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Everything posted by McBeane

  1. Shannaham? Really? Not to mention Holgrem... Where did you go to school?
  2. Maybe I'm being ignorant but isn't sliding something that should come naturally for an athlete? I mean it's not a hard thing to figure out how to do...
  3. I think the Vikings are just so dangerous because of AP alone. He demands such respect from the defense that it opens the field up for Favre to light up any team. And their defense is just as impressive with Jared Allen on a tear this year.
  4. Senior moment for a 21 year old haha. Meant Vikings-Colts.
  5. I just don't see it happening anytime soon. I mean there are still 5 regular season games left so there are way too many variables to allow that to happen. I see the Super Bowl being Vikings-Colts.
  6. I think we would be much better off trading Lynch and picking up a solid RB in either FA (Willie Parker?) or a mid-round draft pick.
  7. The day that Dick was fired Russ was quoted as saying something to the sort of "the search for a football guy as gm will begin immediately" I'll try to find a link.
  8. Well, if you compare the number of games between college football/basketball and the NFL I'm sure it would make the percentage of "exciting" games relatively similar. There are 32 NFL teams and something like 120 Div 1 Football teams and even more basketball teams are in Div 1.
  9. There are many obvious reasons as to why they don't publicly announce information regarding negotiations, see T.O.
  10. This day will never be forgotten I'm getting a memorial tattoo for the Chroisen One next Tuesday....
  11. Well, Kelly would deserve to be anointed more than 95% of the other ex-players out there. I mean no other QB has taken their team to 4 straight super bowls. He is a HOF'er and he has earned that privilege I believe.
  12. I have never been impressed with him. Seems to get rattled easily and makes mistakes when there is no excuse for it. I'll take Locker, thank you.
  13. They wouldn't say anything as they don't want to tip their hand to any other teams. They now have the upper hand in getting him in here first and they aren't going to mess that advantage up. Smart decision by the FO to not say anything confirming the reports.
  14. You do realize that about 90+% of coaches differ when they win the toss right? It's basically like having a buffer zone leading into halftime knowing you are guaranteed a possession coming out of halftime. Simple strategy really...
  15. We do have a HORRIBLE offense, but you cannot say the Browns are better than.... oh wait, nevermind.
  16. Sorry, can't recall where I saw it (seen many things about this whole Shanahan ordeal) but I did see that he would want control of all football operations as well. I think it may have been PFT where I saw that, but it's great news!
  17. Shanahan would be absolutely perfect in Buffalo. For the love of God, please let this happen!!!
  18. As long as it involves the throwbacks that we are using this year, I am all for it!
  19. I don't see the justification for calling him a psychopath and sociopath. I mean he funded a dog fighting ring, he didn't go around killing and dismembering people. I think you are taking this overboard a little. By the sounds of it, you would be pissed if I killed that spider in my bathroom.
  20. Guess I wasn't looking outside the box like you haha.
  21. Ummm... I normally like beerballs posts, but this is so odd its in crayonz territory...
  22. Yes they did, and its now the week before the Super Bowl, IIRC.
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