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Indy Dave

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Everything posted by Indy Dave

  1. This is probably how you'd want it to go down. Watch out for these criminals
  2. I agree with udonkey (Mike). While the tailgating isn't what you see at the Ralph, it was better than advertised. I'm on NutriSystem, so that prevented me from eating and drinking as I would have liked, but there were plenty of goodies around. As others have said, there were thousands of Bills fans there, and we were loud and proud. I didn't see anything obnoxious from any of our fans either. Rams fans were very nice. They congratulated us on being 4-0. Mostly they were ready for a new coach...they obviously got their wish. Sorry we didn't get to meet more people from the Wall.
  3. Jabari Greer about to be interviewed on the show for those close to a TV. It's on ESPN2 shortly.
  4. RIP. "They brought their f***ing toys with them!"
  5. Exactly. Barnes seems like a likeable guy. Great personality. If I'm not mistaken, one of the coaches who Barnes bothered while dressed up as Billy Buffalo had solitaire on his computer. In his defense, he was eating lunch.
  6. This paragraph from the Rams-Bills preview...(they should hire Lori to write this stuff). The Bills haven't played the Rams since 2004, but have a definite St. Louis feel. The coaching staff includes former Rams assistants Perry Fewell (defensive coordinator), Bobby April (special teams), Bill Kollar (defensive line) and Matt Sheldon (linebackers), as well as linebacker London Fletcher. Can't believe they forgot to mention that former Ram Vince Ferragamo is our quarterback. By the way, congrats to me. 2,000 posts.
  7. Officially, I suppose. The Yankees eliminated themselves with 13 losses in 19 games after the hot start to the second half. Not to mention the terrible start to September.
  8. You guys know all about dominating the Wild Card...no denying that. You'd have one playoff appearance in the last dozen years if it wasn't for it. I have hated the wildcard from day one. I realize I'm in the minority here. Boston winning it all the time only strengthens my feelings for the wildcard.
  9. Agree with that, MDH. I don't think that is an example of someone being irrational. Those others though...I was reading those during the game and couldn't believe it.
  10. How long 'til we hear it? I think we've been hearing it for two weeks now. I don't know if he deserves to be fired or not, and frankly I don't care. But I know the guy won a road game within the division last week, and I know he was one play from beating us in our house today. But whatever...
  11. Well don't mediocre teams have mediocre players? Josh has talent. Put more talented players around him and the entire team gets better. This isn't rocket surgery.
  12. Hey Fez. I don't think you got your sceen pass, but thanks for being one of the few people on the gameday thread who weren't bailing on this team at various points of today's games. Some of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. But no worries...we all had a happy ending. The optimists, the pessimists and everyone in between.
  13. Lord, no. I said in my post that was I pissed. I'm frustrated just like you, jester, and everyone else. But I don't think our tsumani of suck (great, great line by the way) in recent years has anything to do with this team. And I could give a rat's ass about the Dolphins-Patriots game, especially when we look like crap. People taking so much joy in the Patriots losing (especially to a team most Bills fans have despised for years) puzzles me. It's not just today...it is every day on this board. The Pats cut a third-team tight end in the middle of August, and you can bet someone will start a thread about it.
  14. No kidding. I'm pissed that we are losing. But holy crap. It's 2008. We're 2-0. And people are worried about our sucky recent past...how the hell does that mean anything right now? It means ZILCH. We're 2-0. Enjoy it for crying out loud. And who gives a crap about the freakin' Patriots? You all sound like a Red Sox fan who can't enjoy their own success, and instead are obsessed with what the Yankees are doing.
  15. Absolutely. That was important, and hopefully a trend for this half.
  16. I'll start caring about other scores when we have a win secured. Anyone else feel this way?
  17. On that last drive, he send "He dumps it to the fullback, caught at the 35 and he is shoved out of bounds at the Buffalo 15-yard line." No pauses at all. That is one fast fullback to gain 20 yards on a dump off.I thought it was going to be third and 5 or 6. Instead they had a first down at our 15.
  18. What's the Miami-New England score? On a more serious note freakin' Lechler is GOOD. These punters on the field today may be the two best in the league.
  19. And the Bengals have the lead at the Giants. Nothing is a gimme in this league.
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