you havn't noticed the trend...games we are supposed to win lately...we either make it a close game or do not win. Because he's from a MAC school he's not projected until the 2nd round. Which is fine because then we can get a more important position with that almost guerenteed top 5 pick (like LT).
  7. I'm curious as to why you wouldn't watch. It's the Super Bowl. Regardless of who's playing most people watch...well...because it's the Super Bowl. That's a no brainer. Now if you were to ask who you would root for that would be a different story...
  8. theres a reason why i said "not saying we should draft him"
  9. Not saying we should draft him...but i deff dont want Scott starting at SS next year. and Taylor Mays out of USC is a freaking MONSTER
  10. well you figure since scott isn't back yet...it'll either be whitner and byrd or whitner and wilson. both byrd and wilson played solid stepping in but i think overall byrd outplayed wilson. so thats what got my curiosity.
  11. does anybody know if Whitner is indeed back is he going to play SS and Byrd FS this week? after the way Byrd played sunday I sure hope that is the case.
  12. I'm sick of people giving the kid crap for not giving it to charity. He's giving whatever is leftover to a charity anyways. Plus, if he were to give it to charity that would mean he lied to the donaters about what he would be doing with their money. Then some a-hole would most deff. start up a lawsuit and he would be in all sorts of trouble. This isn't that difficult of a concept. But then again what do I know?
  13. he said he's donating whatever cash is left over. If he would have donated everything he would most likely have a lawsuit on his hands for lying to the people that donated the money.
  14. Forgot what station I was listening to yesterday but they were speculating that if dick jauron doesnt win on this 2 week road trip ralph may tell him not to return with the team.
  15. The Sabres score twice as many points tonight as the Bills did sunday. WOW! At least I have one Buffalo team to be excited about....
  16. The Broncos are 5-0 and Josh McDaniels just went nuts. Found an open area on the field after the game. Started fist pumping like crazy. I found myself very jealous...not of their record...or of their team...but the fact that their coach showed that much emotion. I want someone like that in Buffalo. PLEASE!
  17. Another nice thing. Jairus Byrd looked awesome too. But I guess it's not hard to stand out when everyone else sucks.
  18. however...beyond the owner...that is where it all starts.
  19. which makes this article even scarier. people arent even willing to joke around about jauron being here anymore...
  20. You just punched fellow bills fans in the face with what appears to be solid knowledge of classical music. nice.
  21. I'd be willing to bet on all of those polls SKOOBY was at one point or another a voter.
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