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Everything posted by sabres...yawn

  1. Obviously, the Bills need a QB. Waiting to get one is a major waste of another year. The Bills just wasted four years with Jauron- they can't afford to waste another. Get a QB. Somewhere. Somehow.
  2. When I hear how explayers still talk about Levy I have to respect that but I never thought he was a great game day coach. Saban wins because of the "Lou Saban Show". Classic.
  3. Bye Browns!! It won't be Cleveland but I hope it is. I'd rather see Stafford and the Lions although I could yell at that fat arrogant doughboy Mangini before he gets fired.
  4. That joke about death was so tasteless you should kill yourself? Now THAT'S funny!
  5. The Bills defense WASN'T that good. That's why they lost. Their tackling was horrrendous, they couldn't get off the field....etc... That's Jim Kelly's opinion, too. (Tim McCarver show WGRZ 1/31)
  6. O.J. Simpson. 2.) Bruce 3.) Kelly* *excludes Super Bowl performances due to massive hangovers
  7. I know. Who do they think they are? The NCAA?
  8. I have been following this guys career for years thinking.... Ok, forget it it. I never heard of him. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Go Bills!
  9. Actually, I do like the Bills and have for a long time. Ok, the Bills are great! Better than New England!! Happy now?
  10. Who cares? Are you seriously comparing New England and Buffalo? In any way? You may be interested to know that the Buffalo Bills have not won a playoff game since the first term of Bill Clinton. McCargo? Youbouty? Edwards? Lynch? Whitner? ELLISON? WTF! Wow! How impressive. You might also want to consider draft position when making your flawed "argument."
  11. He doesn't? My dog has won as many Super Bowls as Marv Levy. Btw, the 2006 and 2007 Bills drafts SUCKED. Look at it.
  12. Looks are everything? He's a GM of a football team. You don't have to date the guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  13. How does Drayton know? Did Marty tweet Drayton? Is this the "80%"?
  14. Who cares what a Chargers columnist thinks? I don't. Maybe he should worry about the Chargers.
  15. Translation: I wasn't interested in Buffalo because the organization is a clusterf%&k!
  16. When Marv Levy was hired as GM, Ralph said he was going to become more involved in the draft. I think that is insane. The Bills are a dysfunctional organization- IMO. Does this make me negative?
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