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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. 1. This coming year will be Brohm's third year in the NFL. When the Bills snagged him, Brohm was NOT a rookie.

    2. People on this board watch preseason games so they can see how players are doing. Are you assuming Packer fans do not?

    3. People on THIS board are passing judgment on Brohm based on a SINGLE SOLITARY game. Yet, somehow those Bills fans know more than the Packer fans?


    This is another area where I think you are missing the boat...some casual fans on here who know nothing of Brohm outside of Buffalo may be doing this, but the ones who have supported his acquisition from the get go are basing their desires to see him play based on his potential, not the one game against Atl.


    And as far as brohm in preseason...he barely played...you act like he got 3 quarters of work each game. And this last year, he wasnt getting any reps with the first and second units as the two guys ahead of him were entrenched at QB1 and QB2...


    I have several Packer fan friends, and they all say the same thing. They didnt get to see enough of him and wished they would have kept him because they hated losing a 2nd round pick for literally nothing.


    And I dont understand with your fascination with putting so MUCH emphasis on a QB's development in his first 1 and half years in the league, especially one who never got any real experience on the field to develop and adjust to the speed of the game.


    I don't care what argument you come up with, there isnt any logical point you can make that will convince me that this staff doesnt currently know more than GB about where Brohm is right now than where he was last off season.

  2. Isn't this what we've been doing for the last 5 seasons? Plug in the guy that gives us the best chance to win now (Fitz) and let's try to win more games than we lose this year.


    I saw an NFL Films thing the other day and a guy was in the stands with a sign that read "We are on the 18th year of our 5 year rebuilding program". I can relate.


    I can respect where you are coming from, we are all tired of rebuiliding. However, being tired of rebuilding doesnt change the fact that we are rebuilding in essence. This team is very young at many skill positions and is being retooled by a new staff in new schemes and requires new personnel. So, as frustrated as we all are, plugging in Fitz to hope to squeak another win or two out (which I am not even sure he could get us the most wins of our 3 QB's) doesnt make sense unless he shows the promise to be our long term guy. Lets face it, he isnt leading us to the playoffs at this point.

  3. I want Brohm to start but the thing is we don't really have time to develop a Qb. We need one now. Hopefully he can do it.


    Not quite sure what you mean by this...I mean who ever has time to develop a QB in todays win now NFL? And, this is a rebuilding team under a new regime, if there ever was a text book example of when to develop a QB, then the 2010 Bills would be that example.


    We are a young team across the board, have a new regime, have made the playoffs in forever, and lots of young players with promise who have yet to really get on the field to show what they can do...this is the perfect year to try and develop a QB...

  4. alrite guys... I am a fantasy addict... live it. love it. can;t get enough of it...

    post your top 5 picks in order you would select them... and then for the Bills twist add which Bills player would would select first and in which round.


    *** I am aware and expect MANY "No Bills, in any round" calls... or an Andre Reed throwback... but lets giv'er hell.


    1) C Johnson

    2) Ray Rice

    3) AP

    4) MJD

    5) A Rodgers


    Bills: CJ Spiller on a 8-9th round flier. Perhaps earlier pendind on my RB situation at that given point.


    You didnt provide enough information to determine the top 5...you need to know if its also a points per reception leauge too. I wont even play in a league anymore that doesnt have a points per reception scoring system. The reason being, its way more challenging and allows you to find value. It makes all the positions more balanced in terms of scoring.


    So, if it is PPR, then AJ has to be in the top 5. I think I would go CJ, AP, MJD, Rice, AJ...QB's are deep and the kind of production Rodgers can put up can be found in Brees, Manning, Brady, Favre, and even Romo...so, even though I think Rodgers is the first or second best QB, there are several not far off from him which to me decreases his value.

  5. Amazing - two weeks ago you were clamoring, "OMFG, the Bills MUST draft an elite QB (specifically Clausen) or we are DOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!", and now, in one of the fastest 'about-faces' I've ever seen on TSW, you're a Brohm fan! :thumbsup:



    Meanwhile, the incredibly prescient Senator was probably the very first on TSW to proclaim that the Bills will eschew a high-round, high-priced, unproven college QB (and probable lengthy holdout) and put their future in Brohm's hands...


    Link 1 - The Incredibly Prescient Senator


    Link 2 - More Senatorial Prescience



    Anyway, welcome aboard - nice to have you on the Bills/Brohm Bandwagon! :beer:



    BTW - don't know specifically how Nix had him ranked, but here's what College Football News said about BB prior to the '08 draft...


    Brian Brohm, QB Louisville - The brother of former New York Jet Jeff Brohm was groomed to be a pro passer. He's as NFL ready as any quarterback prospect having been a star for his entire career. The pressure was on from day one to produce, and he did. He's not the greatest athlete and his arm is just average, but he can make the throws needed. The big issue will be his durability. While he's an abnormally quick healer, he suffered a few major injuries throughout his career and can't be counted on for a full 16-game NFL slate. He took his lumps in a disappointing senior season, at least for Louisville, and that could be a good thing; he never quit on his team during a dud year. CFN Projection: Late First Round




    LOL...I think I was the first to tell everyone we would not take a QB this year in the first half of the draft, if at all, because we already had a promising prospect in Brohm and it wouldnt make sense until we knew for sure what he could do...


    There...battle lines drawn...not lets fight over who was first...lmao :D



  6. I dont think anyone gets cut personally...Brown will be a PS QB this year. If Brown finds some way to shine (which he wont because he wont get any reps with Trent, Fitz, and Brohm all getting the reps to win the starting gig), then maybe he ends up as the 3rd QB with one of the other three cut.


    The only way Brohm wont be the #1 QB week 1 is if someone clearly and decisively outplays him. Fitz has very little value outisde of a backup QB because of his limited upside. Trent at this point has limited potential himself from what he has shown on the field. For them to roll with him over Brohm, he is going to finally have to take command of this offense and go out and play high level football and put some points on the board, something he has never been able to do thus far.


    Brohm on the other hand posses something the others dont have...a lot of potential with no chance to play yet. If the race is close, I assure you they will go with Brohm because he represents a chance to develop into our franchise QB while the other guys need to make big steps forward in their game at this point to dispell the belief that they are better suited as backups because of all the chances they have already had on the field.


    My final depth chart:

    1. Brohm

    2. Trent

    3. Fitz

    PS: Brown


    Fitz to me is in the most danger to be cut if Brown does win a spot, because Trent has more upside than him still.

  7. Your adoration for Brohm is known, but this post is a classic case of spin.


    Those fans don't know much about him? They know more than we do.

    Others talk about him as if he was there for more than 1.5 years? They did get to see him for 2 training camps, and that's 2 more than we got see from him here.




    "He has been so far off the radar, even in GB because of the emergence of Rodgers ..."

    Are you honestly trying to stay that GB literally FORGOT about Brohm because Rodgers panned out? Seriously?

    But they paid attention to the seventh round pick Flynn?


    "NO ONE, not even the GB Packers staff, really knows where he is at in his development."

    "In fact, our staff is about the only people who can really say for sure if the kid is progressing or not as they have seen him how he is now in practice."


    Oh, come on. Brohm spent 2 training camps in GB, and the coaches there got a first hand view of how the kid played in preseason. They know what plays were called, and they know he reacted during those plays.

    But only the Buffalo staff knows anything about him because of some OTA's?

    Let's see how he reacts when the pads are on, and they are hitting.

    Having him running around in shorts playing catch with the WR won't tell the staff a whole lot regarding his ability to play during a game.




    Yeah, the Bills were so confident with those 3 they contacted the Eagles about trading for McNabb.


    I like Brohm (at this point) because he is not Edwards or Fitzpatrick, but I think this is Brohm's last chance.

    Either he stands up and shows the Bills he CAN lead this team* forward, or I expect the Bills will be looking for a QB next off season.


    *Winning the QB battle will not cut it. He needs to play like a franchise QB.



    LMAO at you comparing McNabb to this situation...he would be an upgrade to 75% of the teams in the NFL...no one is saying they are so content with our guys that they would pass up a top 10 QB in this league.


    As far as what I said about the fans...I still stand by it. There are several (and I only named a couple) instances that are clear that they didnt pay that much attention to him. And YES, he was off the Radar...Brohm was an inusrance policy for Rodgers and was NEVER going to be given any chance to start his rookie year. It was always going to be Rodgers as he had 3 years to learn the system. Brohm, who didnt adjust to the speed as quickly as Flynn, spent most of his time with the 3rd unit and PS in GB and barely saw the field at all.


    And, this crap about how the fans got to see him for 2 training camps...what are you talking about...none of them saw him in training camp, all they got to see was the very limited duty in preseason.


    And as far as your so called boast about GB knowing more about where Brohm is RIGHT NOW...how does that even make sense? They have NO IDEA how he has progressed to this point...he hasnt been with the players who play since last training camp as he went onto the PS after that. They have no idea, especially the fans there, where Brohm is right now...clearly, he is further along then he was there as our staff deems him worthy of an open QB competition and a chance to start (so much so that we continuously passed on QB's with potential in the draft).

  8. OK a lot of concerns surround the offensive side of the ball our QB situation is one of the worst in the NFL, our O-line is one with huge concern, our WR's outside of Evans are unproven HOWEVER I have a very good feeling about our Defense.


    Our Secondary is really good (And they proved that last season) and we spent a lot of picks and resources to sure up the run D. OK our 3-4 is new but we have added a lot of players that fit our scheme.


    D-line DE- Dwan Edwards/Spencer Johnson OK Johnson was an undersized 4-3 DT but he was one of the better DT's last season in his limited role and the guy has the body type and skill set to be an effective guy off the bench. Edwards was a run-stuffer in Baltimore with an injury issue but if the guy can stay healthy he is a prototypical 3-4 DE who upgrades our Run D.


    Other DE- Stroud/Carrington Stroud is coming off a down year, he was suppose to be the anchor of the 4-3 and he just wasn't that so our Run D sucked as a result (Injuries to OLB and Poz also contributed). However Stroud at DE in a 3-4 doesn't really have to be the anchor he is in a less compromised position and can be effective in his new role. Carrington coming off the bench gives our D-line some depth at DE.


    NT- Troup and Kyle Williams are the anchors now if Williams can play at a higher weight and if Troup is as good as advertised we are looking decent at NT. Yes this is a concern if Troup under preforms and Williams can't convert to the 3-4 but going into this season I am much more confident in our D-line and its depth then last season.


    MLB- Poz and Davis are the starters Davis is a proven 3-4 MLB who is known as a run stuffer, Poz has the size to make the conversion but there is still a question of his conversion ability. Mitchell has the size to play the 3-4 MLB and gives us some depth at the position.


    OLB- This is were things get a little iffy right now Schobel and Maybin are the starters now both aren't 3-4 OLB's but Schobel is a proven pass rusher in a 4-3 and Maybin has the body type better suited for the system. Kelsay and Ellis don't inspire much confidence but both could prove effective as depth or as run down players.


    So our front 7 is deeper and bigger and we already have a good secondary with McKelvin returning to it. All in all our D should inspire some confidence.


    Count me on this band wagon...I have been posting this in other threads too. I think this D has top 10 potential. There are a few doom and gloomers out there like John Cockstonter or whatever the hell his name is that swears no one can rush the passer. Yet people like him are completing ignoring the fact that Maybin is being moved to a position in this D that will let him do just that, Schobel (I think he comes back) can still get to the QB, guys we drafted look like they can get to the QB, Stroud will be more effective as a DE in this system, and most importantly, our Front 7 can be turned loose in this system given the strength of our secondary. Add in how big we got up front, and wow, this D could be really good.


    Of course this is dependent on our young guys being able to step in and contribute like Troup, Maybin, Carrington, etc....

  9. and asked them their thoughts on Brian Brohm. This is what they said. I posted this on buffalobills.com and I thought I would put it on here.



    The funny thing about their posts is that they actually dont know that much about him or is time there and it shows in their comments...one poster even talked about him being mentored by Brett...he and Brett were never on the team at the same time...others talk about him as if he was there for more than a year and a half...


    Thats the thing with Brohm...he has been so off the radar, even in GB because of the emergence of Rodgers instantly in Brohms rookie year, that no one can honestly say what he can or cant do. I will tell you this...NO ONE, not even the GB Packers staff, really knows where he is at in his development. There simply just inst enough info on him as he spent hadly no time within the offense in GB. In fact, our staff is about the only people who can really say for sure if the kid is progressing or not as they have seen him how he is now in practice.


    Given the confidence they have in moving forward with him, Trent, and Fitz battling it out, my guess is that they feel he is progressing well and has the potential to lead this team back to being a winning franchise.

  10. I forgot your the guy that was saying racist things to me a month ago!


    HA! Are you serious...racist? I have never said anything racist on this board and am always the first to blast the ignorant ones that do get racist on this board...you pal have me confused with someone else...


    PS: You are about the biggest dip S**T on this board now...does that count?

  11. Haven't seen this posted....



    I gotta feel after Gailey on Sirius today, how they have talked since the draft and Morts report, this is Brohm's job to lose. I also feel they want Brown to grow and challenge for the position later on or take over if Brohm can't do it.


    that is a Win win situation in my book.


    Ok, im confused...did I miss something here? Are you now a supporter of Brohm at QB after you spent all off season spouting off from you backside about bad he is and how doomed we are if he plays and bunch of other gibberish (despite admitting on more than one occassion that you knew nothing about him other than he came from a PS)? I mean all you did was sing the tune that he couldnt even beat out a 7th rounder then made up all kinds of other flaws just to continue to bash him...I mean it was the biggest broken record of the off season...


    But this is now more than one post I have seen since the draft by you that alludes to being in support of Brohm now...so what did I miss?

  12. Interesting article on why Nix is sticking with the QBs he has. Here's the link:




    And here's a small excerpt from it:


    “Here’s the way we looked at it,” said Nix. “We’ve got guys physically that can do anything as well as anybody in the draft physically. Throw the ball well, make all the throws, mobile, can move around and are smart. We’ve got guys like that. Now obviously they’ve been kind of inconsistent and up and down, but there are a lot of reasons for that.”


    This is what I said all off season!!! Glad to see there is actual confirmation of it now...

  13. In 2006 when Evans caught 82 receptions, Mike Furrey caught 98 passes with a less talented team!

    I say we trade Evans for whatever we can get and sign Mike Furrey! We can dump Lee and his high salary!





    You continue to solidify yourself as one of the top 3 worst posters on this board and I dont think you have ever started a single credible thread...


    Posters like you should not have the ability to start threads...

  14. So let me get this straight Adawg, everything the Bills have done since the hiring of Nix has been great? And all of your assumptions like a trade for a legit OT, the Bills being in position to grab a top QB next year (If that group doesn't go Jevon Snead), Maybin magically working out and Shobel coming back, comes to fruition?

    The truth is, the Bills have no LT and left a ton of question marks on the O line even after the draft! Wasn't their downfall the O line last year?Guess what, nothing has changed. Wood is still rehabbing, Bell is rehabbing from a torn ACL? No Butler. That leaves Levitre and Hangartner. Again I ask you, what has changed....Wang?

    Secondly, who the hell is going to rush the passer on this team? You assume that Schobel is coming back but using your QB logic, it looked like the Bills are planning on moving on without him by drafting a D2 all star team at OLB.

    That leaves Maybin. Someone said it a couple of weeks ago on this board, does the switch to a 34 make Maybin a better player? The truth is, Maybin will still have to be stout at the POA and will be rushing the passer from the same open side of the offense. Here is a guy who is stiff as a board and now he's going to have to drop into space and make plays in the open field?

    Their is no legit pass rusher on this team and last time I checked the Pats spread out the field and the Bills are going to be left with the same group of sorry pass rushers that the Bills have had the last couple of years.

    Optimism is one thing but this uber-enthusiam over what amounts to a questionalbale draft and 3 mid level free agents is unreal. It's actually led to the resurection of the idea that Trent's problems were all of the last regimes fault which is insane. I'm not saying there isn't hope but I just don't see this fantasy land mentality that has so many thinking Buddy Nix is this amazing southern football wizard either. I mean this is the Bills we"re talking about right? I know talking heads can be wrong but when they are all laughing in unison there has to be some truth to it right?

    Time will tell but this team doesn't look much different at THE most important positions to me.


    Are you under some delusion that every problem we have can be fixed in one offseason? I didnt say all our problems are solved...this was an assesment of the moves and picks we did make and how I felt about the direction of this team.


    First off, the pass rush has lots of potential. We have vets and young guys in our new system that have the ability to get to the QB, and yes, I believe Maybin to be one of them. Only time will tell, but I see a lot of potential in this new D. One thing most casual fans don't realize is how valuable a high end secondary is to the pass rush. Our secondary will allow us to be very aggressive upfront and bring a lot of pressure, especially in this new 3-4.


    Secondly, whats the deal with assumptions? I didn't assume anything. I just gave my opinnion how I see some things potentially working out and how things have been going.


    Thirdly...I love how you started your comments on Maybin with "the truth is" then follow it up with your assumptions on how bad of a player he is...The REAL "truth is" about Maybin is that we dont have a clue to what we really have in him or what he can do. And, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the switch to 3-4 definitely plays better to his strengths than the old system. Add into the fact he seems to have been working hard to add more strength in the offseason and you have a guy who could potentially become a good player on this team. Will he? Who knows...but until he gets out there on the field we wont know.

  15. If you have not seen it, I thoroughly recommend the documentary "Run Ricky Run" on ESPN. For those of you that do not know, it is a documentary on Ricky Williams, and it is outstanding.


    Ricky elicits a lot of different reactions from people -- as I am sure that the documentary will.


    I do not have time right now to go through all of my thoughts about Ricky now, but I always found him to be a sympathetic figure and the documentary did nothing to change that (except for the part about being an absent father until recently).


    It also revealed at least to me a horrific thing that happened in his childhood. I will not get into it now for those of you that have not seen the program yet.


    I watched this last night...it was actually very good and even my girl was fascinated about it. I would also recommend this....

  16. If you watched that game he started in last season, most of his throws were good except the deep ball to TO, which he under threw and was intercepted. Seems like he tired as the game went on and the balls came out weaker at the end.


    College is so much easier then the pro's, wish I had a dollar for every QB that looked great in school and then fell on his face at the NFL level.


    At Atlanta he went 17-29 146 yds 0 TD's 2 INTs, probably why they went back to Fritz the next game.


    LOL...the reason they went back to Fitz was because Brohm had only the one week taking reps with the team and had only about a month to learn a brand new playbook, his 3rd playbook in 3 years (Louisville, GB, then Buf). He wasnt ready to play, they had no intention on playing him, but because of injuries he got thrust in anyway.

  17. Sure. I agree


    But i think we are all sorrily mistaken if you think Buffalo's approach to the QB situation was lets wait until next year and hope we pick low enough to get a good QB? cmon now.


    I think you misunderstood me...I dont think the FO approach is hope we can pick a good QB next year. I think it was pretty clear that outside of Bradford there wasnt anyone in the draft they felt was much more of an upgrade in terms of potential over Brohm to warrant taking him before we gave Brohm a shot. Especially given how many holes we had else where and lack of depth. As far as next year goes, the realtion to that is that they felt they could fill other holes this year and try and develop Brohm. If Brohm falters or isnt up to the task, then next years rookie cap and deep QB class would be a better situation to address a QB in the draft.

  18. I believe that the Bills didn't go after one of the big name QB's was for a couple of reasons...


    1) Both McCoy and Clausen had too many injury concerns.


    2) If rookie salaries are suppose to be much lower next year why not wait a year and maybe sign a guy for much less instead of spending a bunch of money on someone who may not work out. What if Levi Brown is a great NFL QB? Then we got him for a great deal.


    Spiller is gonna be a great NFL player, no question in my mind. Bills made a quality pick taking him ninth, next draft when we do sign a good QB (if no one steps up this year) then we will have a good young QB and a great young running back for years to come.


    Some added things that I think better outline where the FO was on this...


    1. They did go after the ONLY big name QB avaialable...McNabb. Was had better picks to offer and won the battle for him, but we went after him. Why...simple, because he is a top 10 QB in this league and instantly upgrades this team significantly.


    2. The only truly big name and high demand QB in the draft was Bradford. Some had Claussen going second round before the draft even begun. He had a lot of question marks and so did McCoy.


    3. All of that is a mute point to the actual reason we didnt go after one of these QB's...they simply do not offer us any more upside than former 2nd round pick Brian Brohm who has not had an opportunity yet. With all these holes on this team and lack of depth, the FO (and I said this even before the draft that we wouldnt take a QB in the first half of this draft) wasnt going to use a much needed high pick on a QB that doesnt offer any more upside than our young guy already on the roster. If all our other holes were mostly filled, it would be another story, but there was simply too many other needs to use a high pick on a QB when we dont know what we have yet in Brohm (or even Trent for that matter in this new offense and staff).


    4. Next years crop of QB's are looking to be much stronger than this year and at a cheaper price...so if there was ever going to be a year to see what Brohm has or what Trent can do under Gailey, then this is the year to do it.

  19. Now that the draft has come and gone I feel like some things have been abundantly clear by this staff and they are on the right track on rebuilding this team into a contender in the next season or two.


    1. Nix - I loved the hire when it happned, and thus far he hasn't dissapointed. Presented an opportunity to get a top 10 QB in McNabb, he went after him. Ultimately, Washington had better picks to offer, but the fact he went after and was willing to pony up to get him says volumes to me. I loved what he has done in the draft and made some good FA signings as well...thus far, he gets an A


    2. Gailey - I originally was puzzled by the hire, but I have to say him and this FO have changed my mind thus far. Its early and no games have been played yet, but I like what he is doing, what he brings to the table, and the direction he is steering us in. At this point, I really do feel like he was a good hire for this team and that Nix knew what he was doing when they hired him.


    3. The draft - I love the draft. It isnt sexy from a name perspective, but who cares. We got a lot of value in most of our picks and picked up some hard nosed ball players. I think this draft was a great start for this FO.


    4. The QB's - As I said all along, we were not going to use a high pick on another unproven rookie QB when we already have one in Brohm on our team that we have yet to see what he can do. I think this draft proved the interest they have in giving Brohm a chance to win this job and to see if Gailey can salvage Trent at all. Next year is a much better QB draft class, so this was the year to give Brohm a shot to show us what he can do or see if Trent can finally put it together in Gaileys offense. Taking a QB high this year just didnt make any sense. Trading for McNabb is another story, as he instantly makes us a contender. But they didnt try and trade for or sign other teams castoffs like Campbell, Delhomme, etc either, again showing me that they feel there is enough potential in our guys to see what they can do first.


    5. CJ Spiller - I love this pick. I told people not to under estimate our interest in him and that if the top 2 or 3 OT were gone he could very likely be this pick. I wasn't to big on taking a RB this high originally, that was until the draft got close and I started watching his highlight videos because I had this feeling he was going to be our pick. I can honestly say now that I couldn't be happier about this signing. This team needs some excitement, someone to energize this offense, and someone who is a dual threat like him.


    6. OT - I think the FO would have prefered to pick up an OT if the right one was there a little earlier than they did, but the fact they didn't reach for one also tells me that they have confidence in Bell improving this year and other guys contributing. Nix said we were trying to move up and back into the first round, but it wasn't for Tebow. I think the guy was likely Bulaga or could have been Dan Williams, but he said the player they wanted was gone by the spot they were trading into so they didnt pull the trigger. That being said, I think Nix and Gailey are both still looking in the FA market to get more help on the OL, but I like that they didnt reach for someone in the draft and instead took players who can be impact guys at other positions. I think Adams and Gaither are still real possibilities to land on this roster.


    7. WR - Clearly they know we need someone to step up and take over the #2 spot, and I love that we are allowing our 2 young guys and a rookie the opportunity to do that rather than bringing in an aging vet. Its about time we saw what some of these guys can do so we know whether or not we got a player here or if we need to address that in next years draft.


    8. Lynch - Clearly if we would have gotten an offer for him that was acceptable to us I think he would have been easily moved. However, I love that they just didnt dump him for nothing for the sake of dumping him. He has more value to this team than say a 6th round pick likely would. If injuries occur this offseason to other RB's around the league, I would expect the trade talk to heat up again, but unless that happens or someone ponies up at least a 3rd or a 4th and some change, then I think he will be on this roster this year and hopefully he uses it as motivation to step up.


    9. Maybin - Last years draft class already is an A- in my book, but this year Maybin can turn that into an A+. I think this new D suits him greatly, and with the bodies we have added he will have a real shot to really excel in it. I have high expectations for Maybin this year and I think he will do well.


    10. Our D - If Troup can man the middle with Kyle, then I think this D has a a chance to be really good this year. We have a great secondary, added 2 really good players in our front 7 (Dwan and A. Davis), and we are switching to a scheme that plays to the strengths of guys like A. Davis, Schobel, Maybin, Stroud, and our young guys. For the first time in a long time I feel like we have much needed depth on this D, something that has killed us consistently for a while now.


    All in all, 2010 is not a quest to return to glory, but a year to get our youth on the field, develop them, give this new staff a chance to install new schemes and build the foundations for those schemes. I think 6 to 9 wins is probably our expected range, and I am ok with that, because this year isnt about that, its laying the foundation to become a winning football team again and become a contender in 2011 or 2012.

  20. HA...this mock has Locker going #10 and the 3rd QB taken...now, no one knows what the year will bring next year, but just about every analyst and scout felt Locker would have been the #1 pick this year and is the clear favorite to be the #1 next year or at the very least the first QB taken...

  21. the battle is going to be between Edwards and Brohm with Fitz backing up no matter what


    Levi Brown will most likely end up on the practice squad unless Brohm stinks it up and they release him because I dont see them cutting either Edwards or Fitz


    Im down on Edwards but I dont think we can judge any of the guys that have played the last few years in the cracker jack offense they have been running...Gailey is a good offensive coach, we all know that and has had success with less then stellar QBs so who knows what he can do with Edwards and Brohm


    my guess is Edwards will most likely be the starter but I am hoping Brohm gets a real shot


    I agree...except for Trent to get the start opening day I think he has to really out play Brohm given how little he has shown in way of potential the last 2 years. I think if the race is close Brohm will get the nod because even if he is slightly out played by Trent, the assumption is he will continue to improve with game experience and will demonstrate much more upside than Trent in a close battle.


    So, I actually think Brohm wins it as I have never seen Trent look very good in preseason...

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