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Posts posted by Mr. WEO

  1. What other priority? Umm, the annual league meetings start Sunday and run through most of next week in Dana Point, Ca.


    Lori's right.


    You guys have got to turn down the drama a bit. "Manipulating our every emotion"??


    Just toss on your TO Bills throwback jersey and you'll be fine.

  2. Leif Larsen? I dont remember him too much.? Did he have a very good career in college. As far as Raji pushing him around. If i rember correctly Mack looked a lot better in team drills then he did one on one. This is usually the case becasue very seldom is a center not recieving some form of help from a gaurd. Whether it is a chip block or a straight up double team. I am by no means suggesting the Bills take Mack late in the first or with their second pick. I would rather see a true gaurd in the second like Duke Robinson(who the Bills had the Oline coach scout at his proday last week).


    Larson was picked simply because of his bench pressing skills.


    Totally useless metric.

  3. Its still too early to declare his assessment of the market and work at Peters' direction a done deal yet (it ain't over 'til its over) but given some of the vitriol spewed last year about how stupid Peters and his agent were in how they played this negotiating exercise, I think a rational assessment of the current situation in negotiation is almost all in Peters' favor.


    I know there is no requirement and I do not expect any hardcore Bills partisan to be rational, but it is no surprise to me that even with the Bills and Peters reported to be about $3 million apart, I think one needs to realize that this is far closer to Peters' outrageous demand of the top OL contract in the market (which is now over $11.5 million a year that Jake Long signed for) than where the Bills started out which is wanting Peters to honor his existing (RT pay scale) contract.


    The Bills have moved from the $4 mill a year (which by far is the largest paycheck Peters ever saw but that does not seem to matter in the modern NFL where both teams and players seem happy to get every one of our dimes they can) apparently to 8 and given the situation I think its a pretty safe bet that Peters is gonna get a lot more than $8 million a year.


    Maybe Peters and his agent got to the current position through their intelligent gauging of the market, or through dumb luck, or through getting a couple of things to go their way and they took advantage of these opportunities, but whatever the reason (my guess is opportunism rather than Peters and his posse anticipating just how this would go) I think it takes real blinders not to see the superior negotiating position Peters is in.


    The 3 big events in this negotiation IMHO were:


    A. Peters aimed high and stuck to his guns for the most part last off-season-


    As with most games of chicken (which in essence what last year's juvenile multi-million dollar face off between the Bills and Peters was) no one really won and both sides should count their blessings they survived this dispute to live again. Peters missed camp by holding out until the last minute (the last minute was he crawled back before being docked a game check which would have been serious money. There was a noticeable effect in terms of his performance in the first half of last year as he got off to a slow start. However, this slow start had no real impact on the important stat of W/L as the Bills won despite the initial inconsistent play of Peters. In the more imaginary world of the media (radio and the web being the loudest) Peters was labeled as lousy.


    However, since the Bills got off to a fast start without Peters hitting the ground running, and many of his teammates rooting for the Bills to set a precedent of caving into player demands, and since Edwards was not killed due to lame LT play both Peters and the Bills escaped his holdout with their lives.


    B. Peters made the Pro Bowl-


    This accomplishment really put Peters in the driver's seat. Many Bills fans made leery of the validity of Pro Bowl selection after watching Ruben Brown get in year after year despite having some not very good years sometimes really devalue Pro Bowl picks. However, the critical issue here is market value and whether he deserved it or not Peters scored a big plus by getting voted in by a mixed and balanced opinions of coaches, peers, and fans.


    One has to give props to Peters for winning this nod as from a marketing/negotiating standpoint this validated his decision to hold out as even with the slow start he still got the nod from this mixed panel. Even for those who want to claim all they care about is play and not popularity, they actually are ignoring play to claim Peters is a bad player as part of his winning this was that his on field performance seemed to this viewer (and is born out by some statistical analysis that looks at which opposing DL player got a sack) improved in the second half of the season probably as he improved from his selfish holdout.


    C. Dockery was let go-


    This created a dual advantage for Peters in that this move not only made some cap room for Peters as the Bills cut him rather than pay him a roster bonus, but it also put the Bills in a situation where they already were replacing their starting center and several back-ups on the OL. While some seem to have their panties all up in a wad over Peters not honoring his contract (hello real world are you surprised) it looks really doubtful the Bills will want to replace the majority of their OL in one off-season which they would have to do if they cut Peters.


    An even greater departure from reality is that some fans are vocal about wanting to trade Peters for draft choices. This is simply a departure from reality in that actual NFL GMs realize that even though the conventional wisdom is a 1st round pick should be a starter (many Bills fans have been fooled by good picks like Nate Clements becoming a star after the Bills traded down to the last third of the 1st round to get him). It does happen a lot that a later pick becomes a starter, but the actual real world occurrence is that its only a little over 50/50 most years for a first round pick to be a starter at the beginning of the next season.


    Even if the Bills got 2 1st rounders for Peters (could happen but like franchise player Cassel and others a top vet may only bring later round choices in reality) they are likely writing off 09 in terms of OL play as these rookies learn to become vets. When Dockery got cut the cash registers started going off in Peters and his agents head.


    The bottomline here appears to me that despite the whines of many fans and media types like Ed Kilgore who have instant stories he would not have to work hard to do his job if the Bills stupidly drew a line in the sand, the Bills will likely wait until after the April draft to ink Peters. As the rookie cap is separate from the vet cap who they pick makes little fiscal difference (our decision to do our accounting based on cap to cash may to some extent link rookie contracts to existing contracts but not by a huge amount) and the Bills can roll over and sign Peters when they choose. However, by leaving the situation unclear they also send misinformation to our opponents so outside clarity probably waits until after the draft.


    However, in the big picture I give my props to Peters and his agent. They appear to have played this well and even in the worse case the Bills ship Peters and he probably really cashes in as his new team would almost certainly want to sign him for his career.


    Well played Peters.



    I disagree. If he didn't hold out and arrived in great shape and played as well as he did in '07, he would be spending his new huge contract money RIGHT NOW.


    Other than holding out again (and losing gamechecks) there is nothing Peters can do--he is under contract. Very simply, the Bills may decide to give him a new contract, but they do not have to.

  4. I can't even come close to how you've made yourself look in a few weeks' tiume, especially considering what you wrote above and comparing it to what you previously wrote:



    So you first said that this was obviously (as any first year law student could tell you) never going to be a felony gun charge, which meant it was going to be a misdemeanor charge, period. Yet NOW it was a plea deal because he was obviously smoking pot, which was never retrieved and thus never tested, for which he was never charged, and for which he's never tested positive in the past, and when no news source has reported it as a plea deal, unlike last year's incident?


    Come back to me when you get your stories straight. Or get a coherent story. And ultimately, whether the search was legal or not, he was still caught with a gun in his trunk.


    Wow. This is work! Actually that's not what I said.


    OK, one more time boys. The DA, any DA, is going to start with the most consequential charge--in this case a felony. He is free, on behalf of the people, and considering the record of the criminal, to offer a reduced charge to which the perp can plea to (a "plea bargain") in order to get a conviction. When you get arrested on a felony charge and you plead guilty to a misdemeanor, a plea bargain has been made and accepted between you and the State. "News sources" don't usually have to explain that part.


    The pot is YOUR fixation, not mine. The plea deal had nothing to do with the drugs. The DA is basically ignoring the weed because it is, at MOST, a misdemeanor---a fine. He has Lynch on a felony charge, why would he add what amounts to a parking ticket?? The only significance of the drug is that it provided cause for the car search.


    But tell us this, let's assume your from-another-planet contention that the cops fabricated the weed part (did they "plant it" or did they simply pencil it into the report?), why on earth would Lynch's hardball legal counsel allow him to accept ANY plea? NO judge would allow such a bogus search and the case would be tossed.


    Come on, you must have worked this all out (your "coherent story") before you blurted it out---let's hear it.

  5. We traded for Stroud.


    They were happy to get rid of him (injuries, suspensions). We probably didn't need to give 3, 5s. It's interesting, the same year the Jags picked up Florence. Del Rio said "Drayton is entering the prime of his career. This is a move that will significantly strengthen our secondary." Despite offering up to 12 million in bonus incentives, Dra Flo didn't quite work out as JDR had hoped.


    Now he's a Bill.

  6. Finally these Bills are sacking up and making some moves. It's playoffs or Bust for Dick and he knows it. The players will perform better for him as they can all sense the need for W's for the old coach. A big TO injection was what the Doctor ordered for the ofense. Shef will be a Bill soon hopefully as well.


    The FO and Jauron have been working the free agent wire hard this year, with a good draft in store. You have to give them credit for trying! Even if it does'nt pay off. Urgency to at least make the post season for sure.


    This is sad, really.

  7. Correct moron, the pot charges that didn't see the light of day. The same charges that you find a need to defend against nobody. Who am I trying to kid? WTF? You have lost it. I was simply saying that you look like a je$k*ff when you say the pot charges were fabricated. How in the world would you know that? What is the point of even trying to speculate on what happened with the supposed pot situation? I don't have a clue, and furthermore what the hell does it matter? He didn't get charged. You chose the path of speculating that the police were corrupt. Then you defended Lynch's honor against dropped charges. So again I say you look foolish. On a side note people get let go on possession of minimal amounts of pot, all the time. That sounds a little more realistic than your fabrication theories.



    Pile's right. Look, VOR, the pot charges would add nothing to this guys conviction other than a couple of bucks. The felony was charged. In standard fashion, a plea bargain was arranged/offered/accepted. Justice was served.


    If there was not pot, then ML would NEVER have accepted any plea offer. A second year law student from any communtiy law clinic could have had the search tossed. But alas, NOBODY challenged the search. NOBODY challenged the police report (I haven't heard ML or his lawyer do so--have you?).


    You look foolish.

  8. The pot allegations were fabricated. There is no other explanation for the cops not charging.him with possession seeing as how it was his car, when it was the basis for the search and they tagged him for the gun. Not to mention Santonio Holmes was nailed just a few months prior for the same thing.


    The pot was fabricated?? Show me any credible source to substantiate that claim.


    First you said they should "test" the pot to see if it was indeed real pot and the guys were not just pretending to be in possession of pot. Then you wanted to check it for DNA to exclude your man ML as the possessor of the possibly fake pot. Now, simply, there was no pot.


    You do what ever it is you have to do to convince yourself that Lynch isn't a knucklehead and deserving of all the "respect" you have invested in him.


    Possession of less than a ounce of weed is a misdemeanor in California. He would have gotten an appearance ticket and a fine. The DA instead went with the felony gun charge and allowed Lych to plea down to a misdemeanor, but with communtiy service and 3 years of probation. Seeing as Lynch couldn't stay out of trouble for more than 9 months, the gun conviction is much more serious for him.

  9. People are talking about us getting 2 1's from Philly. But signing those 1's and ours, or even our 1 and another 1 in a possible trade, costs more than it will to keep him, AND trading him on;y opens up another hole. Like I said before, you don't get Owens and then go out and trade your 27 year old franchise LT. He has all the leverage


    How did all that leverage work for him last year? He held out, came back with this tail between his legs--hopelessly out of shape ("F-you my offensive teammates!"), and then showed the world that how great he was by tanking half the year. Still, he got no new contract.


    How does he have any more leverage this year? Leverage implies that one can compel another to do your bidding. What can he make the Bills do?? He's still got a contract. He can either make that money or not--that's the only decision he can make. He has no other control over his situation.


    Why shouldn't the Bills be apprehensive about paying this guy like a starting QB after last season and off-season?

  10. Again, likely back to probably cause.


    His attorney would have had to been insane to at least not make the arguement in LA County that this was a DWB related stop. Or, in this case, a Parking While Black offense.


    There was no such argument to make or of course he would have made it.


    This car had no plates---that's going to get you a tap on the window in every county in this country, Mr. Cochran. Then, there was the fresh marijuana stench. That gets the car door opened. Then there were the blunts. That gets the trunk searched.


    Case closed.


    This was bounced to a misdemeanor, like many others are for a guy with no such record in the state and not on probation. As soemone else already said, this is like a traffic case for the LA DA's office.

  11. Yea, that's a resounding positive to have on your resume.


    You go to absurd levels to make bad points WEO. I simply said I believe this team would be most effective, being a run first offense. You accidentally make a great point regarding TO. I think the threat he brings downfield, along with being one of the best blocking WRs in the game, will help running the ball quite a bit. I do think he understands how the two aspects of offense help eachother, if thats what your asking. As far as TO asking why TO is here, I can't make any predictions on that and neither can you. What you fail to understand is that a run first team can also do alot of damage through the air as well. If TO is getting the chance to do his thing and win I think he'll be just fine.


    Martz's resume in St Louie is as it is. If going to multiple SBs and losing one or more is "bad", then how would you reassess HOFer Marv?


    You understand my point, I think. You disagree of course, but saying a SB loss is a black mark on a coach's resume--you are being disingenuous.


    I hope TO does all those things you say and you may be absolutely correct. I suspect he will not be satisfied with his involvement in the offense, based on his previous behavior. Trent is under even more pressure now. We will see what happens.


    As for HAley and Weis, let's see how they would have vastly improved a bad offense with John Kitna instead of Brady and Warner.

  12. Mike Martz was given the proper players as a head coach and didn't win the superbowl. Nice work Dog, your memory has failed you again. Perhaps you were thinking of another great coach who won it all, like Barry Switzer. Something you should consider when forming a post is proper research.

    Actually, and as you were careful to underline, he simply said "coach", which was correct. Regardless, as HC he also took a team to the SB and lost in the biggest upset, at the time since Namath's Jets.


    How do you see TO reacting to this new (they weren't so last year) "run first" offense the Bills are going to this season? Do you think he was brought here to open "up the running game"? To block? Do you think he understands this?


    If the offense is not going to be centered on TO, TO will begin to ask "why is TO here"? I would ask this question now.

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