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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Ralph is cheap...


    And if you're trying to tell me that we would offer as much bonus money to Haynesworth or Peppers as certain other clubs, you haven't been paying attention to Buffalo's offseason signings... There's a surprise, judging from your mindless warble...




    I have paid very close attention to this team for over 20 years... Sure, he spent SOME money on SOME players... SOME of which should not have gotten the contracts they got... Therefore the Bills have tied up what little money they spend, compared to other clubs, on SOME solid (not all-pro) talent, SOME mediocre talent, and SOME bad talent. Not the smartest investments for a team that spends less...




    This part of the post shows how pathetic your assumptions are... Where's your evidence of my biography...?


    You have no clue who I am... so don't assume. I've watched more NFL games and read more NFL articles than you could possibly know...




    He didn't spend enough money... and what money he did spend, which all owners must do to a certain degree if they want to keep their fan base, was not wisely spent. So I'm actually making both arguments... He's cheap and he spent unwisely.


    Yes, the O-Line went from bad to average... "Pretty good"..? I disagree... and to go from a bad O-Line to average with $74 million spent on two players is a bad investment. Why not take that $49 million you spent on a guard and get a Haynesworth instead? This is where he spent the most money recently of any of their acquisitions... but for a team that is more fiscally conservative, each investment needs to be worth it. Otherwise, you are throwing away what little you spend...


    The D-Line...? "Pretty good"???? Are you kidding...? 22 sacks to date..? With Denney leading the team with 4 sacks? I understand Schobel has been injured for some time this year, but many teams have won the Super Bowl with many injuries... Its not an excuse.


    I was all for re-signing Evans... for what money Wilson did shell out... but what do you mean "Evans was key"..? From a production standpoint, no he hasn't been... 3 tds and 900 yards? 2 bad investments..? More like some bad investments and some mediocre investments... with less spent than the Snyders and Jones of the league... I haven't seen any of the signings as great investments to this point.


    One...I am not going to get into who has read more, followed more or knows football more as its a useless argument. I can assure you though I know my fair share about football from both following it year round for 20 years myself and playing the game at a high level on a top 10 ranked school for four years through college.


    Two...if you truly knew football, you would know that cap space doesnt illustrate a owners level of cheapness. Unlike Madden Football on your Xbox, the REAL NFL has to manage cap space, factor in the size of the market, and most importantly not just SPEND THE CAP SPACE because you have it. That is how you end up in salary cap hell...so the fact that our team has managed to sign some big players, keep players like Evans, bring in players like Stroud and STILL manage to give us manueverablility with cap is not a frugal move, its a smart move. We have a shot of players like Peppers and Haynesworth (although from what I hear they most likely dont change teams, and I have some reliable sources) because we have managed the cap well while STILL SPENDING MONEY!


    Three...EVANS WAS KEY...its not his fault TE cant throw the ball passed the 5 yard line, or JP cant get him the ball either. QB play is everything to a WR, and even when Evans is open the ball is not being thrown to him. There is no effort to get him the ball. So you can fault Evans for that if you want, but the QB play is the main reason for his production you refernece in your post.


    Four...The O-line is vastly improved from what it was...didnt say it was the quality of the Giants or something, just it was just that bad before the additions.


    Five...The D Line is also vastly improved from WHAT IT WAS...not saying its as good as TENN, just was THAT BAD before the upgrades.

  2. The irony of this post is off the charts. You call him ignorant 40 times, and then list the best 1st rounders of the past decade as your reference point? Seriously? Like you gotta be kidding me with this? If you are trying to create a sample group of players as an argument, DON'T USE THE BEST PLAYERS FROM THE LAST 10 YEARS! Would I take Mike Tomlin over Erik Flowers, Mike Williams, Ryan Leaf, Cade McNown, Joey Harrington, Ryan Sims, Peter Warrick, and Courtney Brown....damn right I would.


    I listed the the 1st rounders to illustrate the kind of talent available in the first round, not saying its lock to get the next Payton Manning. He said he would sacrifice our 1st round pick for Tomlin, and I am stating only a fool will give up a first round pick that has the POTENTIAL to land a major impact player (on a team like us who needs some impact players at key positions) to get a young coach who has made many coaching blunders. And all just because he wins with an IMMENSELY talented team.


    The funny thing is, I like Tomlin. I just get tired of people using him as the measuring stick of succesful coordinators when he has clearly proven nothing by winning with that much talent (see George Seirfert). Then to see people throwing outlandish claims that DJ would be under .500 if he was coaching Pitt is so obnoxious and absurd. I am not even saying he wont develop into a great coach, but he is not there now.


    You further go onto to mention the coaches approval rating...so meaningless...his team is winning, so of course its high. General fans just care about win/loss and assume he is the greatest coach ever because the team still wins. DJ would be winning in Pitt right now and his approval rating would also be high, so how is this even a point of any susbtance?

  3. Well, shoot! Sign him up long term! Let's keep him around if he's such a pro!


    It wasn't supposed to be a JP bash- I'm actually serious about putting it all together. Let me reiterate- I'm unemployed. Spending several hours weeding through game footage to find the true "JP" moments to compile and present for your pleasure is something I'm more than happy to do.


    If doing so makes me a "bully" then so be it. But for 99% of Bills fans, they'd at least get a little chuckle from reliving all that pain. Is that really so bad?


    Sheesh. Lighten up, tough guy.


    Didnt say anything about keeping him around, I said quit piling it on the guy. Im sorry to hear you are unemployed, I imagine thats not by choice and is tough. Think about it...you are calling for this guy to be unemployed and want to pile on him about it. For someone who is unemployed that seems a little harsh considering how much this guy has done for Buffalo, how hard he worked, how little he complained, how professional he remained.


    If it makes you feel better about your situation to pile on someone elses about theirs, then so be it...guess thats just who you are.

  4. Aint gonna happen...


    We're talkin' about Ralph Wilson here... not Daniel Snyder...


    OH geezus...Ralph has been spending left and right, get over he is cheap crap...such an ignorant statement.


    If we dont get Haynesworth or Peppers you are going to say Ralph is cheap...truth is, we are NOT going to get these two players because of two reasons...


    1. Peppers is almost a lock to resign with Carolina, and Haynesworth is also high probability to resign in Tenn


    2. Other teams are going to back up a dump truck full of money to them, so even if we also do the same they are going to have to choose between where they want to play, NOT CHOOSE MONEY as everyone is going to be offering about the same amount of money.


    So, pay attention to your football team, becasue if you did you would know that there are FEW, yes FEW owners who have spent more money than Ralph the last couple of offseasons to bring in key players and retain players like Schobel and Evans. (Mitchell, Dockery, Walker, Schobel, Evans, Kelsay, Denney, Stroud, etc, etc.)


    Everytime I see "Ralph is Cheap" comments from a poster it just tells me that all the posters other comments on any thread need to be taken with a grain of salt becasue they dont know football, arent old enough to know football beyond Madden Football on the Xbox, have a base knowledge of football from playing fantasy football, are a converted Raider Fan, don't really follow our team except during the season, of just like to whine about the en vogue thing to whine about. Maybe all of the above...


    He aint Cheap, get over it...if you want to argue that he spent money unwisely, then fine, but you can not claim he didnt spend money. In fact, out all the big money he spent, he really only made two bad investments in Denney and Kelsay. The rest have worked out great as the O Line went from one of the worst in the league to pretty good, the DL went from one of the worst in the league to pretty good when healthy, Evans was key, Mitchell has been important, etc)

  5. Why does everyone keep saying James Hardy is a bust and not Steve Johnson? I like them both and I think they are both gonna be good for this team. Everyone knows that most receivers take a couple years to make an impact. I know Hardy was drafted a lot earlier but they have almost the same stats. Both have 9 receptions with Johnson about 10 more yards. James Hardy has 1 more td than Johnson. I have wanted a big receiver since Moulds left and they finally got Hardy. I was excited when they got him.


    As others stated, because Hardy was 2nd round pick, and because the posters unfairly expected 8+ TD's in his rookie season thinking he was the missing piece of our O.


    It is further fueled by his lack of progress and almost regression as the season went on. He couldnt play his way onto the field much, then finally gets a break with the game winning TD. Unfortunately he followed it up with terrible routes, and real bad drops on easy catches and drops on key plays. Word out of practice and from the staff also stated his struggles to learn the system.


    Doesnt mean he will be a bust, but he has shown very little to this point. Johnson, who had sleeper potential, then steps in and makes some nice plays (although he has dropped a couple too) and shows some promise. So, it makes Hardy look worse given on where they were chosen.


    Honestly though, I liked Johnson coming out of college and thought he could be a steal much like Colston was in the late rounds. To this point, Johnson has shown more potential and he is good size, while Hardy has shown very little potential outside of his size.


    But it is too early too tell on either one...next years training camp will be interesting to see if either can beat out Reed and which one will be ahead on the depth chart...

  6. Way to twist my words you incoherent jackass. I never said that the reason the Steelers are so great is because of their head coach. Were you dropped on your head as a baby?


    Tomlin didn't screw it up like Dick Jauron would have. Should I have written that in all caps for you?


    You list the best players in the league and correlate that to Buffalo's 2009 1st rounder? You sir are a moron.


    I would give away Buffalo's 2009 first round pick in a heartbeat for Mike Tomlin. You apparently are not willing to do so which confirms my belief you're a moron.


    I'll take that "idiot" Mike Tomlin off of your idiot Steeler friends hands any day of the week. So he wins even when he's stupid, did you ever think about how good of a coach he'll be when the learning curve is over? Didn't think so dunce.


    You are hilarious...Tomlin has screwed up plenty...his team is talented enough to win anyway.


    I have a suggestion for you, why not watch the guy coach before you decide how good of a coach he is. Even Pitt fans have been frustrated with him. You lazy boy GM's open up a win loss report and annoit the guy Bill Walsh. What about the losses he has from coaching errors?


    And I have named several reasons why he isnt an Elite coach at this point, and you are yet to provide a single aspect as to what about him makes him this Elite coach that you would give up our first round pick for.


    Tomlin did not build that team.


    Tomlin has made more than his share of coaching errors, including LOSING games because of them


    And you dont turn around teams who have a clear lack of talent at key positions like us by giving up PREMIUM draft picks to get an unproven HC who has made a number of dubious mistakes.


    To top it off, you clearly point out how stupid your post is by claiming that DJ wouldnt be over .500 if he was coaching Pitt this year when he is one game under .500 with a team with half the overall talent as Pitt, so get out a la la land.


    Just go back to playing Madden football where all your fantasy's can come true, because you are clearly delusional.


    And for the record, I am not saying Tomlin wont learn from his mistakes and develop into a premier coach, I am saying he has not there at this point in time.


    Geezus, now I need another shower to go wash the lame off me from your response...

  7. If Dick Jauron were given that Steeler team he'd still have a below .500 record. If you were given the choice between having our 2009 first round pick or hiring Mike Tomlin as our next head coach, you'd hire Mike Tomlin as our next head coach and if you wouldn't you'd be stupid.


    lol... still cant get over how dump this statement is...the ignorance in this statement is still lingering in my head...I need to take a shower to wash the ignorance off from this post... :rolleyes:


    Heck, DJ is only 1 game under .500 now with a team with arguably half the talent of Pitt.


    And it is precisely my point from my that other thread about fans contributing money in to buy the next coach...its why you dont let fans run your team...aka, dont let the inmates run asylum, because they dont know football.


    Anyone who would take Tomlin over a 1st round draft pick would be the laughing stock of the league...so you would take Tomlin over Matt Ryan, Adrian Peterson, Albert Haynesworth, Randy Moss, Payton Manning, Ladanian Tomlinson, Dwight Freeny, Julius Peppers, Calvin Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, etc, etc, etc...all first round draft picks, all more valuable than Mike Tomlin...

  8. All the game footage featuring JP Losman, including his HILARIOUS debut against the Pats in 2004?


    If I had access to all this video, I'd LOVE to put together a follies video. It could be upwards of 10 minutes long, nothing but fumbles, botched snaps, erratic scrambles, 6 second sacks, 10 second interceptions, etc, etc.


    But seriously, for comedy's sake, it would make for some fun memories for us Bills fans.


    Geezus...just leave the guy alone already. He has been a constant professional despite how bad he was treated, and major contributor in your community, and plays his ass off when he has been on the field. Just becuase he didnt play to the expectations doesnt mean you need to pile on the guy.


    He gave his best...just let it be and move on. Dont be the Bully who has to pick on someone to feel better

  9. The Bills lost those super bowls for two reasons,(except for the the first SB) by the time Buffalo got through the brutal AFC they were so banged up that they just couldn't compete at their best.In fact I can recall in the Denver AFC championship they needed Pete Metzelaars to sub in as a tackle because of injuries. Also. one year the NFL decided it wanted to cut out a two week wait from the championship games so they changed it to one week,simply not enough time to get the Bills healthy.


    The first year the Bills went and faced the NY Giants who had Bill Parcels and Bill Belichick,as good as Marv Levy and Ted Marchibroda were... they were out coached. In typical Buffalo fashion they failed to run the ball enough and tried to throw on that Giant secondary who had held Montana to one TD points in two games.Belichick would later state the giants played that game in constant nickle and dime coverage the entire game.


    Refresh my memory...Did Kelly, Thurman, Reed, and Smith play in those 4 losses?

  10. MONEY TALKS and you know it!


    A DT like Haynesworth pairing with Stroud, easily has the potential to make us a top 5 defense. Those 2 would only make the DE's better....


    I agree DE & LB needs upgrades, so does WR........


    But MONEY TALKS.....


    Yes money does talk, but thats irrelevant if everyone is offering the same amount of money, or even more. Then it comes down to where do you want to play. I do agree that playing next to Stroud may seem attractive to Haynesworth, but will that be enough to lure him here (assuming we even make him a big offer)? Who knows...I doubt we will be the most attractive place for him to play and that we will be the highest bidder.


    I like Johnson and the coaching staff still (so they have said at least) is really high on Hardy and believe he is going to be an impact player. I would like to believe they know more about him than we do, so I say give it one more season to see how these two develop.


    Better QB play will make our WR's better...so I dont think WR is as big a need as some others...that being said, I would LOVE to get Boldin or Housh still as they are bonafied eltie WR's...but I still think some other areas are a more pressing need. If we have to choose between an Elite WR or Elite DE, LB, or QB then I go with one of the other 3 hands down.

  11. The No Huddle...


    One of the biggest flaws of our team is its predictablility. The ironic thing is that when its time to be hard nosed and do the obvious we do something wildly stupid (see Losman roll out on 2nd and 5).


    Yet the rest of the game we reamin for the most part incredibly predictable. I would like to see us bring the no huddle back and keep the opposing teams guessing a bit.


    Dont know, just a thought, but it would help shed some of the sheer predictive nature that makes our Offense so easy to figure it out.


    So intstead of messing around with this Wildcat crap that will be useless in the near future as teams have time to adjust and learn how to stop it (its not that complicated), lets go with the No Huddle.

  12. If Dick Jauron were given that Steeler team he'd still have a below .500 record. If you were given the choice between having our 2009 first round pick or hiring Mike Tomlin as our next head coach, you'd hire Mike Tomlin as our next head coach and if you wouldn't you'd be stupid.


    This might be dumbest post ever on here...first DJ won COACH OF THE YEAR with a team VASTLY inferior to the talent on the Steelers. So for you to say this you are implying that the Steelers dont have enough talent to win and are winning solely on coaching...By your logic you might as well say the 49ers never win a super bowl with Montanna, Rice and company if they have a weaker coach...just absurd to say winning is more heavily weighted on coaching than talent.


    You are another one of those who looks in the newspaper or looks online to see what his record is and doesnt actually watch the games to see the coaching blunders he makes.


    The fans I speak of are not spoiled, they see every play, they hear the announcers even question his decisions...heck, I watch most Steeler games because of them and I see the same thing.


    So you can stare at your pretty little computer screen and the winning percentage all you want, but the football facts are simple...he is a young coach making coaching mistakes that have already cost him a win this year and then duplicated the mistake in the Cowboy game which almost lost him the game until Tony Romo helped him out with a awful pass for a INT to lose the game. And there are plenty of other bone head decisions he has made the last 2 seasons...


    Does it mean he wont learn from those mistakes...not at all...it means he is NOT out coaching anyone and is succeeding because of talent on his team. If he was the coach of Buffalo this year I would bet every dollar I have that our record wouldnt be much different.


    Pittsburgh is NOT outcoaching anyone...

  13. QB - we need a veteran backup to help mentor trent and be there if there is an injury b/c i dont want handman to be my #2

    RB - good here

    FB - Macantyre isn't cutting it

    WR - Not the best in the league but i think were good if hardy and johnson can contribute next year

    TE - We need a receving tight end tht can make plays... we are probably bottom 5 in the league in TE production

    OLine - Everything is good except for center... preston and fowler suck

    DLine - we need an atheltic fast pass rushing defensive end... whether we obtain one from the draft or FAs, we need one bad

    LB - with crowell not coming back and ellison being a ghost out there, we need a OLB tht can play with poz and mitchel

    CB - when greer and youboty come back next year, and leodis having a year under his belt, we will be pretty good

    S - whitner is good but we need someone to be a ball hawk and simpson just looks lost out there... i liked him as a rookie but he just seems to keep getting worse... hopefully he will return to his former self next year or maybe Wilson or Scott will start

    ST - great except for Lindell.... his stats are good but since MNF and tht 49ers game, he hasn't been the same


    Coaching - I am not in love with Dick but i dont think we could get anything better thts out there right now



    So in conclusion we need some more pieces to the puzzle in this order





    5)QB (Veteran)



    I like your list, although I would bump Center ahead of Tight End as I think D. Fine has some potential. Now the QB is one of debate, I am just not as optimistic as I once was on Trent due to his fragile body and psyche. If we could trade for McNabb, this team would be vastly improved. Although, with the Iggles making a playoff run, he may become less and less available next year.


    I think DE, is a priority to replace Kelsay and Denney on the end (keep Kelsay as he plays hard and wouldnt be a bad back up, but dump Denney).


    Center and LB are both a pressing need...could go either way with which is more important.


    Tight End is something of an unknown really as we stubbornly stuck with Royal so long. I hope Fine gets more opportunity these last two games to show us he can be our guy next year so that will be one less area we need to improve. If not, I am hoping we go after a Coffman in the draft.

  14. Thanks. If you want, I can give you my address so you can come over and kick me in the balls in person. :rolleyes:



    Hahahaha...sorry man, I was just laughing actually when you made your post because I had been sitting here reflecting on all these posts today of bring in this guy and that guy and thinking, man we had a butt load of talent back then and never won the big one.


    Then I saw your post...it was not meant to kick you in the balls, just mean to be humorous.

  15. Am I the only one that sees a problem with an offense that is designed to let blitzers come untouched to young, inexperienced QBs?


    The topic title on this bugs me...it implies Peters is on the block which he clearly isnt...


    Can you change the title to be a more accurate reflection of what this truly is...a posters personal view not a topic of any substance down at Bills Headquarters...


    Maybe - "Do you think the Bills might consider trading Peters"

  16. Watching the Colts steal yet another one (they're like the anti-Bills), I couldn't help fantasizing...


    Just imagine if the Bills had a Jeff Saturday instead of Presler and Fowton and a Dwight Freeney instead of the sackless millionaires Denney and Kelsey. Oh man, this team's win total just doubled. Throw in Reggie Wayne and we're Super Bowl contenders.


    Sorry, I know that's not realistic, relevant or productive, but dreams are all I have left. Thank you for listening.


    Oh what if we had a Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, and Thurman Thomas...oh man, we would win so many Super Bowls...


    Oh wait we did and got ZERO...

  17. So You're saying we should stick with a losing head coach in Jauron instead of attempting the risk to hire someone who might be just as bad as Jauron, but also might end up being a good hire?


    I'm confused.


    Not sure who this question is directed to, but I will answer it...


    I dont think we should stick with DJ, but I strongly feel this team needs a PROVEN winner who KNOWS how to win games. We have a young team that doesnt know how to win. The last thing we need is another young guy who has to learn on the job just like our players.


    We are young, but in this era of free agency the window of opportunity to win is about 3 years. We dont have time to develop a coach while trying to develop our team. If we had a veteran team that need a spark, then maybe, but we dont. We have a young team that just doesnt know how to win.


    A coach needs to be able know how to motivate his team, adjust in game, game plan to beat the other team, make personnel decisions, evaluate talent, play to a players strengths, manage a game, manage the game clock, be able to make smart decisions at key points in the game, know when to be aggressive or conservative, etc, etc, etc.


    Coordinators just dont have that kind of experience. Does it mean every one is going to fall flat on their face, not at all. But it does mean the odds are stacked against them. And with a young promising team we need someone to show them how to win, to be able to OUR COACH our opponent, and a coordinator with no real COACHING experience has a far less chance of being effective.


    For every great HC transition from coordinator there are 10 total failures. You dont hear about them as they are quickly forgotten, so it seems coordinators have more success than they really do. Not to mention, their success as a coordinator often proves to be based on the personnel the HC on their existing teams built for them and not so much on their ability to lead a team.

  18. I have one more quick question in regards to Trent. How come no one wants to argue or acknoweldge that he comes recommended by Bill Walsh? Does anyone else on this team have that? And why can't we add that to Trent's resume when Bill Walsh is one of the greatest minds in football? We have to know he sees things a little bit different than us.


    I grew up in Nor California where everyone is a Niner fan. Do you really want me to make you a list of all the draft picks Bill Walsh missed on? I love Walsh even though I hate the Niners, and I think he is one of the greatest football coaches and minds in history...


    That being said, I can assure you there are plenty of players he was high on that didnt pan out...why you may ask...because player evaluation is not in any way easy or an exact science. People like Walsh show the ability to find great talent, but doesnt mean every guy they tab is gonna be great.


    He was REALLY high on J.J. Stokes...do you remember him? Heck, you may not even know who he is becuase he was such a bust. Walsh said he saw a lot Jerry Rice in him and they traded up to get him to be the heir apparent tp Rice. He had the chance to play with supreme coaching and learn from what is considered the greatest WR of all time and yet the kid was a complete bust.


    Even the great ones can be wrong...

  19. It's a damn good thing the Steelers did not go with your small thinking after Bill Cowher left. :rolleyes:


    Are you trying to say Tomlin is a great coach? Do you watch the games or just look at the record in the newspaper? He made bone head decisions that lost him a game this year, and then duplicated them and put his team in a position to lose again because of them against Dallas until Romo bailed him out with that INT he threw. He has done things like this several times last year and this year...


    Truth about this guy is that his winning is hiding all his failures in his decisons. He is not winning based on coaching, he actually makes quite a bit of mistakes, but the IMMENSE talent on that team overcomes the mistakes. That is essentially the same team that won the Super Bowl with an even MORE experienced QB now, its no shock they still win.


    One of my best friends is a die hard Steeler fan and he and a bunch of other Steeler fans usually watch the games at the bar we go to on Sundays to watch football. They are not sold on Tomlin and think his inexperience often hurts them. They love his fire and passion, but are not too high on him as a coach.


    So, I say for the 10th time, why is this guy so highly regarded? Even announcers call him out in games for making dumb decisions...

  20. My plan........


    First and foremost, cut the dead weight on the team. Denney, Kelsay most overrated highest paid DE's in the game right now, they are not worth what they are getting. Get impact players on the DL, someone who can get to the pass rusher man to man blocking. I get tired getting to the QB with blitzes only....I wouldnt mind getting Julius Peppers on one side and either Schobel or draft Brian Orakpo. Find a way to get Albert Haynesworth via FA.....I wouldnt be opposed to going after a solid LB in the draft either.....


    On offense, clearly the QB spot is till a huge question mark......well that question mark can be fixed if McNabb is on the market, if not Kurt Warner has clearly showed he can still play football and would come much at a more reasonable price, McNabb may cost us draft picks......im not a fan of that unless we could steel him away.....


    Pending on the QB situatuion......will determine what type WR we need.....call me crazy but we need another skilled WR that has the ability Lee Evans has, this offense needs another WR that takes heat away from Evans, who that WR is im not 100% sure. I do see some guys that might be on the trading blocks.....Chad Johnson being one, Maybe TJ whosyourmama? Thats the type WR im speaking about, and if Anquan Boldin is out there for trade or whatever reason, GET HIM!!!!! NOWAY a defense can double cover one man if Evans & Boldin are on the field......Id also look to be drafting a TE, Chase Coffman comes to mind, but not sure where hes slated to go in the draft.....but we need that TE who can stretch the field and make big plays as well.....we dont have a TE for that......


    So my theory of getting to the SB is Finding ways to get another quality DT, possibly LB, draft either LB or DE.......on offense if McNabb is out there for a reasonable deal grab him, Warner is an option, Boldin is unhappy in AZ, never know what CJ will do or TJ for that matter.......


    The thing is we have the cap room to make moves like this.....the even bigger question is how to get talent here, and folks thats up to PR department to do, Russ Brandon has his handsfull.......


    3 quality moves at QB, DL, WR would make this team stout, and a very well thought out plan for the draft would help.


    It dont have to be the players I mentioned but they have to be the same quality players, some one whos been there done that so to speak.......


    And yes........currently this team has talent to win......I do think they need a boost at certain spots to get them to the next level....They better get it and get it fast cause Tom Brady is back next year and we couldnt win or even make the playoffs without him in the division, I highly doubt we make a push with him back with the pats......unless major changes happen at those postions we are not looking good.....


    I dont call it rebuilding either, I call it retooling.......


    Great if it could happen...but...


    Warner - 0% chance he plays anywhere other than AZ and already has said IF he plays next year it will ONLY be in AZ. So he retires or stays there.


    Peppers - 95% chance he resigns in Carolina, and if not, teams more attractive than us will be offering as much money if not more, so odds of him landing here are .01%


    Haynesworth - See Peppers above (although, he may be more likely than Peppers to leave his team, but not by much)


    McNabb - Love this idea, and he very well could be obtainable and woudl be a great fit, however, if he leads the Eagles to the playoffs this year, especially deep, then I just dont think Philly moves him and turns their focus on acquiring Boldin or Housh.


    Boldin - Stays in AZ or goes to Philly who has major interest in him.


    Housh - Used to a smaller market and the cold, may see potential here, and if Philly was to land Boldin we might have a better shot at landing this guy. Any available WR I think chooses Philly and playing with McNabb and Westbrook first before considering us, so if Housh signs in Philly then maybe we have shot at Boldin.


    We dont need DT, we need DE. Stroud and Co. were much better with Schobel in the game. We need help at DE and LB and you will see we have a pretty darn good interior line. LB and DE play are major factors in what the interior line can do. This is not a need for us.

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