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Posts posted by Mr. WEO

  1. While this list is pretty good, I think you have to have Owens and Evans higher on the list. Here is the way I look at it. If you like Owens AND Evans better than one of the receivers in the pairs above them, then you have to put them as a duo about that pair.


    For example, I think BOTH Evans and Owens are BETTER that Wes Welker (not to mention I think both are almost as good as Moss). Therefore, they must rank higher as a pair. Also, I would take Evans and Owens over either Ward or Holmes. Therefore, I place them ahead of that group as well. Where I get stuck is Fitz and Boldin. Fitz is the best there is in the entire league. Boldin is definitely at the same level (at least) as Owens and Evans, so they probably have to get the nod for now. If you look at it this way, there is no way Owens and Evans can be any worse than the 2nd best tandem in the league.


    Now, as another member pointed out, the difference may not come down to the WRs themselves, but rather who is throwing them the ball. I truly believe the talent level of Owens and Evans is at least 2nd in the league, but the QB that is going to be throwing them the ball is barely in the top half of the league. So, the stats may not be there as much as they could be if they had a better QB getting them the ball.


    But, if you are strictly talking talent, I will take Owens and Evans over Welker, Ward and Holmes. Not by much, but if I was starting a team, (in terms of talent....not counting the baggage attached with any of the players), I would take Owens and Evans over Welker, Ward, and Holmes. So, therefore I have them 2nd at this point.


    This is insane. Mass euphoria.


    If we are talking current talent....


    Any two of Arizona's three WRs are better than Owens/Evans--right now!


    Moss and Welker are better---righrt now, and a year ago.


    Denver has a better pair--right now!


    Even Ocho Cinco and TJH (with a better QB....)


    I always liked Evans--and this may really help him fulfil his potential, but TO drops more balls than Yolanda Vega and he's not the receiver he was even 3 years ago.


    You guys gotta calm down.

  2. Gee whiz...if only all of his other coaches had just sat down with him before the season started, he would have been just fine. Maybe Philly and Dallas made him feel it was ok to assuem HE was in charge. It was all just repeated cases of miscommunication!


    DJ is so smart--he went to Princeton or something!


    And the best part was having to explain that Evans will still be getting some passes. This is the part where TO stopped listening to DJ.

  3. JP played well when he was in a wide-open offense, as he was in 2006. Then we closed up the offense on him and wondered why he didn't play well in a system carefully calculated to magnify his weaknesses and avoid his strengths.


    We will have to open the offense up to take advantage of TO and what he brings, and how his presence will benefit the other players on offense. JP would have fit in well with an opened up offense. But I'm still not sure Schonert is smart enough to use TO well.


    Lee will be open for a lot of long balls this year, though we'll be throwing short and medium range stuff a lot also. JP would have fit in well. He was consitutionally unable to accept going to his safety valves on nearly every play, and this led to him not fitting the system here. He threw short range passes very well when he could bring himself to do it, but too often he didn't even look there because he wanted to make something happen downfield. Now that he had two serious downfield and mid-range threats, assuming the Bills find ways to throw to them, JP would have fit better.


    Oh, well, them's the breaks. JP will be on an NFL roster this year and sooner or later will have a chance to play when somebody goes down. And his inability to successfully run an extremely conservative offense will have been noted. Only teams willing to open it up a bit will even look at him. So he will have a chance, and we will see what happens.


    Perhaps the biggest myth in Bills history is the "JP thrived throwing the long ball" and "he works best when they open it up" stuff that you guys still cling to. Those long bomb TDs to Evans were few and far between and usually were the result of Lee outrunning his man and Losman tossing it as far as he could while getting leveled. Once Evans started getting smothered in coverage, we found out how bad JP really was.


    There are maybe two QBs last year who "thrived" in a "wide open" system that you fantasize JP belongs in: Brees and Warner. JP would absolutely fail on either of those teams--he's just not in the same universe as those two guys re: intelligence and skills.


    The bottom line is that he cannot identify his second option before he takes the sack. I can't tell if he just doesn't have the intelligence or he just doesn't prepare/study like the best QBs do. His film study habits were said to be minimal. His fatal flaw is that he always believed he was every bit as good as those scouts who put him with E. Manning, Rivers and Big Ben said he was.


    JP would be a great intramural QB or a pickup game QB, where he faced no decisions and every play would be a "fly" pattern.....where he could "scramble" (remember how he was going to be a great "scrambling QB"?) and no one would ever chase him down.


    It makes a nice story though, boys, to clutch close to the heart when the reality of JPs career in Buffalo intrudes into your moldy memories.

  4. I know, we were a playoff caliber team without him...


    Lets be honest, we missed the playoffs last year because our QB play between Trent and JP became a liability during the second half of the season. Just getting Trent back on track and taking a step forward puts us in playoff talk. So assuming Trent steps up and makes important strides this year, we will be a playoff contender with or without TO. But with TO, we are now a VERY dangerous offense IF Trent can step into his own this year and elevate his progression...


    Ok, we get it. You are trying not to say that if we don't make the playoffs it's because of Trent, now that we have TO and all.


    Why not say we should go 14-2 if Trent can "elevate his progression"? Or 15-1?

  5. Its all on Trents shoulders now...the weapons are there, time to put it all together...both him and DJ are equally on the hot seat...neither will be here next year if Trent struggles...


    The good news is that TO will compliment Trents passing style very well and he is excellent at making plays after the catch...TO could be the piece that takes Trent to the next level, much like he made life easier for Romo...


    TO made life easier for Romo?????


    hahahahahahaha. you should read something other than "The Stadium Wall". There have been a few accounts that suggest otherwise.


    So, by signing TO all "the weapons are there"?? That's all we needed, TO?

  6. he is only a cancer when he stays longer than a year at a new team if you review all of his stops...its a brilliant move that brings in a HOF caliber receiver....


    He's only "quiet" his first year on a new team because he immediately gets 80 catches and 1200 yards. Then he wants more...


    Do you think he's going to get 80 and 1200 this year? Really? And if the season is half done and he's not even close, do you think he will "suffer" silently?


    I guess we're all a bit desperate then. We will believe anything that Ralph tells us at this point.

  7. TO had a few options and in my opinion more would have been available to him had he waited it out a little longer, rumor has it that the Titans may have been one of the teams interested in him. Keep in mind, sometimes money is an obstacle also.


    Timing was everything for this deal to happen, the right place and right time for our ball club, the right place and right time for TO.


    As crazy as it sounds, this feels like a good fit for both the Bills and TO, TO wants love and affection and Bills fans have the biggest hearts in the NFL. We love our football team, probably more than we should. TO wants attention and he will get it here, and don't you think he deserves it? This man has scored 973 points in his career, let me repeat that, thats 973 points. TO has scored more TD's over the last three years than ANYBODY and that includes Randy Moss.


    How does Jerry Jones explain this?


    I say F%#k them Cowboys :thumbsup: and I wish TO and the Buffalo Bills could go up against them this year B-)


    It's a good fit??


    Has TO taken a look at who his HC and OC are?? Two absolute bumblers! And his QB? I'm still behind Trent, but TO was complaining when he was getting, 90-100 catches and 1200-1400 yards a year in SF, and at 1200+ and 85 catches a year in Dallas. How is this guy going to be satisfied with his role in this offense??


    I don't get it.

  8. He was so distressed and upset that it took him 2.5 years to file the suit....? :lol:


    And even if this really did happen, I'm sure he was just minding his own business the whole time, and the fans attacked him for absolutely no reason. I'm sure he wasn't mocking anyone. Not that smack talk should result in a beatdown, but have some common sense when visiting an opponent's stadium.


    I've seen guys in Jets and Fins jerseys get popped by the human garbage in the Bills parking lots---just for wearing the colors (i.e., "for absolutely no reason"). I've seen them throw snowballs and beer at the opposing team bus on its way to the stadium. The worst are the rare night games--when the "fans" have been drinking since noon.


    You should go to a game, fezmid.

  9. I think LT would have plenty of interest if he hit the market. When a superstar come off a sub-par season, there will always be the temptation for a team in need to take a chance that it was more an abberation, than a sign of things to come. Tomlinson started to look more like himself late in the season...


    Yup--looked like himself----sitting on the sidelines for a playoff game.

  10. You know threads like these are a bore. So-called Bills fans have accused Ralph of everything under sun since he founded the team. And yet the Bills still play in Buffalo, even though he could have sold them 50 times over. Leave the old guy alone. If not, root for another team already.




    A bore? Nonsense. Ralph has had absolutely no incentive to sell this team. It is amongst the most profitable over the last ten years--earning profits in the 20-30 million range at times. And finding a buyer will not be easy. Ralph pays lip service to the concept of creating a winning team but where is the evidence? Renewing DJs contract tells you everything you need to know about Ralphs true priorities. This team has made him a vastly wealthy man.

  11. Yes, JP isn't a good NFL QB, but give the guy just a little respect for being a good citizen of Buffalo. There's no reason to hate the guy.


    One day of picking up garbage and he's Buffalo's Man of the Year??


    Buffalo is full of garbage collectors.




    How about a little time reviewing film or doing some sort of preparation for the game?

  12. i agree with you in principle but i'd be shocked if they did not try to sign someone who at least LOOKS like an upgrade.


    of course they'll probably wind up overpaying another crappy player.


    Really, how hard will it be to repalce the talent of Dockery? We may have a better guy on the bench right now. Hell, we had a morbidly obese TE who we simply MADE into a "pro Bowl" LT.

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