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  1. hahahahaha!!!! I hate it here too man!!! I'd love to move back home to Buffalo... stupid good job market here...
  2. Nope. And since your thinly veiled stab at me for pointing out your mindless analogy as offensive to many was truly a sad display of immaturity, I'll kindly add that keeping jauron my not be the best way to go next year, but at least we have had the fewest penalties and penalty yards in all 3 years of the Jauron era in franchise history. Yes that includes every coach. So lets all boo the owner now.
  3. haha thanks!! I like how you added some space there.. I was thinking... ouch!! until I scrolled down...
  4. I was looking at an essay I wrote about the Buffalo Bills in college, and it pertaining to what this team means to Western New York, and all who share their lives, food and stories each Sunday with friends and strangers. It was a paper written for a sociology class, taking a look at the positive social affect this particular sports team has on our city. I'd also like to add that it was written shortly after the Scott Norwood gathering downtown after the first super bowl. I found something very revealing in that paper - Regardless of how the team did each year, the spirit and togetherness this city has because of a common interest seemed to transcend what happened on the field year to year, and like the seasons where each spring brings optimism, each new Bills season brought hope to all invested in the team emotionally, regardless of the previous year's achievements. Winning and losing seasons seemed to linger equally the next year. Forget the financial aspect of the franchise to the region, and it becomes clear that this team means more to its region than any other sports franchise in any other major league. So after talking to several locals at our Bills Backer bar, I discovered that even when you leave Buffalo, this team still gives you hope, and even after sitting through one of the toughest seasons in recent memory, we all still feel the same, we still all want to see the team succeed, almost more for the city of Buffalo than for ourselves. Some have even said they wanted it for the teams that came so close, or for die hard fans who are no longer with us. That is what I love about this team. I have lived in other cities, and no sports team can hold a candle to what this team means to its fans. In Buffalo, it truly has become a way of life. While I may not be pleased with this years results, I will live and die with them until they no longer play in WNY. Here's to a great draft, and hope for next year. GO BILLS.
  5. I must say congrats to endzone animal.. you started a thread where I have read every reply, every one right down to the last word. There's one common theme here, your unsuccessful attempt to rally fans against Ralph Wilson, and everyone's responses and repeated requests to stop comparing a sports owner to an abusive husband. Any why you might ask? I thought you would... Because Ralph wilson sells a product you don't like. An abusive husband physically violates his spouse, who usually stays in fear. Your comparison is simply weak, and sad, and if I were a victim of an abusive relationship, I'd find you, and show you what spousal abuse does to women(not a threat of violence towards you), and I can tell you it's a lot different than an old business owner's mismanagement of a sports team. I volunteer locally, and I can tell you the comparison is beyond offensive. It's not childish or stupid, it's flat out offensive, you should go to church and ask the Lord for forgiveness. I'd also like to add that if you persist with the analogy, you should be banned from this site. Your ignorant, weak-minded analogy doesn't warrant a good explanation as to why so many people love this team, and should continue to regardless of what happens on the field. You seem to know a lot about spousal abuse, go help people who actually suffer from it and leave sports fans alone. You are dismissed.
  6. Kind of my point too, and given what we had on the field, a run to Lynch should have been called, no question. As a fan, you wish we had the talent to execute a gutsy call like that.
  7. When thinking of the Bills offense in recent years, and in some cases years ago, we all used to complain "all we do is run, run, pass, punt!!" And I remember this even as a little kid when Bruce Mathison was the signal caller, and Greg Bell was the only guy on the team worth watching. That call wasn't bad, actually it was quite aggressive, and the play itself is the type of play other teams pull on us all the time. Where did it fail? Well, for starters, the guy wearing #7 seems to be absolutely sure every time he drops back that nobody is going to tackle him, and didn't execute that play with a sense of urgency. He has always held on to the ball way too long. Secondly, the play was called to a no name, lump of crap tight end that has no business being on the field during critical, crunch time situations, at all. He was not open. The instructions should have been simple... "JP... look at me, roll out right, after your first read, if he's not open, throw it AWAY. They're probably going to be rushing everyone since they think we are running the ball, you don't have much time." This is where the coaching staff failed. Wrong players on the field for this to work, thinking a no name tight end and a turnover machine could actually execute this play. WAIT!! He should have to apologize for using those players though!! If the pass is incomplete, no big deal, we played it aggressive. Put the ball back in Lynch's hands on third down, but not a SWEEP play. It's easy to blame Jauron right now, but looking at the game on the NFL channel, the Bills looked solid. Looking at the losses to Miami, the Jets, and Cleveland all seem to point to the fact that it's really Schonert that should probably be let go, and someone should punch him in the face on the way out. In other threads I have been agreeing with the firing of Jauron, and thats probably still true, but I'm starting to think he's not the problem so much as it is some of the talentless crap he has to work with. Come on, each game I watch I am utterly stunned at how poorly our defensive line performs, and how badly the offensive line gets pushed around. If jauron is around next year, they better add some players to those squads and a new offensive coordinator, or expect 8-8, 7-9, or 6-10 again.
  8. It's any easy one for me. Move the team to another city, and I begin a life long campaign against the NFL. I'll spew hatred towards any reference to the league, possibly start an anti- NFL website, write letters to anyone connected to the league, call my satellite provider to have the NFL channel removed, yell at little kids in my neighborhood, etc.... mass hysteria for me and I don't even live in Buffalo right now. Seriously, if the team moves. the league would be dead to me, just like the NBA... Go Braves!!
  9. That's why this board is so entertaining, you never know what random topic or comment might pop up
  10. In all honesty, I never expected much improvement when the announced he would be the new OC. Seriously, he even said he'd be running the same offense with some new wrinkles, and an expanded playbook. To me that sounded like an even bigger sh-- sandwich. Come on, get a real OC in here already DAMN!
  11. I can honestly say I'll watch the team until it's gone, and maybe this year's start has made these last 8 weeks so hard to take, but I WILL NOT make my annual trip to watch the Bills play the dolphags in Toronto next year, if they schedule them there again. My best hope for this team is they play out this disastrous series of "home games" and never do it again, and Ralph comes out of his living coma and sells the team to the Jim Kelly owners group. I'll even go so far as to make this promise - If Ralph sells the team to the Jim Kelly Owner group, I will buy season tickets for his first 5 seasons of owning the team, and I live in Tennessee.
  12. I went the patriots game last year, and I'm not a pessimistic guy, but I honestly thought we were going to lose that game 63 - 6. My cousin, brother, and friends who went to the game with me were stunned by my dooms-day prediction, as I am usually not that grim. I believe that game ended up something like 56 - 10. I was close. While I don't see them losing to the Belli-cheats 77-0, I will call this one as a 41 - 17 beating. If trent plays, 34 - 27. If JP plays, 9 turnovers, 7 by him alone, 2 by Jauron... yes he will actually lose 2 himself. If Trent plays, 234 yards passing, 1 TD, 1 INT. I am in the camp that Jauron needs to go, and any more wins this season keeps him employed. PLEASE START JP!!! PLEASE THROW 5-6 PASSES TO ROYAL!!! One can only dream.
  13. My guess is Ralph is just trying to keep the team marginally competitive and just profitable enough until he takes his dirt nap. I am not expecting this team to ever be competitive again until it has a new owner. This is not a mean spirited post against Ralph, but more an observation, or perception. And we all know perception can be reality.
  14. Holding your breath for extended periods of time causes a permanent condition called death. Short periods of time leads to brain damage. My point is We're really hoping for a lot from politicians and league officials right now, and unless Ralph has a change of heart, and sells the team to a local group before he takes his dirt nap, this team is likely gone soon. It kills every positive-thinking fiber in my body to admit this.
  15. I think those are my exact feelings about collinsworth, and I also agree with him. This whole game up there deal is an epic fail. It takes stadium revenue, concessions revenue, and parking revenue out of Erie County, the exact opposite of what's good for the local economy. And someone else in this thread commented about local taxes being high, well that's 100% accurate. The entire local governmental structure is way too top heavy, and until that gets restructured, WNY will see more business leave town. I have not been too happy with Ralph lately, but we can't blame him for NY state's poor governmental structure. It simply doesn't work any more. When Buffalo goes from the 8th largest city in the U.S. in 1958 to 68th in 2005 tells you that taxes, and too much local, and county government are killing the region. And it's very sad to me because I love Buffalo, and I can't live there because the job market is very thin. I'd give anything to be able to move back home, but it wouldn't be the same if the Bills are no longer there.
  16. Ok... it's been nearly 4 days now since the Toronto game, and I'll admit I was a bit harsh on the Walker name calling in my OP, but in my defense that frickin Toronto game had me more pissed off than I have ever been, and I was seeing red. I really only took offense to the comment about the reporter trying to dig up dirt to sell papers, and my point being that if you win some games, that would sell more papers, and that reporters would much rather cover a win than a loss. I still feel really cheated as a fan of the Bills with the game they selected this year to be played in TO, since the Miami game has been a tradition in my family since I was at least 6. Now that I live out of state, I still travel to WNY for almost every contest against the dolphags, and this year my pilgrimage game was ripped from me. For what? Greed. My angry initial post had nothing to do with the loss, or even the fact The Bills are not going to play a post season game this year, or the slide. I was, and still am if I start to think about it very torqued about the Bills having to play a game in Toronto, and visibly be the away team. It was shameful, sad, and an utter failure. I never intended to question Walker's loyalty or integrity as a player, but at the moment did not like his statement, and I make no apologies for an athlete who was deflecting. I've said it in another thread, and I'll add it here - RALPH!! Give back the 58.5 million dollars for the remaining 6 games on this disgusting failure of a deal, and bring those games back to the fans in WNY!!! You don't need the money, and you can't take it with you. God knows you really didn't need it any way.
  17. Here's the article : http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/518577.html Ummm, Hey Langston!! The last time I checked, WINNING F'ING FOOTBALL GAMES sells news papers in Buffalo you pathetic moron!! Winning also sells Bills jerseys, hats, ear rings, sweaters, headbands, wrist bands, posters, even advertising on crappy player local TV shows. Just because a reporter asks a valid question to an overpaid, over weight, fat, bloated bag of useless crap, under performing douche bag on this team, his answer and every other player always seems to find it convenient to say stupid garbage like that. Hate to point this out too Langston, but winning also sells tickets too, even though that hasn't been the contributing factor in selling tickets in WNY in the last DECADE.
  18. Fixed. We do not get 8 home games like everyone else. And I totally agree with you.
  19. How amazing would that be if the stadium was completely empty for the game??? Oh wait, that happened last week.
  20. I'm hoping for it actually. Then we get a better draft pick, and there couldn't be any way Dickhead Jauron OR Schonert would still be in town. Or could they??? Ughhh
  21. the NFL dies for me the day the team leaves. And begins an era of me campaigning against the league starting a petition for the whole fat pig to be disassembled, and sold off in little pieces to the japanese. I was born a Bills fan only, raised by my father to hate all that is Maimi, and despise every other team in the league that opposes us. I was also fortunately(depending on your point of view) raised a Sabres fan, so I always have that futility to carry me on till sweet death.
  22. Believe me when I say there are a lot of us U.S. born fans that appreciate your love for the Bills, and for me at least gives me a sense of pride that Buffalo has something you can enjoy besides the worlds best chicken wings and beef on Weck. I would take some of the criticism with a grain of salt in some of these posts, as the WNY fans are very worried about the team moving soon, and aren't really mad at the fan base up north, but the idea that some fat wallet is going to scoop up the team and pull them from WNY. We're all really pissed at Ralph right now. He could end the anxiety we all have and just sell the team to the Jim Kelly group. Instead he's going to keep the team till he's dead, so that when he finally sticks that last shaft up Buffalo's @ss, he won't be here when the angry mob comes for him.
  23. Also no. The offensive scheme as a whole is total garbage. every team runs the slant on us. I know that retard has seen it on film, yet I think I have seen it executed once, to Royal, who is also a complete bag of sh--. Come on, it can't be that obvious to run the slant pass on occasion to your best receiver. And someone explain to me why our running plays seem to be the worst designed exchanges in the league? It looks as if they've never learned to take the ball from the QB, and Losman looks like he's never been taught to hand off. haha! I was doing the spell check on Losman's name, and the last entry you can pick from is "losing" try it, it's fun. When your browser underlines a misspelled word, right click on it. Maybe the TSB board knows something the coaching staff doesn't....
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