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Everything posted by sabres...yawn

  1. Working at an animal shelter is a noble profession. Many who do so are volunteers. Have some respect.
  2. SIT DOWN! Preseason. Regular season. Time outs. Blow outs. Yeah, we see ya... you're 21 and drunk. Wow. Now grow up and sit down unless there is a reason to stand. And stop turning to the crowd with your beer in hand and yelling "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! COME ONNNNNNNNN"! I'm talking to you... tunnel end zone guy.
  3. Can we stop comparing cases that are COMPLETELY different? Btw, most people do not value an animals life more than a humans., however, to accurately answer that question I would need to know " Who is the human?". I have one life to spare....Charles Manson or my dog. Goodbye Charlie.
  4. Michael Vick is a sociopath. Enough about his race and his culture. Drowning dogs for amusement. Hooking up jumper cables to dogs- some his own pets- electrocuting them- for amusement. Bashing their heads in- for amusement. A sociopath. If I'm playing in that league I'm going right after his ACL with my helmet. F*ck him.
  5. I'm ususally very optimistic but just hearing him speak and seeing him coach reminds me of how aggravating this guy can be. I'm hoping for the best but I don't think the Bills are good enough to overcome their head coach. Sad, really.
  6. Add 2 playoffs loses -57-78. I would like to know how the Jauron apologists continue to defend this guy. What do you base it on- his record? Anyone who thinks this year will be different is just fooling themselves. It's August and I'm already sick of this guy. If you are going to the game tonight- don't be late. Dick said Trent will play the same amount as last week. Incredible. New England 42 Buffalo 10 "We have to get better and get back to work. We really like this group of guys, we just came out a little flat tonight." Dick Jauron, September 14, 2009
  7. It's been said but the answer to me can only be.... a man. Fearful and passive is no way to go through life. Especially for an NFL head coach. I will never forget seeing Dick Jauron- so upset, so livid, that his team had been wronged by the officials that he stood on the sidelines- teammates and coaches screaming at him to challenge the play- that he took the red flag out and placed it on the ground like an egg. Don't cross that white line , Dick. Place the flag at your feet. Of course the officials would have no chance of seeing this "outburst". That scene tells me all I need to know about Dick Jauron.
  8. If you say something they don't like they close the thread and send you a smarmy, sarcastic rude message. Btw, for those of you who have a comprehension problem.... nowhere in my thread did I mention Vick. I stated Dungy was in Rochester--FACT. I wasn't sure why- FACT. I made a comment about sports talk in Buffalo- one positive... one negative. Please, please forgive me.
  9. Excuse me. Would you like to apologize now or would you prefer to wait until later when your parents get home? Here's a thought, Sparky.... Use your "Google". Tony Dungy was in Rochester today. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  10. This board is such a pain in the a$$! Who's monitoring it- Scott Berchtold? How's this..... I think the Bills are going to the Super Bowl. Happy now?
  11. I missed why he was in Rochester. Good interview. Btw, Schopp and the Bulldog had a "kitchen utensil draft". Fortunately, we have some interesting sports coverage in Buffalo. It's 103.3
  12. Make him coach and I think we're on to something.
  13. He's still the coach. In case you haven't heard.
  14. Yesterdays game was just a reminder of the last 3 years. A microcosm of mediocrity. Preseason, regular season- same bad, passive coach who plays NOT to lose. I've seen it enough to know that it won't change. Unfortunately, the QB seems to be the same way. 6-10.
  15. McKelvin has a long way to go. He'll make some big plays but he will get burned- a lot- until he learns the position. But he is exciting and the teams in this city certainly need more of that.
  16. I expected him NOT to have been offered an extension halfway through last season. He WILL be fired. Why wait. He is just not good enough- not based only on yesterday. This guy is so passive I can't believe he actually played in the league.
  17. I really don't think I can take another year of Dick " we need to be better" Jauron. The strike zone? 6-10. Maybe.
  18. First of all S&B is NOT controversial. Schopp is rude and condescending and LapDog kisses his a$$. Doesn't sound too controversial to me. When was the last time they really disagreed. Never.
  19. How about " O.J." ? Btw, what do mean against your will? Don't u like puppies?
  20. Here's a reality of business: 1.) Don't be rude to your customers. Unfortunately, WGR has no real competition at this time for Buffalo sports talk. Good Luck WECK.
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