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Everything posted by IHFO

  1. Haha it was a joke lighten up..I'm a Duke fan so of course I'm a homer...but they are one of the best..anone who doesn't believe that Duke has been one of the best college b-ball schools ever since coach K took over is just being nieve or ignorant And since it's a .com website I'll take it with a grain of salt...just like I do with half the stuff people write about and say on espn...don't believe everything you read
  2. y the Duke despise-iness? lol Only the greatest college Basketball program ever
  3. you still think they will go up 15% even with the economy the way it is..they probably will i'm just asking for your opinion?
  4. Like I metioned in another thread I hope he falls in love with the place..does his job on the field and ends his career here...eventhough he hasn't spent his entire career here if he ends his career here and helps this team back to the playoffs I can see him being as beloved as bruce, jim, thurman, reed etc
  5. yea.............no to Jackson our pass rush is the problem...we need a de who can rush the passer opposite aaron... Kelsey does fine against the run IMO why cut kelsey and replace him with kelsey part deux
  6. I for one personally hope he does well here and finishes his career in a Bills uniform...let's wait and see
  7. He's solid against the run so if they wanted to use him as a LB I think it would be interesting...still sucks against the pass though and our LB's in this scheme have to cover
  8. glad we are building a team on how names sound..could be a law firm or something tho someday who knows lol
  9. He's horrible against the pass...idk if he's much better than what we have honestly..got to those probowls on name
  10. medical insurance isn't going to cover those kinds of expenses...if it was my child he would have been dead along time before Hunter..I don't have the money..Kelly kept his son alive with money out of his own pockets
  11. I apologize if I came across as an jerk or something I wan't trying to paint everyone on these boards as that type of person..There are alot of very intelligent posters on these boards who are informed about a subject before they post on it like yourself, Ramius, Bill in NYC etc etc..although I don't always agree with their opinions I respect them. But there are a few who say things and I wonder if they say them just to hear themselve talk so to speak...all I was trying to say..Idk if i did a very good job.
  12. I've had an accout on here before..I'm not exactly new to these boards and I read these threads every day so yes there are alot of people on here who I find amazing with their thought process
  13. didn't imporve the team at all? WR not a need position? Josh Reed a solid #2? yea i see where you are going
  14. but who would replace his "production"
  15. I'm not wearing gear but I'm proud to be a Bills fan...I will probably get an Owens jersey knowing full well he's only gonna be here one year
  16. Ok i get it i'm not goona agree with you and I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse.. lol..I don't think They should have moved and apparently you don't have a problem with it...great gonna talk bills now
  17. yea ok great..12th isn't that bad...means there were alot of other teams worse....y don't they lose their franchise...bid deal the fact is they sold enought tickets to support that franchise it stayed there for over 30 years..they didn't deserve to lose it To get back on topic i agree its amazing what the fans here do to sell that place out game after game year after year..sadly people think we should boycott the bills and not go to the games because then Ralph will "finally get it" or w/e that we are sick of losing...well do it and we are going to be like seattle.. only without a football team
  18. you want to know what is idioic....you trying to prove your point by using one season haha funny you didn't mention their record the next season 35-47 to be exact
  19. rational thinking on this board..naw we are spur of the moment people..nonsense
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