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Everything posted by Booger

  1. My question to you is WHY? Why keep Merriman? So that he can take up camp space and hinder development of a player with potential? If Merriman's name was "Joe Smith" people would be screaming to cut him. I hate to say this, HE WILL GET HURT AGAIN. This is the NFL. This is the most violent sport in the world. He has been hurt the past 3 years and unfortunately his injuries are VERY serious. His body will never be the same as it once was which leaves him vulnerable for future injuries. There is a reason why he resigned with Buffalo...Buffalo was the only team offering him that type of contract. I was fine with it to give it a shot. Thought there was great upside...but when a player lasts for 6 weeks (most being preseason) before going on the IR AGAIN there is a trend. What is funny is that Buffalo fans want Buffalo to get better...yet we are never willing to give up on players. I am not saying that they dont have talent, but when you cannot depend on those players what good are they?
  2. the Topic Title should sum it up. A QB such as Kelly is what it takes to be successful in the NFL...and my "definition" of successful is a team that competes for 16 games, makes it to the playoffs and wins in the playoffs (ROMO is NOT successful). Why do we continue to settle when an average QB comes in and wins a game or two. Why not continue to look for a true SKILLED winner? I love so much about Fitz, except his skill set. Gailey has a knack to make average QB's look decent but when it comes time for adaptation they are limited. They cannot make the big throw or improvise. When the system breaks down, they break down. We are seeing this firsthand. Imagine a Rogers or Brees in Gailey's system....
  3. Just making sure that people realize when players such as Merriman and Parrish come out and say "I want to stay in Buffalo", "I wanted to come back to Buffalo", etc. they do/say this in order to tug at emotional strings and land a contract or contract extension. Please realize that it is time to cut lose this type of player. I am not stating they are not talented, but their talent is limited to when they can actually play healthy. At this point PARRISH coming back next year should not even be a question to a functional front office. NO is the answer. Merriman coming back next year is a NO. Easley should be a NO, but may be invited to camp because of what they are paying him. Move past these players....This happens to every team, every year...it just seems as if the Bills give the most 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chances in the NFL
  4. Sometimes (many times) things are much clearer hindsight...except for many (myself included) that have been continued claiming this for a couple of years....the worst part is now Buffalo shot themselves in the foot again. I am pretty sure there would have not been a bunch of teams lining up to sign Fitz to big money and offer him a starting QB job EVEN when he was playing better (notice I did not say WELL, GREAT, AMAZING, etc.)....Well, now that it is VERY clear to the realists that Buffalo is still in need of a #1 starting QB, they will also be in need of a suitable backup. There is no way they will be able to retain Fitz as a backup as he will not accept a contract reduction and we know the Bills wont continue to pay him starting money to backup.
  5. what i find the most amazing is that many are worried about this week vs. Buffalo (although in Buffalo) with multiple people "feeling very good" about the game vs. the Pats. Understood one is on the road and one is at home, but when is the last time someone/some team was worried about Buffalo over NE no matter where the games were being played??? GO BILLS
  6. The Merriman signing, although it did not have many statistical results, was the key piece to changing the culture in Buffalo. Merriman gave the Bills a little swagger coming into the season and helped in signing a few free agents. His attitude and intensity towards the fans, players, franchise and community pulled everyone back together and helped us re-realize that the fanchise and fans have pride towards the Bills. In this day and age in the NFL his contract was not over the top. If he is able to recover, even being a situational pass rusher, I would love to see #56 give it one more try next year. Thank you Shawn for not shunning the Bills and Buffalo. Thank you for embracing the culture, the team and the fans. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope that you get one more shot next year. I guarantee if you make it back you will have 73,000 screaming maniacs there to greet you your first game back! http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article608966.ece
  7. http://rotoworld.com/ Coleman is a force (at least during pre-season)
  8. Troup, Darius, Moats, Batten, Sheppard, McKelvin and Byrd...maybe even Carrington all most likely starting.....its going to be fast and aggressive.....one or two early stops or key plays and these kids are going to be going nuts and feeding off of one another. Time to get HYPED...Bring the Noise...shake off any mistakes and keep attacking!!!
  9. Did anyone else notice (and sorry if this has been posted) that Donald Jones looked way more "complete" during the Philly game? I thought he looked the best WR on the field for the Bills and really showed some explosiveness after the catch. Previously they used him on those deep fly patterns for the most part, but during the Philly game they gave him a chance to "make a play" after the catch. I know that this is also on the player to find their comfort zone and get acclimated to the game. I do believe the coaches saw this in him and made that move of Evans becasue of it. It has taken him a few weeks to find that zone and I truely think he found it after about 4 weeks. Anyway, I do remember reading (I beleive Tasker stated) that Donald Jones has it all to become a true #1 in this league. I believe that (and did not earlier in the year) and I believe we are watching a WR come into his own just as we did with Stevie last year....
  10. Just a thread to say "Thanks" to these guys in helping change the atomosphere and general feel to the franchise. Yes Merriman has been off to a little slower pace than expected, Yes Davis is looking his age, BUT the contributions that these two have made to this team are FAR more valuable to whatever contributions they are to make (if any) on the field this year and in future years. Personally, as a FAN, I would like to say THANK YOU to these two and every other VET that has help spread the positive vibe around Bills Nation. This is as valuable, if not more valuable, than any other aspect of improvment that surrounds a team. They give players the sense of pride and something to play for week in and week out. Of course I would like to see the Merriman of old. Of course I would love to of had Davis 5-6 years ago, BUT, I am fine with them now as the Bills have future stars in the making with SHEPPARD, BATTEN, MOATS and maybe CARRINGTON and WHITE. Enough of the dumping on these guys and lets just be appreciative that they are part of a team that have gone from the laughing stock of the league as short as 1-2 years ago to being talked about week in and week out with the 12 man representing strongly in each and every highlight shown.
  11. Honestly, watching that segment on ESPN really brings back memories. I'm 33 currently...old to some, young to others, but there was nothing better growing up through the high school years with the Bills being great. What a fun time, what a great decade...lets hope the Bills stick in Buffalo for the long haul and lets hope they get back to the level where we were once all glued to the TV and or our seats for the entire game week in and week out.... GO BILLS
  12. First would just like to plug the Dan Patrick show. I dont believe it is carried on Buffalo radio yet (not in Charlotte NC either) but it can be heard in a ton of smaller markets around the areas. Also on 169 XM/SIRIUS from 9am to 12 noon. By far the best overall Sports Talk show on the radio...loves ripping ESPN and just a quick whitted, funny guy. Now, he just got done speaking about the Vick storey that broke this AM about Vick, Bills, NFL, etc. Patrick is going to have Vick's "mentor" Dungy on at a little past 10 to discuss as well. Patrick definitely thought Vick was heading to the Bills and just stated that Vick wanted to go to the Bills. Said the league did not want a circus on its hand his first year back though and pursuaded him to head to Philly. Anyway, more to come from Dungy...
  13. BINGO...this sums it up perfectly. Please do not take offense to this because it is something that can be fixed...just that right now the Bills seem to keep digging deeper and deeper. I truely hope the 4th round, "high motor", white D-End out of Division III Saginaw Valley State that the Bills will use the pick on pans out.
  14. "I will be able to figure out women before I will be able to figure out the Buffalo Bills" This was in reference to the Marshawn Lynch trade and only getting a 4th and 6th in return for "a first round talent". Commented on it being a huge pickup for the Seahawks and and impressive move for their young GM. Anyway, before anyone and everyone starts trying to discredit Glazier and that "he does not know anthing", Howie Long was the guest on before Glazier and commented that he is one of, if not the, best in the buiness. Remember, these are the same "professionals" that said Buffalo was going to be TERRIBLE this year, "worst team ever", etc, etc...... Anyway, at this point it is not something that we all dont know, but Buffalo is the whipping post of the league and CONTINUES to be with moves such as the Lynch trade.
  15. Seeing that all the above players could still be suiting up for the Bills, would the Bills be a better team if that were to be the D? Of course 90% of these players were either traded or let go (meaning not resigned) because they were "too old" or "had not future in the Bills plans"..... To me, even having these guys, maybe replacing one ever so often (Milloy or Haggan) with a draft pick seems like the correct way to do it...OR more importantly focus on the Offense (O-Line)..... This could have been the starting D....and if someone tries to RIP this apart, please look at the product the Bills are putting on the field currently. Remember, most of these players left with ZERO compensation. I even left out CLEMENTS who was awarded way to much money to justify....
  16. I hope this not only for Lynch, who despite a few bad judgments, seems to be a decent, fun loving guy. I truly hope this for all the Buffalo fans that continue to support this franchise move after move. I want the fans to truly see what the Bills had in LYNCH and what they received in return. I do admit that it is unknown at this point of what the true compensation is, BUT, I believe with the potential of LYNCH and the MANY, MANY years he has in front of him in the NFL this will be a "wake-up" call to Buffalo fans. STOP DUMPING TALENT AND YOUTH
  17. Is like trading with that kid that lived down the street when you were little. The kid you could trade a Scott Radecic football card to in exchange for a Joe Montana. Honeslty, the Bills are the farm team of the NFL...cannot build a team, let alone, keep any of the players they have. Again they have set the franchise back by getting rid of one of their better players with potential.
  18. for a future 4th round pick......AND now need to draft a RB.... Good thing we kept the 30 year old JACKSON who will do NOTHING for the Bills once they are competitive again..... WOW
  19. Hello all. I have either posted a topic about Evans/Jackson in the past and how the Bills should trade them or have seen a topic or two. I am just so sick of seeing us draft someone in the 1st round and that player never panning out for Buffalo....or panning out and we lose them to FA. Anyway, we have a 24 year old back in LYNCH with many years a head of him. I keep saying why not trade Jackson who is in the twilight of his career and also Evans to where teams such as the VIKINGS or maybe even Redskins could use him NOW. The common answer seems to be "we would not want to trade away our talent in Jackson or Evans". Neither of these players will be productive for Buffalo (as least as a competitor) in their prime. Both have been decent around the lockeroom and community. The Bills can do them a favor and let them play for a contender and they can do the Bills a favor in bringing in a draft pick or possibly a younger player. Logical responses welcomed.
  20. In reality, or to people that can accept reality, watching/reading/listening to everything that has gone down with the Bills in the past few weeks/months truely confirms that the only true way to build a francise it through the draft. I know I may be stating the obivous, but as I continue to read peoples posts and comments it seems as if other teams baggage is quickly deemed the "savior". This goes as far as "the QB situtation being solved with Fitz". The guy has been in the league 6 years and been on 3 seperate teams (2 years in B-LO). If he was to be an every day starter on a regular basis in the NFL he would have been there by now and would have beaten out his competition not slid in by default The Bills are truely 2-4 years away from being a Playoff contender, especailly being in the AFC East. This is reality. We need to have confidence in Gailey and Nix and need to understand that players such as EVANS, JACKSON, McGHEE, STROUD even KELSAY wont be around when the Bills truly become a playoff contender. If this means letting Vets go (Mitchell) or trading away players such as the ones above for picks or youth so be it. I am a believer in Evans and dont feel that we have seen his true potential but at this point I dont believe you ever will in Buffalo so why not get him to a team that could use a good WR for a 2nd round pick. He is going to be 30 next year. Face it, the Bills are rebuilding, starting from scratch. Save LYNCH, trade JACKSON...lynch is 5 years younger. Everyone is sick of getting rid of the "talent" but when the talent wont be there to help you in 2, 3, 4 years whats the difference? Anyway, enough with the ORTON for LYNCH....enough of the Castoffs are the Saviors...only time, good drafts and good player development within is what will cure the BILLS
  21. Could not agree with you more on either WITHERSPOON or a player such as WITHERSPOON. Kelsay was a mistake to have given an extension way back when and the Bills just repeated themselves. Understood he is a "leader" and a "lockeroom guy" but at some point we need a few big, nasty players will attitude. It is almost if they "rewarded" Kelsay for making it until he was 30 and hanging around Buffalo. There is no way that Kelsay gets more than 3 million per year on the open market. Moves such as this will keep Buffalo running in place....
  22. AMAZING....we will never get out from the REBUILDING stage.....
  23. In all honesty YES....seeing that the Bills are not going anywhere this year I believe a 6th round pick would be a great value and could be used in a future trade or replacement pick....
  24. the guy was never going to play a down for Buffalo again....they obviously called every single team in the NFL in search of a trade partner and received ZERO interest....why have a guy take a spot on the roster that is/was DONE in Buffalo? Good Move and 1 less distraction over time....
  25. Before anyone gets offended please stop and think.... 1. Fred Jackson is a fantastic leader and a fantastic NFL story. That is 100% understood and becasue of that it is not an easy decision...BUT Fred Jackson is going to be 30 years old before next season. That seems to be the "cutoff" these days for NFL RB's and statically it seems as if when teams seem to give up on RB's and lean towards youth. At this point, the youth of LYNCH and SPILLER will be far more valuable to Buffalo and their rebuilding. If all goes well the Bills may be able to keep the both of them together for their careers as both seem to be accepting of their roles (at least currently through the media). Lynch is 24 and Spiller 23 Lynch has 2 more years and Spiller 3 (or 4) Lynch has the "power" style while Spiller is a little more finess Rather than have Jackson rot away as the #3 on the bench. He has been great for the Bills, he has been a great story in the NFL. With all the injuries give him a chance to play and finish out his career on top, and possibly with a contender (as the Bills will be another 2-3 years out). If the Bills were to trade Lynch, they will be just repicking a position again in a year or two vs. filling other needs. We have all seen this to often with the departures of SAFETYS, LB's, DT's, CB's, OT's, etc....keep the YOUTH and BUILD
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