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Everything posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. At this point, I'd rather see attitude on the field, rather than talent or gentlmen; particularly from the coaching angle. Is it possible to pull a rabbit from A S s in the Natn'l Fooseball League?
  2. I shall hope that Jeff Fisher gets the Axe. ... and I still like Jim Haslett, so there.
  3. Alright Mr. Expert: Start naming them off... those great CA Qb's that have successfully played IN COLD WEATHER CITIES FOR COLD WEATHER TEAMS. There's some great ones from CA, but they need to play in wimpy climates to be successful (as a general rule). Please, give me the history of winning CA Qb's that have played for Buffalo (aside from jack Kemp- whom I've givin the Army exemption to).
  4. Yeah, he should move in with a Broad (other than his sister).
  5. Buffalo Williams (long for Bills- sounds much more aristocratic)
  6. Turk (Turk)! What is he good for (absolutely nothin') Say it again!
  7. Whack Turk I believe Turk is being hired as a consultant week--to-week by our opposition. Take him out of the pic, no more inside info. Poor AVP still has to work with Turk's bozo playbook.
  8. I believe that the dude to the left of McKinley is saying "put the lotion in the basket because I'd F**k me."
  9. -Start the game with a surprise onside kick. -Let Freddy run wild, but also must give him a break. He's been used too much. More Omon and why not cory Mac- he looked nimble and punishing in pre-season. -Disguise defense + confuse Brees. I like the idea of men loitering at the LOS. -Knock Brees on his Azz the first or second drop back + get in his head. _knock the receivers as hard as possible for the first few catches to let them know that their day could be over with each & every catch. -Intercept an early pass to Shocky so Brees won't want to look his way beyond the int... he'll throw to the smaller guys whom we can punish and get inside (their head some more). -Get the ball to T.O. It will fire up the crowd and sell more beer. He's looks just like Moulds in his prime with the ball in his posession. The ultimate in Power & balance. -Let TE throw some bombs. the Aint's will expect us to run, run, run to keep Brees off the field. -Runs at least 7 power sweeps and 1 reverse and one flea flicker. -Special teams coverage unit must get it together. -Dick must wear the shades. -That should do it.
  10. This Philthydelphia story, coupled with this local idiot's story ( Bills should hire Kelly, forget Toronto [3:24 AM] Erie Times News reports: 'You can't simply drive across the Peace Bridge anymore. You need a passport, which takes time and money.')... makes me believe that our once great country is in need of a new Journalism school. These stories are so novice and unsubstantiated and simply stupid, it makes me wanna puke. These D-bags should be flipping burgers. PS- With exception of Chestnut Hill, Philly is a SLUM, and not a nice place to dwell. PA package stores suck balls... write a story about that (you stupid hairy PA knuckle-dragger)... El douché has probably never even been to Buffalo... this world is ridiculous.
  11. Who's this Sando Nig-ugh from ESPN? This guy is a deformity to the free press and basically dispicable within opinion. Let's everyone keep yur cool... but if Sando is taking a wiz in a porta_pee after the colts game... let's have someone step-up and tip that urinal and chain-ride this punk to Gowanda. A free state does not need this s h i t.
  12. Schlereth may be gay. Not that there's anything right with that. He hates the Bills, not sure why. I had a run-around with him last year when he berated the bills... one night, drunk as ****, I got to typing him a new Aszhole. He did have the decency to reply (I always give credit when due- no matter how much it hurts), but it was more of the same... blah blah blah... calling it as he sees it. Collen Cowturd also got on the Bills case last year and I did the same thing to her (got drunk & typed)... she never replied. She is a Coward... and a Fag. haha... god damn fag... fueling the fire of God's Wrath... don't kill the messenger... check out Leviticus.
  13. I think it sounds great, but it's already been brought up. The borad 'experts' all shot it down. We should devote more energy to deflating Mark Schlereth's ego.
  14. Exactly. He was rude as can be. Back handed maneuver warranted. See.. that's why this thread is fun. Unless you're a thin skin liberal Bible Banger.
  15. Oh loosen-up you Bible-bangin' homo. And for the little twink that berated my grammer... Puh-leese... go away, and take yur boring answers w/ ya.
  16. December 3, 1995: 49ers 27, Bills 17 After Jeff Wilkins hit a 20-yard field goal to tie the game at 10 all, the Bills drove the length of the field and were about to go in for the go ahead score at the end of the game, but no... Darick 'What Up' Holmes has to cough it up after getting molested at the goaline by Gary Plummer. ...fumble gets picked up by Lee Woodall and returned 96 yards for a TD, and the Niners never looked back.
  17. Name yur top three: 1- Mark Schlereth 2- Collin Cowturd 3a-Theodore Brewski 3b-Chad 85 if/when he attempts the Lambeau Leap
  18. I would agree if TE would have (at least once) audible'd into a 30 yard bomb down field. Most Auds were to run plays or regular check downs. Heeoww about audibling into play action or a direct snap... or a decoy audible. Yeah, if I were coach.
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