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Indy Dave

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Everything posted by Indy Dave

  1. We do. That is what DJ usually does, according to Murphy. Jax did the same thing last week. Same exact thing happened...the road team gets the ball and gets a first-possession score.
  2. Well you oughta know. Look who had the 8th-best record in the American League just two years ago. Final 2006 Standings Of course the last time we missed the playoffs, you were probably a Blue Jays fan.
  3. Oh yeah? Well...the jerk store called, and they're running out of you.
  4. Oh, she is a keeper, all right. She is beautiful, smart, successful, hilarious and has a heart of gold. She'd rather watch Fletch than chick flicks, likes the same kind of music I do, never complains about me watching sports year-round, works full-time but keeps the house perfectly clean with only some help from me, can fix anything around the house that breaks, is a great cook and constantly does little things that remind me how lucky I am to have her. And every time she talks about lasik surgery, I change the subject.
  5. Hey, for a 34-10 win, I'll take rain, snow, sleet, hail or whatever else Mother Nature throws our way (and doesn't severely injure or kill anyone).
  6. That is my lovely wife of 14 1/2 years. I'm the beneficiary of her incredibly poor taste in men.
  7. That was the freakin' forecast for the home opener. And we all know how accurate that turned out to be.
  8. If he escapes from jail, I hope the authorities don't send our 1990 defense to go tackle him.
  9. That intro aside, that episode of SNL has to rank as one of the worst in the history of the show. I was with a group of friends who got together to watch the USC game, and then we watched SNL while flipping to the Wisconsin game. We were incredulous at how AWFUL it was. And while I much prefer the good old days of SNL, I'm also not a snob who thinks that this decade has completely sucked. But the first show of this season was as bad as I've ever seen.
  10. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...ex.html?eref=T1
  11. Another great moment in gambling history...
  12. Fair enough. I'm just glad we're having a discussion about a team getting hosed not named the Bills.
  13. I see your point PTR. But players are taught to play to the whistle blows. So if the whistle does blow and everyone stops, how do you call that properly? Clearly it would not have mattered on that play, as no one was even close to the Charger who recovered the fumble. More times than not, though. the whistle blowing stops everyone and everything. It's just an imperfection of the game.
  14. Look, the Chargers got screwed on those two calls. Big time. I'm not denying that. At the end of the day, though, they still had a chance to stop Denver from the 10-yard line, and again on the 2-point conversion. Those two plays weren't "scripted." Make either of those plays and you win anyway. I'm just saying, when you give up 39 points, it's hard to totally blame it on bad breaks and crooked refs.
  15. The game was on CBS, not NBC. But whatever. There was a clock malfunction that caused Enberg to not know how much time was left, and he was looking at his monitor in the booth, which was a clean feed free from CBS' graphics.
  16. Well it's not as if we haven't suffered those kick to the balls type of losses before. Hate it for San Diego, but better them than us.
  17. Screen passes don't count as rushing yards, unless you throw it backwards. You know, kind of like Wycheck to Dyson. Oh wait, that was forward too.
  18. Cutler fumbled at the San Diego 10. Chargers recovered with about 30 seconds left, up 38-31. Game SHOULD have been over. But Hocali claims he blew the whistle inadvertantly, prior to the Chargers recovering the ball, because he thought it was an incomplete pass. (Cutler had the ball slip out of his hands while attempting a pass, but clearly the ball was coming out as he cocked his arm back. Definitely a fumble.) So they gave Denver the ball at the spot of the (Charger) recovery. Denver goes in and scores to make it a 1-point game, then (amazingly) goes for 2 and converts to take a 39-38 lead. Earlier, as someone said, the Chargers were hosed on a call that would have been overturned in their favor. But the equipment failed, so they went with the call on the field.
  19. Obviously, our running backs produced 167 total yards, but much of it was through the passing game. I see what he meant, and see why you're confused. It's total offense, not rushing.
  20. For those of you who get high blood pressure about "lack of respect" for the Bills... Whoever is doing color for FOX just said (twice): Seattle didn't get beat last week...they lost." The implication being that they just beat themselves; the Bills had little or nothing to do with it. I was at the game. I disagree.
  21. Can I assume you read that on their website, in the game recap? I'm guessing so, because they use your exact words. It's an Associated Press story. No one who works for any of the ESPN entities wrote the story.
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