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Phil Hansen Forever

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Everything posted by Phil Hansen Forever

  1. Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks 1 p.m. - Loss Sept. 14 at Jacksonville Jaguars 1 p.m. - Loss Sept. 21 Oakland Raiders 1 p.m. - Win Sept. 28 at St. Louis Rams 4:05 p.m. - Win Oct. 5 at Arizona Cardinals 4:15 p.m. - Loss Oct. 12 Bye Oct. 19 San Diego Chargers 1 p.m. - Loss Oct. 26 at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m. - Win Nov. 2 New York Jets 1 p.m. - Win Nov. 9 at New England Patriots* 1 p.m. - Loss Nov. 17 (Mon.) Cleveland Browns 8:30 p.m. - Win Nov. 23 at Kansas City Chiefs 1 p.m. - Win Nov. 30 San Francisco 49ers 1 p.m. - Win Dec. 7 Miami Dolphins (at Toronto) 4:05 p.m. - Win Dec. 14 at New York Jets 1 p.m. - Win Dec. 21 at Denver Broncos 4:05 p.m. - Win Dec. 28 New England Patriots* 1 p.m. - Win 11-5 We go to the Playoffs and get eliminated in the first round
  2. If we only can vote for a player, brian coc*sucker would be the one. If it was any Dolphin, the SHULA is at the tope of my most despised list. How he went out of his way to humiliate the Bills throughout a decade.
  3. Outstanding, especially the comment about the neck pain...my father always got tickets behind the poles...cause it was cheaper.
  4. Cheaters 14-2 (With Belicheat) Bills 10-6 Jets 8-8 Fish 6-10 Cheaters 9-7 (Without Belicheat) Bills 11-5 Jets 9-7 Fish 8-8 Go Bills!
  5. I whole heartedly agree! It's infuriating to watch the Bills lose in the last minute of the game, when they had it wrapped up...and then it got away from them. Crush the bums, go back to blitzes and driving the other team nuts. It worked for the Bills of old, and the Giants in the Superbowl. Make the other team's QB nervous; make him the object of scorn. Can the BS Bend but Don't Break D.
  6. My wife and I live in Minnesota, so we rarely make home games. However, we made it three years ago when Donahue set up the Bills Backers weekend, which you might want to check out. For the price, and the things to do it was a terrific weekend. You get to tour the training facility, the locker room, the stadium and even have a full fledge Buffalo food celebration, all included. We even got pretty good seats for a reasonable price. The Bills Backer games are usually scheduled for October. Just a thought.
  7. I'm really confused here. What is this Whitney Houston Youtube got to do with Buffalo?
  8. I read Marv's book, he loves Defensive. I'm thinking we taking a DE and and second round RB. He never takes offensive players in the first round. For what it's worth.
  9. 1. Roger Staubach 2. Johnny Unitus 3. Joe Namath 4. Joe Montana 5. Steve Young 6. Dan Marino 7. Terry Bradshaw 8. John Elway 9. Fran Tarkenton For me, its a dead heat between Staubach and Unitus. The rest are my arbitrary list.
  10. I thought you had them inversed as well. The Superbowl year Bills Uniforms were terrific, but since Greggy and his Titans uniform look-a-likes came along, I thought we were #1 and #2 in the league. Best: 1. Packers 2. Bengals (helmets are certainly topdog) 3. Steelers 4. Patriots 5. Rams Worst: 1. Titans 2. Bills 3. Bronco's 4. Browns (boring) 5. Jaguars We got rid of Greggy and Donaho, now we need to get rid of their unies too. Clean the slate.
  11. I bet he's contacting the dolphins now. They love Ricky, perhaps Jeremy too.
  12. I realize you run the place and all, but what does SDS stand for? I certainly hope its not the old Students for Democratic Society.
  13. Eric was quoted as being a Leader in the locker room, until mularkey came along. They all of sudden he is a problem, causing dissention. I call it revisionist history. He was always a man of character and had the guts to stand up to a pile of chit and call him on it. Like the old saying goes: if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck...mularkey called him a goose.
  14. I remember Commander Tom and Rocketship 7. I also remember Chickenman on the same channel. My first name is John and I retired from the Air Force and live in Minnesota. The picture is a Minuteman III launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, one of many in which I participated in guidance system accuracy verifications. Minnesota ain't so bad, and unlike other areas of the country in which I have resided, they understand about loosing four superbowls. I would just rather not have to play them in the superbowl; it would get ugly. Go Bills...Any records beats 2-14. Go DJ & MV! Intelligence and character beat brawn and size anytime.
  15. I just couldn't imagine Marv signing another malcontent after getting rid of Willis and his puppies. The man should have been spade. I'm glad to know it was just another "informed" sould with great imagination.
  16. Last night, I remember seeing a post that said TN was reporting Chris Brown had signed with the Bills for some $40 million, but I can't find the blog or anything else online. Was it a hoax?
  17. Least Favorite: Porcelain Rob Johnson/Willis "I'm the best back in the NFL" McGahee Favorite: Phil Hansen/Darryl Talley/The Electric Company/Doug Flutie There are so many of each category that have slipped my memory over the years. I can still remember Mike Stratton and the "hit". The Bills have always had their share of malcontents, and true working class acts. Phil Hansen rates at the top my category for his love for city, the fans and the people that do the chores. It takes class to even ask the names of the stadium attendents, but Phil didn't just ask, he knew each one and their families. A true gentleman farmer/rancher.
  18. LOL, I blamed my wife too!!! Now I have to eat crow on Valentines Day. Take her out and buy her dinner, usually works.
  19. I'd just like to know who chooses the half time stars which perform. Last year it was the strip tease, and this year Mr. Glyph gave his Jimmy Hendrix guitar impression, and sounded like a cross between Bob Dylan, Bruce Springstein and Joan Baez. His scarf and wardrobe make me wonder how weird it was going to get. Wished the marching band would have gotten more emphasis, at least they seemed capable of carrying a tune.
  20. Superbowl III - The Jets vs the Colts I was 12 and remember Broadway Joe and how he guaranteed a win. Not only did he fulfill it, but he told the defense where he was going to throw the ball, much like Babe Ruth calling the hit. Nobody has ever done that before or since. Unbelievable. John
  21. That prick bellyache wouldn't even shake Peyton's hand when he left the field. All he did was push him away. Bellyache didn't even bother shaking or congratulating Tony Dungy. What a prick!
  22. I actually liked MM the first year, but got tired of his excuses and trick plays. Give me old and boring everytime. I longed for the days of Levy and company and figured whomever he chose would be fine. Marv doesn't always chose wisely (swizzle stick for example), but most of his coaching choices were pretty good. I wasn't so sure of Jauron as the season progressed, he made some really stupid calls and his time management was poor. But as the season wore on, he got better and less inept. I figured he was just rusty and hadn't been coaching for sometime. I think he will do just fine, if they can build up their offensive and defensive lines....which now suck, or should I say leak. Very porous and they need a plumber badly. Hopefully, Jauron will kick Mcgahee in the arse or get a big ol tractor and pull his head out. Either way, something needs to be done. Welcome back MARV, you done good!
  23. AMEN! Get rid of the Tennessee Titan Unis and go back to the good old days. How about the white helment with the charging buffalo too!
  24. The best way to defeat their vaunted defense is using the no-huddle offense. They substituted players every other down, and if they were forced to stay on the field for four or more downs, they would pass out from exhaustion. Its too bad we don't play it anymore, it would wear them down really fast.
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