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Everything posted by Magox

  1. Yes, but what is seperating you from the "usuals" in this instance? I dont see too much of a difference..
  2. You are right, if it was a liberal media mogul type, the righties would be out in unison. Having said that, I highly highly doubt that he had any clue of these practices that were going on. And about noticing the "huge" payouts, you call that huge? Everything is relative and again I sincerely doubt he knew what was going on. Listen Buftex, you are no better in this instance than the loonies from the other side, you are making this a partisan issue, and for that you lose points.
  3. I've already began on Plan B and it very well may end up being a better deal, the worst part about the whole deal is the clients that are going to be lost in the shuffle. When money gets sent back home, many times it never comes back Thats ok, I've rebuilt books many times before and I'll do it again.
  4. I'm not sure if it was you or not Peace, but I believe when the GOP made some cuts last time around it was suppose to have been a higher number than it actually ended up being. Were you the one to highlight that and post that here? I can't remember, but I know someone did. I guess the point that I'm making is that I'm highly skeptical of these purported possible cuts. Krauthammer had a good idea yesterday (which it seems that I almost always agree with what he says) whichis to make a 6 month deal just to make sure that the cuts are actually taking place the way they are being planned to.
  5. Mine do, as god as my witness, the Dodd Frank Bill passed last year and signed into law by the Obama Adminstration is forcing me to liquidate all of my clients and I estimate that I will only be able to retain somewhere in between 50-70% of my clients. The clearing house that I deal with is who has to do the force liquidations and they estimate that somewhere around 100 jobs will be lost, I've already had to let go one of the two office managers I have, and two brokers have already decided to leave, considering we've had no work for close to a month now. I am a perfect example of how non sensical regulations are hurting this economy. I also have two clients that are oil drillerrs in LA. and they both have told me that their business had gone down due to the oil moratoria and that one of the servicers of the oil riggs that left the gulf of mexicos business has had to shut down due to that rig being its primary client. I also had my brokers prospect in that area, and one of the questions I would make sure that they would ask is "has the oil moratoria affected your business?" and appromixamtely 80% said yes, and it's not just the rigs, but the collateral damage caused on their respective communiities that depend on these revenues to filter into their towns. Let me also add that taxes as of right now is playing a small role in the lack of jobs, sure the uncertainty is playing a role, but I estimate a fairly small one. I couldnt of said it better. No need to demonize businesses for sitting on cash, they are doing it for a reason, and trust me they would be hiring if they thought it was best for their business. Another factor that people have to consider is that this latest severe downturn was a phenomenal opportunity for businesses to cut back on their overhead. One thing I had observed of this downturn was the amazing ability of these companies to operate at full efficiency. They are learning to do more with less, as technology and software improves this will continue to be a negative for job growth (at least for now until innovation and job growth learn to workt withone another hand in hand) and espcially now with soaring health care costs, and the uncertainity of the mandates by the health insurance law, you can pretty much bet that job growth will be restrained. No matter who is president, job growth would be sluggish, but without a doubt, Obama's policies, legislations (dodd frank/ healthinsurance law), epa regulations and uncertainty over taxes (and liberals incessant need to demonize the rich) job growth could be better with someone else in there, I believe most rational non partisan people can agree with that. In regards to the housing market and inflation (gas/food prices), these problems that we were gonna see regardless, no matter who was in the white house. China's and emerging market growth is gonna happen regardless of what happens, and the BenBernank isn't helping either with his flawed strategy of attempting to devalue the dollar in order to stimulate growth. Unfortunately the stock market is addicted to this like a junkiie is to crack. Who deosnt like cheap money? if you create more dollars out of thin air , the value of **** goes up, including stocks (until the big bubble pops that is) gas, food etc. Housing is just a mess, and the W.H's prescription of forwarding sales like they did last year didn't do any good other than delay the inevitable. That's the problem with many politicians, they look for the quick answer, they look for solutions that will give them immediate results such as the stimulus bill. what did that do? yeah sure you can give the standart talking point that "It saved us from going into a depression." which of course that talking point was created AFTER the promise of the bills stated purpose was suppose to prevent us from going up above 8% unemployment. Now that we know that it failed on that count, its difficult to give the apologizers and W.H surrogates credence to their claims of preventing a "depression" Much of that money went in preventing layofs in the state and local government levels. Yes it did achieve that, but that was for only 1 year, those layoffs occured in year two and now wil continue into year three. Why? because state and local governments were operating off of the Housing Boom's bubble tax revenues, so those jobs needed to be trimmed down.. Once again, looking for the quick solution, which of course doesnt address any of the structural problems that we have today.
  6. Jesus would agree with this??? You are one compassionate fella and I bet you're a real joy to be around with. You heartless !@#$
  7. I dont understand the problem other than a system that enables the "poor". Think about it, if you are someone who doesn't really have any drive and you are content with getting by, then why not? May as well milk the government for everything you can, between food stamps, welfare, unemployment benefits (I'm referring to the ones who are gaming the system and not actively looking for work, and yes there are many that do this) and medicaid; of course the living standards of the "poor" will rise. If you provide incentives that promote laziness thats exactly what you are gonna get. Listen, I'm for social safety nets, but there has got to be a better way of insuring funds go to people who dont plan on gaming the system. I honestly would require for many of these people that are continuing to live off of the tit of the US taxpayer to go to job retraining courses and make sure that they are indeed looking for employment. That would knock out two birds with one stone, which is provide a social safety net that any advanced nation SHOULD have but at the same time hold those accountable that receive these funds that they will go out and look for jobs and retrain them for jobs.
  8. What the hell are you talking about? Who mentioned housing? The question was, what are some of his policies that are holding back job creation? I answered it, and then you come back with this? Really? Jesus, you are one ignorant dude.
  9. Nope, don't agree with him at all.
  10. A little more about the EPA and their new regulations and how it is expected to affect jobs Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0711/59142.html#ixzz1SJ7iBN2r It's all a big conspiracy. No wait, they are all racists, I mean, that is why they are complaining about these new regulations, they are all racists, even though many business CEO's from the business roundtable voted for Obama, but since they are complaining, they must be racists.
  11. Oh I get it, when Obama does it, its a protest vote, but when others do.... Idiot
  12. Yet the one you love voted against raising the debt limit when he was senator. I guess that was different, I mean, if most of the senators would of voted against it then, we wouldnt of defaulted right? Right? I guess in your book that makes Obama a moron as well.
  13. In my estimations, considering where we are in the economy, how far debt we are, and our future prospects, I dont believe we can raise enough revenues without somehow raising taxes without facing a debt crisis. I believe its gonna happen, and I believe people are too complacent about it or so ideaologically driven that they refuse to see the argument from the other side. Rubio is a phenomneal politician, and there is something to what he says, but in 99% of the cases, I wouldnt go by what a politican says when it comes to economics.
  14. Well you may not give a crap but the economy will be in a world of hurt whether you like it or not. Revenues will NEED to be raised at some point in the not so distant future, and Im not talking about what will happen, I'm talking about what should happen. We need to raise more revenues and cut expenditures, period!
  15. This could have been said by David from Norfolk
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