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Everything posted by IHFO

  1. yea i'll tell you y...he sucks and is a horrible safety who made those pro bowls on name rep. alone not his play
  2. They did...the got a first and the 3rd...And I don't see the hype with Ayers i don't really think there is a solid de in the draft...none of them really impress me
  3. Since you only replied to that one part I'm gonna assume I hit a double and got all the other things right
  4. Thanks I love Scrubs...such lovely nuggets of wisdom...Dr.Cox is the greatest
  5. Just admit you lived a very well to do life growing up..you never had any black "gangsta" friends and you have no idea how to mix, mingle, or associate with that type of crowd and it scares the sh-- outta you when you get around them...therefore you feel justified calling them "thugs" because it makes you feel like more of a man. Am I close barbie? I think I just hit a home run
  6. Is Warrick Dunn Thug enough for this team....I think not
  7. O well my father owns a Mercedes which I have driven, we own guns, and I can't say I'm innocent about the last one soooo I'm a hardcore thug thanx for clearing that up....What's the latest free agent scoop Skoob ...or maybe you could go drive your BMW or w/e around which isn't thug like cuz well thugs only drive mercedes not BMW's cough cough...
  8. I say yes...you might want to use the search because there have been a ton of these posts lately it seems
  9. Dad is That YOU?!?!? jk lol my father makes horrible horrible puns all the time
  10. The worst spellers I have had as teachers have always been english teachers...you tell me?
  11. solid logic...i wonder if anyone has done a scientific study to see if "thugs" make better football players...Brett Farve was such a thug...THUG LIFE
  12. O, I'm sry I didn't take your post like that..I was just curious as to how you would deal with him drinking if you really felt this was an issue and you were in a position of power in the Bills organization...I agree with the bolded
  13. yes but if it wasn't his then y is he being charged?
  14. I don't think anyone believes all cops are saints...h/e no matter how corrupt they are they still have the power so if you want to avoid jail at the end of the day you let bygones be bygones and yes sir...no sir your way out of anything serious. I really don't see where you get your "many" statement tho..only pone person said 99.9% are just trying to go home with an honest day's pay and that is not "many" like you want to believe
  15. Maybe..what are you going to do about it though...he's 21+ i don't see how you can forbid him to drink...lots of people can't handle their alcohol..lots of people get into trouble because of it...RIP Nick Adenhardt is dead because of it...Donte didn't kill anyone...but those people aren't NFL players...what do you do Bill?
  16. O ok thanks for clearing that up...I've never been...friends and I had discussed going but my skin color is darker..even tho I am white so the girls were afraid that we'd get there and everyone would get in except me so we usually go to Tilt instead...but yea most people I talk to say they don't really care for that place lol
  17. ooooooooooooooooooooooo so close..2nd actually i think you are reffering to Marques Colston of the Saints who was a 7th round pick
  18. really thats interesting...I head that that club is racist and they turn blacks away...just rumor on the street and local colleges/universities
  19. Chill out Tipster is one of the better posters on these boards he's just joking around
  20. Good stuff dude...Whats your opinion of Jim Kelly as a QB?
  21. And every white person who runs into a black person isn't racist so I don't get why you make that point...I'm white..i have black friends..not racist your point makes it seem like you think every black/white encounter is racist
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