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Everything posted by Pete

  1. fuggin hysterical! Bledsoe led us to how many playoff games? He set this franchise back years. We gave up a 14th overall pick for that chump. Lets see, with that pick we could of selected Troy Polamalu, Asomugha, Boldin, Lance Briggs, Witten etc- all quality players who are still in the league and who could still be a big part of this team. Fuggin Bledsoe!
  2. No! No! Please God No! I know you have heard of McNabb- but he is not the guy that will turn this franchise around. The one good thing about sucking so bad is that we get a high draft pick. Lets not !@#$ that up!
  3. No !@#$ing way! How about we keep our draft picks and don't trade them ala Bledsoe, JP, Denney, McCargo, etc. When is the last time draft picks traded away by the Bills actually worked out?
  4. Great band! That is cool you got to check them out
  5. No way in hell would I give up more then a 4th round pick for McNabb. People- we have many, many holes to fill. A 32 year old average QB is not how we make the playoffs! I warned about Bledsoe- take heed McNabb
  6. I take my Ipod and am set for eternity. There is no way I can narrow it down to 2 albums. I couldn't even narrow it down to 2 genres
  7. Funny Brady Quinn, JeMarcus Russell, Jason Campbell, Matt Leinart are all first round picks
  8. agreed. Chamberlain is sick! He has a jazz background. I also like Buddy Guy and Danny Carey from Tool.
  9. Not sure Pooj. Shazam is my favorite app ever! I use it all the time. If I don't have shazam on me, I try and remember lyrics and google them. Good luck in your search. And Green demon is the greatest!
  10. David Klinger, Ryan Leaf, Dan McGwire, JP, Jemarcus Russell, Matt Leinert, Tim Couch, David Carr, Akili Smith, Cade McNown- yeah it so important to always take your QB FIRST BTW the Chargers drafted LT first, Brees second this thread is laughable
  11. 22 replied and only 19 would like Suh. I am guessing those 3 are Tom Donahoe, Modrak, and Jauron.
  12. They all are pretty cute. Alli is a little chunky but more cushion for the pushing. Milka might be the cutest. And they all might be cuter then Danica
  13. How so? Because they both have 2 arms and 2 feet? Because they both have the letter A in their last name? That they are both American? That is about all I can see for similarities. Paup was a beast! Maybin was a lousy draft pick that will be a chump unless he proves otherwise. That is a big if. Another blown pick for the Bills!
  14. I have the same issue with my blu ray
  15. Boldin and Marshall are the two best after the catch in the NFL IMO
  16. Some points from Zeitgeist that I found interesting and would love to see disproved- Bush/Cheney/Rice all went on record (there is video of each making that claim) that they never imagined a scenerio that hijacked planes would be used as bombs and flown into buildings -USA Today and Peter Jennings reported in 1999 NORAD had flight drills that involved hijack planes being flown into targets, including specifically the WTC -Oct 2000 FEMA emergency response manual included Operation "Mascal" which involved a hijacked plane being flown into the CIA building and the Pentagon -NYT reported the government knew about the planned attack. They reported 12 countries (including Russia, France, Israel, England) warned our government about an impending attack using hijacked planes Mathew Atta received $100,000 from General Mahmoud Ahmad (head of ISI) prior to the attack. -September 11 2001 government officials were having breakfast with Ahmad -911 commission official report- financing of attacks "of little practical significance" Abdulaziz al Oman- one of the reported 19 hijackers, is alive and well. He had an interview with the Telegraph 9/23/2001 and said he was shocked to read he was one of the perpetrators of 9/11. -At least 6 other hijackers of the 19 are still alive Osama Bin Laden was treated at the American Hospital in Dubai in the late 1990's Salef bin Laden met with Jim Bath to discuss handling of bin Laden family finances, pre-9/11. Jim Bath is connected to the Carlyle group. George Herbert Bush became chummy with the bin Laden family after flying to Saudi Arabia to meet with them in 1998, in a Carlyle Group meeting. -On the morning of 9/11/2001 George H. W. Bush was meeting with Shafiq bin Laden(Osama's big brother) regarding the Carlyle group. The Carlyle group is linked with some of the biggest defense contractors in the world- and stood to gain an immense profit with the Afghanistan/Iraq wars. -all public flights were cancelled after 9/11- except for the bin Laden family Regarding the pentagon attack- 12 tons of steel and titanium from the plane vaporized- yet they were able to identify people with fingerprints. -FBI grabbed all surveillance video of the attack- and never released it. -the alleged pilot- by all accounts, was a horrible pilot. Yet he navigated a very difficult 270 degree turn into the pentagon Flight 93 Shanksville- vaporized. Big hole in the ground, no remnants left. Steel melts at 2000 degrees- 500 degrees more then jet fuel burns. WTC- no mention of the molten metal, nor any mention of the 45 degree cuts on the steel columns(which is how they do controlled demolitions). Many eye witnesses claimed there was an initial blast from the basement- and there is video where you can see what appears to be that. Experts stated that it would take 8 seconds for a billiard ball to hit ground if dropped from top of WTC. The building collapsed in 10 seconds. They suspected thermite. Fireman and clean up crews said nothing was left. One fireman said that the biggest remaining object he found was half a key from a keyboard. Amazing- they found one of the hijackers passports in pristine condition in the rubble. Building 7- fire on the top two floors. Two days after the attack it collapsed- and it looks exactly like a controlled demolition. Don't shoot the messenger. This proud American is just stating some points in the movie I found quite compelling.
  17. I am bringing Tortillla Espanola and a carmelized pear cheese cake to my party. I wish I would of thought of this earlier- but a New Orleans themed superbowl party would be delicious!
  18. hummus, naan bread, beet salad, roasted veggies, sopes, pickled carrots, guacamole, salsa, capri salad, tuna canapes, salmon, etc
  19. No **** you can do this with every draft. But my point is there was talent on the boards when we selected.
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