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Posts posted by Tommy

  1. Stats aside, I think we can all probably agree that Poz has been at least a bit of a letdown so far, but he's young, and injury obviously put him back a bit. Time to turn it around.


    Agreed. I'm not ready to rule him out yet. But I want him to show me more this year.

  2. You know, despite the fact that you can't have things like this going on in college football, if you notice in the video, Blount is trying to walk past the Boise St. player, and the Boise St. guy slaps Blount on the helmet and taunts him. Who's showing the worst sportsmanship here? The guy who taunts someone else and initiates after WINNING? Or the guy who punches the jerk in the mouth for being like that? I wouldn't have had a problem with it if he didn't end up almost getting into it with the fans afterwards. He had to get dragged off the field pretty much. I think you need to give people a wake up call sometimes when they act like jerks, and maybe the Boise St. player got the message..haha.


    PS: It was a pretty solid punch. The guy went down.

  3. Other than playing with T.O. in Dallas last season, you mean?


    efit: oop, Daninator beat me to it. And Matty, if you saw Larry Ladykiller, I hope you called the cops -- he's supposed to be in prison in California!


    Yeah....other than TO. I mean, was their relationship so strong that that's the only reason he would want to come here? Or is there something else...other than Canadian strippers?

  4. I think that it is a very distinct possibility. Or, do you think that the idea to trade up for Brown just popped into their heads immediately after the Bills made their pick one spot earlier.


    Not to be a wiseass, but which scenario seems more likely to you?


    I think it's very possible that they waited to see if the Bills would draft Everette Brown, since they knew the Bills needed Dline help. Sure they drafted Maybin already, but the Jaguars drafted two OT with their first two picks, so why couldn't the Bills drafts 2 DE's within their first 3 picks?

  5. The very next selection after we took Byrd was owned by the 49ers. They traded it to the Panthers for a 1st round pick in 2010.

    I am guessing that this coincided with when they took the straight jacket and shackles of Jauron and brought him up from the cellar, so he could grab defensive backs and small linebackers the way only he can.


    Okay. I wasn't aware of this. But who says the Panthers made the same offer to the Bills? Maybe they did...just curious as to if you know if that was ever an actual possibility. Because if it was, I'd sure love to have the extra 1st.

  6. On another note, did anyone see what a beast Demeco Ryans is? The Texans don't get much spotlight, but this guy is absolutely one of the best linebackers in the NFL. He was all over the field making tackles (not just the chase a guy down from behind type) for the whole first half.

  7. I still say - No way to Jay.


    I'm hoping some people will agree with me on this, but I wouldn't want Jay Cutler on my team. I say that tentatively because for all I know he ends up winning a super bowl. However, with what I've seen so far, I wouldn't want someone with that attitude and temper on my team. Cutler seems to be a whiny baby who has to get what he wants or else he pouts. Even in games, when he makes a bad throw or something, it looks like he gets really pissed (more than is necessary for messing up one throw). He definitely has a lot of talent, and has the potential to be very good. So far though, his accomplishments are not winning a single playoff game, and pouting until he got traded after his new coach hurt his feelings. He's definitely better than Trent, but I wouldn't want someone like him on my team. JMO.

  8. If the cynicism were based on only a few preseason games, it would be silly but the truth is, there is a lot more to base our worries on than these glorified scrimmages. Our pessismism is also based on the reality of how they finished the season last year, the reality that they are taking no less than 5 gambles on the offensive line and that their top pick missed all of camp. Add in the departure of Peters and Marshawn's suspension and there are plenty of reasons for people to be legitimately worried about this year. The preseason games could have helped to calm those fears but instead, they have exacerbated them.


    Certainly, you can spin each one of those factors into something positive but just as certainly, reasonable minds can legitimately cite them as a rational basis for being very concerned that this simply is not our year. So please don't characterize everyone who sees this as something other than a playoff year as being negative nancys or nervous nellies foolishly overreacting to the preseason games.


    You don't have to agree that this will be a difficult year but allow us the courtesy to disagree without being insulted by our fellow fans. Perhaps you have never, in the history of being a fan of this team, expressed concern about a player, a coach or a front office decision but if you have, you should understand the current view by many that, though we hope otherwise, this is more likely to be a tough year than a playoff year.


    Very good post....and this isn't coming from someone who is negative on the board. I'm typically of the mindset that I hope for the best, and can definitely see the possibility of good things happening each year, but with respect to this year, I think it's reasonable to say that we aren't a playoff team this year, based on our schedule and our team. I do however think it's POSSIBLE we surprise some people and snatch up a wild card spot, and I will certainly hope for that to happen. Moral of the story: Mickey's post makes a lot of sense, and is very reasonable. Nicely done.

  9. I understand your point, but isn't that the easy way out? Just picking a good team to be a fan of so that you'll be "happy" when they win? Seems rather artificial. I was born a Bills fan, the Bills "chose" me, in a sense. It doesn't seem right to not root for a team that represents your hometown. Furthermore, I can't really understand local baseball fanatics here. We don't have a team. I respect the fact that you love the game, but how can you really get up and down with a team that doesn't have anything to do with Buffalo? My roommate is a die-hard Yankees fan. Why? We're not New Yorkers, what do they have to do with us? It doesn't make sense to me. I can't latch onto any big city, big market team. Its not my identity. I know there's a LOT of Yankees fans on this board. That's fine. It just strikes me as easy. They have 26 championships. Buffalo teams? 0. Its not easy to like a loser. But I have to.


    Agreed. I don't dislike baseball, but I just don't have a favorite team, and can't feel the attachment to any team if they're not hometown.

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