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Everything posted by evilbuffalobob

  1. I really want Jerry Glanville or Rich Kotite, but what the hell. How come no Marty Shottenheiman or Jim Haslett on the list?
  2. The Confusion Offense- I'm game with this, but that's not enough flea flickers, plus, I want Moorman on the field for more than just punts. He is our best player (afterall). If we're gonna be a joke, we may as well really make it funny and entertaining.
  3. How about bad quarterbacking as for the reason of lack of continuity? From what I saw, Trentative had plenty of time to throw. He's a weenie who lives with his sister. How can he possibly act it out as a real QB on the field... he's a wimpy little no a$$-gettin' MFer.
  4. Like I've said- Like coach, like team... as in, like father, like son.
  5. If a passenger ship sinks- is it the captain's fault? Maybe not if one is an over-forgiving Bible-banger. It appears that this form of defense we (and others play) gets a lot of linebackers hurt as well as secondary. I hate everything about the defensive scheme, I hate everything about the attitude of this team.
  6. Could be any one of them cuz it was more than obvious that none of them gave a movement today, or last week. Like coach, like players- as in like father, like son.
  7. sure, so, just as this post originated... let's see where a coach who has emotion can take a 5-0 team. Our Limp Dick Buck Tooth Ghost took us to Feces Street.
  8. Our best player, Brian Moorman could get injured.
  9. There never was a follow-up to Gruden being pick-ed up in that Limo... INteresting notion about him is that he's coached with the Tampa-2 defense (obviously) and he's an offensive mastermind. Would he, could he, leave the booth Tuesday morning if offered a job? Could he even make a difference with this pathetic heap of non-enthusiasm (a.k.a. Buffalo Blows)?
  10. The one thing that is for sure is that this group of players, and all other groups under DJ, have NEVER played with emotion. I don't recall there being much precedent for bringing in a new outside coach well into the season (as we are). Nor do I see anyone to promote from within to the HC position. The only course of action, may be to continue as is. If the team would just play with some emotion, I can handle the losing. I can't handle this flatline Jauron virus demeanor spreading to athletes who are paid millions to play a game.
  11. We need to hire an Attorney to take the coaching reigns. We need reinstall attitude and arrogance. And we'll still be Dick-less.
  12. I didn't hear any 'FIRE DICK' chants today, which was upsetting, but not nearly as upsetting as the 3 hours of my life that I just wasted watching this filth. Dick has to go, but I cannot fathom Bob April taking control of the ship. April's men have now single-handedly given away 2 games. What's an Owner & GM to do?
  13. That's funny... Court room conversation... (I get it)... basically like sewer or gutter conversation, as that's where attorneys dwell. As a small market team, you have to contually be concerned with the fiscal bottom line. stands to reason that R.W. wants the venture to take care of itself and not dump extra money into it. Ralph is a prudent businessman (overly), but he has been generous in the past loaning money to a competitor, and had the balls to get into this thing back when he was foolish. Wait, what do I mean 'back when'?
  14. Personally, from here on out, I feel that for every mistake & blunder on the field (penalty, dropped pass, sack, missed tackle, innopropriate red flag, etc), the fans should (in graceful tandem) shout 'FIRE DICK'. It would be cool to warm-up the chant in the parking lots (pre-game), as it is a givin that the voices will be called upon. Those in attendance will have to pace themselves. If everyone could wear a white Tee-shirt labeled 'FIRE DICK', that would also assist the cause.
  15. Amen. Ralph is cheap (like an attorney), but he has much more loyalty (than an attorney). He doesn't need the money (like an attorney feeding their ego). He wouldn't do this to the fans (like an attorney would) or the city of Buffalo (like an attorney would).
  16. #1: Don't believe attorneys. Use them for what their worth when there's **** on your stick, but remember they are arrogant, over-opinionated, and 9 times out of 10, have less than average sized peepees. Attorneys, are more less the problem with our country. #2: How do you (or the arrogant lawyer) know that it's not California Industries of California Ave, Orchard Park, NY... perhaps it's New york Central Mutual? #3: As long as Jamestown homeboy Roger Goodbar is manning the controls of the NFL, I don't see the team moving. Unless, of course, he still has family in the area that he wants whacked. #4: What to do about Jacksonville?
  18. Trentative has has plenty of time to throw. The problem is he has no nuts to throw to anyone who's not 100% wide-open (see checkdown threads). When he first started playing, he was hitting receivers in the back of the head before they turned around, now... he's playing like a California raisin in an apple orchard. NO MORE CA QB'S. NO MORE QB'S WITHOUT ATTITUDE.
  19. That's the way to think outside the box. Now. only if our coaching staff could do the same and the players could execute.
  20. This thread has me wondering... "Where'n-a-hell are all the Kelsay haters now?" Look it up- this cat has never bashed Kelsay. I do bash this twinky Cover-2 (Florida/Dome/Weather-Friendly bottom-Fag Defensive Scheme). Give Maybin a chance- he's a Rookie (remember?) on a poorly coached team with an offensive offense, playing within a piss-poor & umimaginitive scheme. Frankly, he ought to be utilized as a weapon/decoy... lining up in both LB & DT positions. ...but, that would required innovative coaching... something our silly little ghostly IVY League waif doesn't 'get'. Our colleges & Universities are nothing but cesspools of Liberalism (face it)... an Ivy League branded brain... at the helm of our sinking ship... I'd rather have my mechanic coaching our team. He looks like Wade Phillips. On that subject- I say, bring on the 'WE WANT RUSH' signs of protest on Sunday. And, there had better be a chant of 'DICK MUST GO' during Ralph's half-time blabbergaster. PS- For you Ivy Leagqueers, I do start sentences with 'And'. ...gotta problem with that? I imagine you do... since bad verbage gets the point accrossed, whilst you're still trying to act British (Prim, proper & gay). Go brush your teeth.
  21. I'll be more pissed than usual, but not surprised with Buck-toof Jauron on the sideline.
  22. I don't have a problem with cash to the cap. It's prudent business. These men play a F'k ing game, a game that they love. They're not working as hard as Dairy Farmers. All owners should put their foot down... and Dairy Farmers across North America should dump their milk until they (these the true heros) get paid. Dan Snyder was born with a silver Dildo in his mouth. He can eat my Reeses feeces and share it with Jerry Jones. And if Bob Kraft wants to come over for the corn (Hole) maze- so be it. The NY team (Buffalo), simply has pathetic phethic coaching philosopies. Tampa 2 Sucks, Turk Offense Sucks. Jaron, for all his Ivy League Luster, is a copy-cat, not an innovator. If you have an attitude, you can copy (Singletary), if you have a brain, you need to excercise it (Belicheat). I'm so sick of this.
  23. Do you want to borrow my Bible (Bible Banger)?
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