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  1. I knew there were people out there who were as sick as I was. I honestly felt worse yesterday than I did when our beloved heroes lost to the Giants. I've never felt more betrayed than I did yesterday either. I hate to say it, but it almost looks like the whole franchise is waiting for some big secret move. Has anyone seen any Mayflower trucks circling the stadium??
  2. Both games were played for completely different reasons. The Toronto series was a private venture, the Europe one was a league venture. Bad analogy. Trust me, If you read the Toronto paper, the local opinion was the eventual move of the Bills franchise to Toronto.
  3. Where anywhere in my post did you read "great advantage" ??? I said this deal was taking a home game away from loyal Bills fans, and yes playing home games is an advantage, but it does not guarantee a victory. Your point is valid though...
  4. Read my post a little closer man, I said " An easier sell would have been to BRING the CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP to OUR STADIUM" How did you not get that far... I thought it was a good read, you're really making no valid points. My beef was playing in front of CANADIANS. That doesn't bring WNY any corporate dollars. Seriosly. The Bills as a franchise earn more than enough money in this region to be viable right now, and yes more corporate sponsorship couldn't hurt, but it wont' build you a new staudium in WNY, because it CAN'T. So yeah, Tell me who is funding Jerry's new stadium again?, and tell me how that '09 Saleen hot Dog drives... oh wait, he biulds Mustangs... never mind.
  5. Probably the the biggest reason they suck now in all Honesty. When a 5 year old can handle the cold better than an entire franchise full of pansies. Sad.
  6. Wow, you read my post and determined that I don't know anything abou the economy and football, you're my hero. Do you even have a clue where Jerry Jones is getting his money from?
  7. Anyone who read my last post knows I was on a self imposed Bye week, in protest to the humiliation of having my Bills play in Toronto today, and against Miami no less. Why not just take my first born and kick my dog while you're at it. Better yet piss in my milk in my fridge, and tea bag my Brita jug. (Link to my Bye week thread) http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=78306 So I refused to watch the game, wear any of my Bills stuff, and paid no attention to the ticker, not to say that they ever give you an update anyway, but after reading the post game asswater, it seems that the crowd was heavily packed with dolphags fans, to the tune of about 50% of the crowd. All I have to say to that is thanks for the kick to the face Ralph Wilson!! Never mind the legions of loyal fans who depend on a home game against Miami as their one game that matters when 65% of Bills history has left us with little hope for the post season, or anything exciting to cheer for. Thanks a lot you !@#$ head!! Not that it was hard enough to play a 16 game season against better coached teams, rosters full of stronger talent, and week-in and week-out face a superior pass rush.(How could this be possible for the better part of a decade???) Thanks a lot for further handicapping a franchise that doesn't need more corporate dollars, it need better coaching you absolutely clueless faggot!! So for the next 4, yes true Bills fans FOUR years this team will play at a severe handicap, as our home team heros get to play in front of a stadium filled with 50% of opposing team DOUCHE BAGS. So I raise my glass to the all knowing sh-- for Brains owner we have, and thank him for what will account for a full presidential terms worth of extra away games. If anyone thinks this Toronto series could possibly have been good for our beloved region should have their heads examined. An easier sell would have been to BRING the CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP to OUR STADIUM. Ever think of that? That benefits the toronto based corporations in getting their logos, names and products to a national audience without compromising the product on the field, and would have saved a greedy Rogers 78 million Dollars, and not pissing off an ENTIRE BILLS NATION!!! Holy sh-- how easy could that have been??? Seriously Ralph, pay close attention here, GOD I hope you're reading this - Give back the money for the last 6 games, bring the games back to Orchard Park where they belong, or GO !@#$ a GOAT!!! YOU ARE SABBOTAGING YOUR OWN TEAM!!!! No people, I am not bitter, I am disgusted, and the loss has nothing to do with it.
  8. Well, I tried to let it not eat at me, but it's really starting to bother me now. I can't even stomach the thought of the team playing the dolphags in Toronto. Any other game on the schedule, and this might not bother me as much. I have been away from Buffalo now for several years, but I always manage to come up with enough cash to make a trip to the Ralph for the Miami games, almost every year since I moved. This year feels like Ralph and the league has pulled a bag over our heads and punched us square in the face on this one. A month ago I was telling myself it was OK that they play a game in front of our Canadian friends once in a while, and yes I was still a little chapped that they took the Miami game from us, but we were winning, so that pill was easier to swallow. Now that we're headed for another average season, this game would have been MY playoff game in Buffalo, and I easily would have been there at the Ralph. Not this year, or the next if they move the Maimi game to the Rogers Centre again. This week the TV will be off, the Bills gear in the drawer, and I am calling it a Bye week. Football is NOT ABOUT CORPORATE DOLLARS YOU MONEY GRUBBING BASTARD OWNERS!! It's about a pilgrimage for locals to orchard park 8 times a year to come together for the same cause and hope this team brings a little relief to our area. For me it's about driving 800 miles on a friday night to pull into North Buffalo, catch some shut eye, Hit up Coles Saturday night with my best friend, then go to the miami game on Sunday to see our guys squish the fish. Then back into the car after the game so I can be at work on Monday to brag about it all, but not without grabbing a huge bag full of Super Mighty's, extra hot, extra sloppy. So, I ask anyone who will be watching this sunday to obviously give Maimi hell, and I don't condemn you if you do, but for me it hurts too much to know that cheesy, crappy, faggety south florida team gets a vacation from the new rock pile, The Ralph, and play in a cozy, heated dome. This lousy deal has already taken my favorite home game away from me and it's not OK. I have lived my most of my life in Buffalo, and hated to leave, and want to return some day, so even now that I am 800 miles away, I STILL live and die with every loss, and it's worse here because nobody gives a sh--. I have seen this team play on 2 coasts, 4 time zones, and 10 different cities, and i was even at the nauseating music city mistake. I suffered through all 4 super bowl losses while at college 1/2 way between Buffalo and NYC, and had to face all those HOMO giants fans after that kick sailed wide.... can't even type it. So take my self imposed Bye week as you like but know that this is not the action of a fair weathered fan, I even used to attend Bills pre-season games during the 2-14 seasons with my Dad as a Kid... yes, for some reason they always seemed to be in the rain too. See you guys next Sunday after the Bye.
  9. ronnie Harmon - just all of it, really. Derrick Burroughs - We picked that @ss clown when Jerry Rice was still on the board. YES - WE - DID!!! Hank Bullough - F'n PLEASE!!! HE was such a retard it hurt my brain. Passing on Mike Sherman as HC. The Music City MISTAKE - I was there, I wanted to drop dead right there. It was a simple call to make, and the Refs didn't make it, they wanted to go home alive. I don't know why, but this one hurts the most, and it's a Sabres moment - SKATE IN THE CREASE - it was plain as day, not even close, yet we got dry docked again... oh well I guess we just get used to it after a while.
  10. Yes I would. But he has to punch jauron in the face at least once on camera, then I'm good.
  11. I plan on enjoying every last victory this team earns, and the last time I checked, the 6 wins were against teams that were trying to beat the Bills, I didn't see anyone laying down. I'm not sure it is even worth stirring up, but Ralph is going to die some day this is true regardless of what voodoo and witch craft spell we try, and when he does I really have no idea whether or not I will have watched my last Bills game on that day, so FUC& "wide right", the "music city mistake", and any other epic Bills fail!! I am with them to the end. So when they are gone, I will have watched my last NFL game, but until then GO BILLS!! (quick edit) - This is not directed at any one person here.
  12. That is the single handed best post on here yet, I couldn't agree more. I was pulling for Mike Sherman as the head coach 3 years ago.... IIRC Sherman wanted to draft Losman...
  13. Its a really good thing this board wasn't around in 1986 - 1995 when The Bills, led by Jim Kelly and Marv Levy were on the sidelines, I can only imagine the bashing they would have received. People tend to forget rather quickly that it took Jim Kelly 3 full years to become an elite quarterback, and after his 4th year he looked like he was turning the corner, the team was dubbed the bickering Bills and went 9-7. Jim Jelly's stats in his first 3 seasons with the Bills were pedestrian at best. "Put in Frank Reich" would have been plastered all over this place. Then after losing our 2nd straight superbowl, the media alone said we were out-coached, God only knows the indignities this team would have endured here. "Fire Marv!!" threads a plenty I'm sure. Lastly GOD forbid ESPN should have ranked us poorly in their power rankings and Chris Mortenson doesn't like us - Oh Booo fricken Hoooo. I personally like it when they don't like the Bills, I could care less, really. Come on people, there's good topics and bad topics on here, but to speculate that Trent was the next Jim Kelly after the first 4 weeks is as silly as saying he's washed up after the last 4 games. He's still a young QB with a great amount of talent, and STILL hasn't completed 1 full season yet. I would love too see us here cut him some slack, It's taking Jay Cutler some time to develop, and it took that Brett Farve guy several years to get his sh-- together. No doubt he stunk it up Monday night, but I'm sure he's smart enough to overcome a bad game. Side note - this is more about the trent threads than the Jauron ones, I'm not so sure after 3 full seasons he is the guy. That's my take.
  14. If the indictment PDF still available to download from ESPN.com it will make you sick. Ok.. the Hitler analogy might be a bit strong, but trust me you will see why what he did could look similar from a torture standpoint, he was brutal, the public got the sugar coated truth. Also, my cousin is a DA in the Washington, DC area, and shared with our family details that were kept out of the indictment due to technicalities. I truly hope he is nowhere near the NFL ever, I just couldn't stomach the thought of anyone thinking he is some kind of leader or role model.
  15. The last time I checked, Deer hunters don't electrocute, beat, kick, drown them for fun, cut them with knives, and rile them up to fight against other Deer to look cool. Not to mention the fact that Deer hunting is a sport, people use the meet for food, and is not considered animal cruelty. I am calm, Michael Vick is a worthless butt F*ck. sodomy would be a light sentence for good 'ol #7. I actually read the indictment in full, I know what they found, and what he did. He was worse than Hitler to those defenseless dogs. Lets leave it at that.
  16. Michael vick can go f$%k a goat!! He is a piece of sh--. He killed dogs because he thought it was cool, and that it made him look like a tough thug. If any team picks him up after cell block D gets through sodomizing him, I hope that franchise folds. How's that for an opinion.
  17. Wow a Bills history without Hank Bollough? What would I have done with myself back then... Who knows what this chain of events would have done to the Bills drafting positions of the 80's. We might have won a few more games, and missed on Bruce Smith and Andre Reed in the Draft. Well,, maybe not Reed since he was from such a small school. Maybe we get Jerry Rice instead of that POS conerback.... can't think of his name, my brain is in safe mode at the moment. Ohh the records Kelly, Reed and Rice would have set......
  18. no Doubt. All though it would be nice to see a guy in a Bills uniform leading a stat somewhere in the record books, i'll take that in any skin color.
  19. Awesome. And thanks for the Jenna pics too The only thing better than a balanced breakfast in the morning: pornstar pics.
  20. on a tv interview shown on the NFL network that if you play with too much energy or zeal you could "de-hance" from what team is trying to accomplish. Yep I replayed it 2 or 3 times too. Hmmm Dehance, say it with me D..E.. H..A..N..C..E wow he has a great edu-ma-cation. so elo-ma-quent. I never laughed so hard when I saw that interview, and to think he has a college degree from a major universtity too. Since he wouldn't answer his cell phone I couldn't get the official spelling, sillly me.
  21. I'd be hard pressed to find anyone who hates Favre in Green Bay, really.... and tough sh-- for the packers anyway, they boned Brett over pretty good. Yes, Brett could have made up his mind a little earlier, but I'm not sure that would have mattered. I'd do the same thing if I felt my long time team was dry-docking me too. F**k the packers, I hope he tells everyone in the NFL how to game plan them, the Bills benefited from a little sore sportsmanship when we creamed the gaytriots 31-0 when 1 Lawyer Milloy, freshly pissed off from getting dry-docked by bellicheat rolled into town, so I find it hard to say anything negative about his actions, even though they may seem unsportsman-like. It's OK if you disagree with me, this is just how I see it.
  22. Honestly, is there an easier poll to answer? Bills SuperBowl win, hands down, priorities have nothing to do with a presidential election, they last only 4 years in office if they suck, but a Bills championship will last my entire lifetime. No brainer, GO BILLS
  23. I prefer to call them the Dolphags.... its a play on the ph sounding like the F sound you know. And I would also like to extend my thanks to the avatar selection.
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