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Everything posted by Amstel

  1. ESPN news just reported that Marv is going to be named head of Football Ops
  2. I just hope Ralphie can lure in a good GM. I don't want Modrak he's a Donahoe cronie and has had plenty of input on players we've taken. What sucks though is that with Ralphie "getting more involved" he's not likely to give out a President's title again which is what you would most likely need to get a Ron Wolf or Scott Pioli type guy....
  3. I agree. The hell with MM! I know TD is trying to save his ass but why play KH to win one more when the season is lost anyway. I have a friend who's a Jets fan who said to me "Didn't the Jets screw themselves by winning?"
  4. One high-level NFL club official said his discussions with other officials led him to believe there could be 10 head coaching changes in the off-season. -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 10? I'm sure the ten must include MM as a possiblilty who are the others? GB, Baltimore, KC, Oakland, Houston.....
  5. I want a GM who will promise to draft and sign ONLY Offensive and Defensive Linemen.......
  6. First off this is not a "Keep TD and MM" post. With that said, there are going to be a lot of HC vacancies and I'm not sure how many GM vacancies (outside of Detriot and Houston). Is it plausable to think short of throwing a lot of money at a GM and HC we're going to be able to lure the best available candidates to Buffalo? Right now I'm sure there might be more attractive openings.....Just a thought about what we might be up against......then again Ralph may stand pat although I can't see him letting TD off the hook.....
  7. I'll be watching tonight (with a couple cases on hand to dull the pain) since I'm doing Xmas Eve at the girlfriend's and won't be able to see next week's game. I'd like to see a at least a good effort tonight. Regardless of the finish I think TD will be gone. There's no way we finish 3-0 anyway. I'm not sure who RW will replace TD with but I hope he gets rid of MM too as it would be more attractive to a GM candidate to pick his own HC. I don't think Modrak is the answer. He's a TD cronie so what's going to make him that much different anyway? I read that he's also known as a lazy scout and overrated....I'm still up in the air if I'm going to actually go to the Jets game as I live 15 min from Giants stadium....
  8. I understand your point about wanting to bring in an established HC but I don't think Fassel would get the job done.
  9. I had to reply to myself! I can't go w/o any replies!
  10. I finally got this POS lap top to connect. I've been down here for two weeks and there's a problem connecting to the ethernet. Morgan Stanley's help desk insists it's the connection and the hotel insists it's the machine....I hooked up with the Houston Bills Backers last week. Great group of people. I plan on watching with them again tomorrow.......Hope everyone is well!
  11. Saban may turn out to be great. He is given latitude by the media because he's BB's understudy and the Fins won a couple of games............
  12. I see LAMP after a lot of posts and from time to time try to deduce what LAMP means. Please let me know. Thank you! Jim
  13. There's been speculation that maybe Mularkey was told to go with Holcomb or was influenced. Was it Donahoe? Was it Ralph Wilson? Did the Veteran players have a lot to do with it? What do you think?
  14. "That sound you hear emanating from Buffalo was the J.P. Losman era officially reaching a crisis point. Can anybody be enjoying that rapid development more than Cowboys quarterback Drew Bledsoe? Kelly Holcomb, it's your job to lose." I'm not saying I agree with his statement I just posted it........what do you think?
  15. It's not wrong. Honestly it would be difficult to watch if you thought there was no chance they could win. I'm tired of the hype too. I don't care what they have to to get it right. If watching film as a team does it great. Whatever it takes. Unfortunately I don't think the young guys and new guys feel the Fins rivalry like Moulds does.......
  16. As far as Drew doing well in Dallas- he was awesome in his first 8 games as a Bill. Perhaps he'll continue to play well. Maybe Dallas suits him better than the Bills. whatever the case if it was our scheme coaching whatever it wasn't happening for Drew here. As far as JP, if he's not ready when will he be? As PTR said how is having him "ride the pine" going to make him more ready? I understand the mental reps and him seeing things happen from the sideline but he's going to need on the field experience. I want to win and win now as bad as anyone but either he takes his lumps now and gets through it or we have some journeyman take us through the next couple of seasons until "JP is ready" then we watch him take his lumps. I'd rather have him go through his rookie ups and downs now and find out if he can get it done than wait a year or two to find out......
  17. I'll admit I'm as disappointed with yesterday's showing as the next guy. However, it's only one game and against an NFC opponent. When it all comes down tie breakers etc I'd rather lose to an NFC opponent than an AFC opponent
  18. Are the Giants white/road jerseys new or throw backs. You'd think living 15 min from Giants stadium and passing it on the train to work everyday that I would know but I don't. And I think their blue jerseys look like practice jerseys that have names on them......
  19. Joe Pendry= Jamming square pegs into round holes. He never fit his system to the players we had he put players into his system which didn't play totheir strengths
  20. You make a good point which I had also thought- if there is a team to lose to it's better to lose to an NFC team in terms of tie breakers down the road. Also NE lost yesterday too....
  21. I saw it Sunday unfortunately I was on the phone so I couldn't hear everything. Jerry Gray drives a white 2005 Range Rover
  22. The Defense needs to get off the field on third downs and needs to improve in the red zone
  23. As far as the Refs helping them I can think of a couple of times they beat the Bills where very questionable calls helped them win. Anyone remember a barely concious receiver fumble the ball after Keion Carpenter drilled him and because it rolled and touched his knee he retained possesion....and the "tuck rule" is total BS even though they won they should never have been in that SB. Outside of those few calls I think they're a great team. I can't stand Brady because I'm tired of looking at his face and hearing all the sportscasters gush over him. I know he's that good I'm just tired of hearing about it kind of like how they make excuses for Farve all the time. Regardless of the outcome of the season if the Bills can win the game at Foxboro it would be huge. I think having gotten rid of Drew will help. I'm sure there were many reasons why but the Pats had his number big time....
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