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Everything posted by Magox

  1. I followed alot of Carolina Football and Pianalto was a gamer, if it wasn't for his injuries I'm pretty sure he would of regarded as a good propsect coming out of college. I wouldnt be surprised if he makes the team.
  2. Your first question is rather easy to answer, people have to learn how to swim, of course I'm not talking about all cases, but in most cases people are homeless because they have no internal drive to succeed and are accustomed to handouts or they become drug addicts. Sorry Gene, if you think that MOST people are homeless because there isnt enough handouts, then honestly and i say this with all seriousness, your line of thinking is part of the problem. (Notice how I use the word MOST) In regards to what does it prove. I'm not sure I'm understanding your question. I guess it proves that conservatives are much more compassionate than liberals and much more than what you give them credit for, doesn't it? Think about it for a second, even though conservatives voluntarily give much more than liberals do to the needy, the liberals would rather legislate and force people to give more out of their incomes, even though they themsevles voluntarily give much less to the needy than conservatives. How nice
  3. Wow! I never knew Bush pushed through the Afghanistan Surge. Amazing! And he gets credit for the stimulus spending of 08.
  4. I love posting that study. Usually shuts them up real quick
  5. Holy crap! What a ridiculous thread. Let's forbid marijuana yet allow alcohol. I'm absolutely sure that alcohol consumed equally in relative terms is much unhealthier on many levels than marijuana. Oh And god forbid the government try to promote healthy eating!
  6. I guess that explains this: Thanks for reminding me of this again Gene
  7. When Gregory starts pointing out a New York Times EDITORIAL to back his point, I believe that's pretty much all you need to know where he stands on things.
  8. What I find funny is attempted rational discussions with IeatCrayonz I doubt it
  9. Yes in Bizarro editorial HuffPo/MotherJones/MediaMatters world, Obama is to the right of Bush
  10. OMG, my friend from Norway just told me that its at least 80 kids age in between 13-25 that just died.. I hope he's mistaken
  11. Some people just can't be reasoned with... That's why the only thing you can do is either ignore them, call them an idiot or just laugh...
  12. You guys do realize that Pasta isn't being serious and he is baiting you don't you? I mean no one is that dumb
  13. Oh, I missed that one, but I'm definitely not a fan of hers, even though I do hear that the gays do love her.
  14. I am pretty sure that the majority of people who are familiar with tabbibi and that dont discredit him are those that reside on the left side of Howard Dean. Just sayin'
  15. Jeez, how everyone lines up rank and file... Here's the objective skinny, she definitely was being more than just "political" in her speeches she had in Florida and on the floor, and there definitely was a hint of vileness in her speech, and it would of been completely appropriate for West to come out swinging, but in the fashion that he did was definitely unbecoming of him, and I'm sure if he could of taken it back, he would of. But he's too knee deep in it now for him to take it back publicly and I would characterize him as a thin-skinned individual. In other words, she was vile in a more "acceptable" political sense, and he went way over the top.
  16. You sir, would be correct. I mean, the whole point of the mandate was to be used as a mechanism to lower premiums, the idea behind it is that you would have more people entering into the pools, thereby lowering the cost of healthinsurance. The problem as you stated is that he fines are so low that many people will just opt to pay the fine, and since you can't get denied coverage, when they become ill they will just pick up insurance when needed, thereby jacking up peoples premiums even higher than what we are seeing today. I mean for !@#$'s sakes, if you are gonna this route, and the mandate is the primary driver they have to lower health insurance premiums, then make the fines high enough to where people won't opt out.
  17. I want to know what idiot on this board believes that this health insurance bill is a good start for helping lower soaring health care costs. Anyone?
  18. Ok, then I disagree with somewhere between 50-62.5% of what you said.
  19. Bachmann would be a bad choice for Romney as VP. Sure, the hard right will coalesce around this ticket, but its the independents that decidethe outcomes of the elections, and by the time the media is done with her, she will be caricatured as Sarah lite, therefore ruining Romney's chances at becoming the next president. With Rubio, Romney wins hands down.
  20. I'm not sure if he's as bad as you make him out to be, but I'm not buying what he's selling, thats for sure.
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