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Everything posted by IHFO

  1. really ...thats about the worst thing you could do imo
  2. +1 I'm only 20 and I've already had my fair share of run-ins with the police/officers... but i'm always been respectful..yes sir no sir yes officer..no officer and you know what they let you off with warnings as a rule...just show them some respect. I've had friends who feel the need to mouth off and they end up in the county jail overnight. The officers are in the position of power..seems like people have a hard time remembering that.
  3. Idk if you understand racism still exists today...it'll never just go away...that's like saying rape will just go away...you live in your little world and we will live in the real one
  4. WTF what is this about..since when are people not allowed to give their opinion about what this team should do..chill out
  5. no they aren't thats the point..instead of thinking you know everything y don't you try listening to others and taking some advice.... And the whole "i don't pay attention to caps is BS..you had to turn it on and turn it off so you were paying attention and knew exactly what you were doing don't play it off lmao...
  6. Not gonna lie but as much as i'd love for the bills to become winners..not gonna happen probably..i hope i'm wrong but i'm gonna agree with you
  7. yea i've noticed he really likes putting others down
  8. I was looking foward to seeing what he had last year..very dissapointed when he got hurt
  9. really? WHO? Cato June??!?!!? he's very average I bet thomas can play just as well as june and costs less lets not overrate June just because he's a name..who do you want? I'm not gonna spell his name because I know i'll spell it wrong and i'm too lazy to look it up but that LB from the colts? The same colts defense that sucks every year? really face reality people there was/is no answer to our LB problem in FA so far until someone gets cut or there never will be and we'll go though the draft..June isn't the answer
  10. well idk if you were aware but it is and I quote "hard to win in the NFL"
  11. That would be awesome I like Edwards but Cutler>>>Edwards Cutler to Evans and TO w/Lynch and Jackson + defense adressed through the draft = playoffs
  12. didn't realize we were going with 12 years as the entire history of college bball haha it was a historic run which will prob never be done again..but what have they done since? They have been very good lately the last few years but have nothing to show for it
  13. Sry Packers #1 grew up with Farve...always will be my favorite player Giants # 2 passed the Bills this year actually because my best friend is a Giants fan and I watched alot of their games this year and they are what I wish the Bills were... Bills are #3 I never became a Bills fan until they got Bledsoe..too young for the SB's I'm only 19 and I grew up with them losing all the time...so idk the only reason I follow the Bills is because I'm from WNY and my dad's a fan and I like to have pride in this area and the city of Buffalo when they do well so I root for them...but they aren't my favorite team As dfor the others I love Duke...I grew up watching Maddux, Glavine, and Smoltz on TBS..HUGE Braves fan..back to the playoffs this year..gonna pass the Muts they are going down hill and we are on the way back up...I was a Bulls fan with Jordan but he left and welll...so I liked Steve Nash and Nowitzki is my Fav player so I'm a Mavs fan now..I like Cuban I think he's a great owner who cares about his players and a man people want to play for. IDK whats so crazy about it..just because I live in NY doesn't mean I have to root for teams around here...I like Syracuse as well probably second fav college bball team..And I like Joe Pa and the Nittany Lions in Football
  14. You know what I root for the Sabres, Packers, Giants, Bills, Braves, Mavericks....I'm glad one team I root for has the refs on their side haha
  15. IDK about him being a prized QB recruit but yea he came to Duke with alot of hype as maybe the greatest point guard talent wise the school had ever seen and has done squat...
  16. He had a decient freshman year..but has really sucked since
  17. I agree with the bolded...h/e even though they reel in mcD's all americans they are usually only 3 or 4 star spects...idk y we can't get any 5 star recruits but w/e that's Coach K's problem soo yea mcD's all americans but not as good as other schools prospects i think your putting too much weight into that..And I LOVE DICKY V o yea BABY
  18. +1 didn't realize there were other Duke fans on the board...nice to see haha
  19. It didn't end in the middle of the sent... did it?
  20. I agree..I feel your pain...I actually for a while felt like we had a chance at the title this year (right in line with when we were # 1 btw is it sad I knew we'd lose not shortly thereafter because it's what Duke does when they are ranked #1)..but then...well..the rest of the season idk if we are gonna make it to the elite eight
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