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Posts posted by Tommy

  1. Phil Hanson was a 2nd round pick out of North Dakota State and it took him a while he didnt just jump to the NFl and Dominate at his position.


    So far this year the only rookie I can say that I have seen really play well is Dez Bryant, he merits ROY award. Sam Bradford has done well, not a deer in the head lights.


    Don't forget Mike Williams on Tampa Bay (4th round pick from Syracuse!). He's having a great rookie year. He leads all rookies in receiving yards, and is 12th among all NFL receivers in yards. I watched him play at Syracuse his whole career, and was really wishing the Bills would draft him. Unfortunately, the Bucs snagged him a few places ahead of us in the 4th round, and we ended up taking Marcus Easley. :(

  2. It looks to me like his arm is getting tired at the end of games. In yesterday's game he was really slinging the ball around in the first three quarters. This isn't the first time he's made some VERY poor fourth quarter throws. Sure, there are probably some other factors that affect his fourth quarter throws, but his arm strength/endurance does seem to be a problem at the end of games.

  3. Gnarly dude.. I think we rate 32 out of 32 teams for cheerleaders..


    Actually I'm fairly sure there are a few teams that don't have cheerleaders at all. I think the Packers are one of them. So I guess having the Jills is better than no cheerleaders at all?


    And in response to the picture of the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader....maybe she just has big....erm....lips.

  4. Meh. Oline troubles are independent of Edwards. He had plenty of opportunity today on many plays, especially later on (not so much early). Quite frankly, you have to wonder if his football sense IQ is a negative number. His decision to throw 2 yard passes on 3rd and ten come remarkably too easy. His willingness to burn precious seconds running around at the end of the game and his unwillingness to feel enough desperation to just throw the freakin' ball all point to a guy who isn't a ball player. He has no sense for the game.


    And sooner or later, even if you do have a good oline, you are going to face pressure. If you make the playoffs, you will face pressure. This guy just isn't wired to deal with it.


    Agreed. I was there today, and just couldn't believe some of the decisions. Yes the O-line play wasn't good...but as was mentioned above, Trent doesn't want to throw it unless he sees a guy wide open. To answer the original thread question, there were definitely times when receivers were open, but a lot times Trent couldn't or wouldn't step into the throw or get his feet set.

  5. Moorman's grade would make him an "average starter" when in reality he is one of the top 3-5 punters in the league. Also having Kelsay rated as a higher score than K. Williams is commical.


    These rates are a bit suspect, seems to me like they havnt watched enough games to make accurate assesments.


    They actually gave Kelsay and Williams the same score...but to your point, I would agree that Kyle Williams is better than Kelsay, and should at least be rated higher.

  6. right because terrell pryor didnt almost single handedly beatdown oregon in the rose bowl...



    National Championship - Ohio State v Oklahoma

    Heisman - Christian Ponder

    Surprise Team - Florida State

    #1 Pick in the Draft - Robert Quinn, DE, North Carolina


    Haha....well based on your avatar there might be a LITTLE bit of bias here. But I do agree with you on the fact that not a lot of people are talking about Florida St, and I think they'll definitely be in the hunt for the ACC championship. I'm interested to see how Ponder does this season. I've watched some FL St. games in the past, but never focused too much on him.


    I also can't wait for football Saturdays and Sundays. There's something about the cool, crisp weather....the leaves turning color....and waking up knowing you've got a full day of football to enjoy.

  7. There's an insider link on espn.com that reads "FBO: How Lee Evans trumps Miles Austin". Does anyone here have insider? I would love to know what this article says.


    I have Insider, and to answer your original question: The article is just about how Football Outsiders expects a few players, including Lee Evans, to increase their "YAC Plus" statistic this year, while they expect a few other players, including Miles Austin, to decline in this category.


    "YAC Plus" is essentially how many yards MORE than the typical YAC a player gets for a specific pass reception scenario (so if an 8 yard pass to the left typically results in a YAC of 3, and Lee Evans got 4 yards, then he'd have a YAC Plus of 1). They average your YAC Plus for every reception and compare to other players. They expect Lee's to rise and Austin's to fall.

  8. Anyone in the Syracuse or Liverpool area not seeing the game on 5?


    I have Time Warner without a digital box, the co-ax is just plugged directly to my TV.


    The channel that scrolls whats on is showing Bills game on WTVH 5, just like all posts on here have been saying all day, but I am seeing Jeopardy right now?!




    I'm in Liverpool, and it says it's supposed to be the Bills game but instead it's Jeopardy. I'm pretty pissed right now

  9. Your mistake is assuming that Nix was thinking he could fix the Bills in one off-season. It is going to take more than one draft to clean up the previous regime's mess and get a winner assembled.


    What he said. <_<


    I don't think Nix assumed Schobel was coming back, and there is only so much you can do with the draft picks you have, your team needs, and who is available when you pick. I think they needed to see what they have in Maybin this year before spending another high draft pick on his replacement. I think Nix is doing what he needs to do to rebuild the team, knowing that it won't all happen in one year.

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