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Everything posted by NobesBLO13

  1. Keep looking! For the love of God keep looking! ! !
  2. I hope you're right because I'd love to see him here. But added to the fact he's gone on record that 30 years is enough, maybe he doesn't want to get in the way of his son getting a HC job.
  3. I would love to see his first press conference where Sully asks him what changed his mind when he said why would anyone take the Buffalo Job.
  4. Yeah he's not a great solution for the offense but I would take a head coach with a ring
  5. That's great, I'm surprised they didn't take them all out back and had them shot
  6. I put no stock in what Clayton has to say. He's the one who said last week on wgr the Bills had no zero nodda chance at Cowher meanwhile Cowher meets with the Bills last week. I'd rather listen to Mort
  7. Sounds like another pub move by brandon
  8. I'm hoping Sully brings this up at the press conference and calls Brandon on it
  9. I know what you're saying but we've had draft issues before Jauron when Modrak was here.
  10. What's with the Modrak talk though, I can't imagine what he's done that would show that he deserves that kind of promotion let alone not be fired
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