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Coach Klein

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Everything posted by Coach Klein

  1. and I'd take you more seriously if you could recognize a joke. (regardless of quality of said joke.)
  2. I'd take him more seriously if I could pronounce his last name.
  3. wait...so is football a game of inches...or points? you lost me.
  4. I see Nelson and Stevie outside with Parrish (if healthy) in the slot...looks like a roster spot is opening up for Naaman.
  5. per schefter on monday night countdown. says it could happen in the next 48 hours.
  6. nobody else hates when Randy Cross is calling the game? any time I see "Cross Talk" come up on my TV I want to throw my remote through it.
  7. careful...last time we did that we missed the playoffs after starting 5-1.
  8. I've gotta say...went to training camp last night and CJ looks much more patient. Had a few runs where he saw the hole in the line opening up and immediately hit it. Hopefully that translates to game play.
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/NFL-to-charge-people-200-to-stand-outside-Super?urn=nfl-309783 Basically the NFL is having a Super Bowl XLV Party Plaza outside of Cowboys Stadium...pretty cool idea...I've been to a few Buffalo Sabres Parties in the Plaza and those are always fun. What's not so cool is they are charging $200 for people to come do this when it is available for free on TV...
  10. If we hire Wannstedt, I vow to grow the most glorious (and by glorious I mean I'll be 22 next season so it won't be very good) mustache of all time throughout next season.
  11. We'll begin with the airing of grievances. You may air any grievances with this team you wish in this thread in celebration of the Festivus Holiday. Overall I am relatively happy with the way the season turned out. But I have one problem with the Bills this season. Wasted time with Least Mode and Captain Checkdown.
  12. The Bermuda Triangle used to be a square until Arthur Moats tackled a corner off.
  13. The NFL took away Arthur Moats half sack from the game sunday and awarded it to (another fan favorite) Kyle Williams. DON'T CROSS THE MOATS!!!
  14. I disagree with it being too long on personality. people idolize professional athletes. an article like this lets readers relate to the players and helps people realize these athletes are actually people too. nowhere did I see anyone claim this article to be about football. Tim wrote it in his AFC East Blog on espn.com. he can write about anything in the AFC East. Steve Johnson happens to be a reciever for the Buffalo Bills...and the Buffalo Bills happen to be in the AFC East. and Evans may draw double coverage alot leaving Johnson singled up but you can't discredit Steve for that. The man is taking full advantage of it...something the future HOFer TO couldn't do last year.
  15. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/22590/stevie-johnson-plans-to-make-it-fun-again check it out. his reaction to being on pace to break the Bills single season TD record is classic. I don't know how you can't root for this guy...
  16. I did a leap out of the recliner/fist pump all in one motion. my moment of realization was while I was in the air. I then landed 6 inches from the television in a baseball catcher's squat with my hands on my head...speechless.
  17. he looks like he should be working on a farm... which is why I have chosen Haystack
  18. Harrison is a raging pole smoker, and a dirty player. This hit though I don't know if he intended to go helmet to helmet (or helmet to facemask, or helmet to chin, whatever). But whether you intend to or not...still a penalty. Still going to be fined. It's the new NFL...this is what happens.
  19. Why trade him away? can never have too many good recievers. even if Evans isn't having a good season, we all know the talent is there.
  20. Bill Brooks 1995 11 TD's only 5 Bills have ever caught 10 TD passes.
  21. Steve Johnson is now one TD away from being the first Bills player with 10 TD's in a single season since Eric Moulds in '02. Peerless Price also had 9 TD's in '02 and Lee Evans had 9 in '04. Six games left, here's to hoping he keeps them coming!
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