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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Big thanks to the mods (even the one I am not particulary fond of...lol :lol: ) for running such a great board. There isnt even another board I go to of any kind, just this one. Being self employed I pretty much have the time to do whatever each day, and within that time I always make a stop here at this board and often several times in a day.


    Its pratically become part of my morning routine that starts with a quick check on the market and my portfolio, then my email, and then TSW. This is usally followed by breakfast and a cup of coffee (with Baileys in it...if you havent had your coffee with Baileys in it you are missing out :P ) before I get back on the computer for round 2 of checking my email and this board.


    My girl thinks its funny that I get on here so much, but then again she checks her facebook almost as much. Being out here in Southern California, I dont really have any sources for Bills news unless its a major move covered by national media (like TO being signed, Jauron being fired, etc). So, this is really my only source for info on the Bills. So thank you for such a great site, I look forward to the improvements and cant wait to see them.

  2. Love all the Brohm love now!!

    but where were you all while I alone repeatedly called for Brohm's shot to start???


    Are the Lefavour lovers going to follow his career in Chicago; what about the McCoy fans in Cleveland?

    or McNabb in DC?


    Brohm is and has been the plan and it's a good plan -


    LOL...you werent alone...a lot of us have been, just that we were in the minority before. Now that the FO and staff have shown a vote of confidence in the potential in these guys others have opened up to the idea too.


    Only time will tell if it works out, but I can't see any negative reason not to give the kid a shot given how little we have invested in him and the upside he brings to the table.


    Little risk, Big reward potential is always a win win for a team...Merdith is another low risk, big reward kind of guy too...

  3. Those that are a little more familiar with Brohm....is this guy mobile, does he like to run ?



    I can only recall the Louisville days and he was a accurate good throwing quarterback at that level just curious if he's a statue or like to run


    He is Tom Brady kind of mobile (and NOOOO, I am not comparing him to Brady or saying he is as good in the pocket as Brady...just using Brady as a reference to the TYPE of mobility Brohm has)...What I mean is that Brady isnt the kind of guy that you worry about scrambling down field, but he is mobile in the pocket and has a good sense of the rush.


    That was what Brohm was able to do in college...he isnt going to rip off a 10 yard run at will, but he did have good pocket mobility, and in his last season he was often scrambling for his life at Louisville as their line wasnt very good...something I am sure he will be experiencing here until this line can pull together and someone can step up and man the LT spot.


    So no, he isnt a runner, but he deomstrated good pocket presence in college, so hopefully that pocket mobility can be something he can bring to this level as he is going to need it until this line solidifies.

  4. Most telling part of the article and his one game here...this is how crappy the situation was for him...


    Eager to absorb his new playbook as quickly as possible, Brohm quickly discovered he’d be on his own with that task.


    “Coming in and getting settled was fairly difficult just because of the number of coaches that were still available to me,” Brohm said. “Coach Van Pelt did everything he could, but he was the offensive coordinator and the quarterbacks coach. We didn’t have a separate quarterback coach so there was really no individual time that I could steal away from him because he was working on game plans. So there was a lot of watching film on my own and studying the playbook on my own and trying to get up to speed as quickly as possible.”


    I wanted us to draft Brohm when he slipped to the 2nd round...then I was calling for us to sign Brohm in the preseason when GB initially cut him and put him on the PS...I also said he was brought in to compete this year for the job when we got him mid season...I have also said he has the most upside and will start the season as the starter IMO...


    So, its no secret I think he has a lot of upside and not only can, but will eventually win the starting job here. This article just further solidifies that belief for me. He may struggle or never develop into a good starter...but thats a possibility for any prospect. But at this point, I am really high on his potential and think this kid will put in the time to get his game where it needs to be.


    The good news is that if he does falter this year, next years QB class looks like its going to be pretty strong.

  5. Personally, I did not frequent the TG threads, mostly because posts of interest to me were to far apart and the thread mostly was made up of TSW posters. But I get the value he brings to the board, and regardless of your intent, he took offense. I for one do not think Leonidas should apologize for his opinnion, but I do think an apology of how he handled it, carried on about it, and presented it to a guest gracious enough to take the time to be here is in order.


    His opinnion is what it is, we all have one, and they all differ. People like to hide behind intent to shake off responsibility. Just because your intent was not to run off TG doesn't excuse the fact that TG, a guest of the board, did take offense to your way of being.


    But, I sense you can't put your ego aside and just own up to the fact that you were abrasive to the point that a valued poster on here took offense to it. Again, don't apologize for your opinnion, but a simple apology for the abrasive manner you took with a highly regarded guest is in order.

  6. :w00t:


    You want childishness? No one's even brought up the role of the apology in all this. :w00t:


    The bottom line is that in any community most of the members will occasionally have moments of pure, idiotic, boorish behavior. And a small set of the members (say on the order of 5%) will simply be idiotic, boorish !@#$wits. That's just life. Having such behavior inflicted on oneself is, unfortunately, unavoidable. The solution isn't to discuss decorum, it's to forgive the momentary lapses and beat the living hell (figuratively speaking) out of the !@#$wits until they learn better. But it helps, quite a bit, when the people who momentary lapse actually step up to the plate and say "sorry, my bad".


    hmmmm...sounds familiar to me...lol :w00t:


    I can attest to this...even some of the better posters have allowed themselves to stoop to the level of the lower quality posters on here and egadge in an on going exchange, myself included. After a while, sometimes the idiotic just start to wear down your patience (southgeorgiabillsfan, billsfan=pain, etc come to mind), especially when it starts to hijack a thread or they start 10 threads to make the same BS point. I have had to own to up to that before and had to issue such an apology. There were a handful of posters that just brought out the worst in me between the garbage they post, constant attacks on posters, or just flat posts of the absurd (mostly during the Trent Edwards is the greatest phase this board went through).


    The I think the important thing to remember is if you find yourself engaged with one of the nits on here, that you just keep it to football and the topic. For the most part, if you keep it to football, then the other posters at least can get value out of it and participate in the discussion. And if you do get sucked in, take a step back, own up to it, and move on...

  7. Part of it might be that people like to see other people fall from the top while watching people rise from the bottom. It is fun to a lot of people to put down a guy who started at the top. Brohm was touted as the next Farve after Rodgers was failing. Meredith started at the bottom and now is working his way to the top.


    I still do not think Brohm is the answer. Edwards, in my opinion is the better QB, but both have as many drawbacks. Of course, whoever starts will get my backing!


    Yeah, society seems to rally more for the underdog and pile on a fall from grace...


    Although, if you think about it...aren't they both underdogs at this point?

  8. The "good ones" like Flutie, Bledsoe, vanPelt, .......really? ...............Really?! Does anyone remember Bill Walsh? He was only the complete, ultimate authority on quarterbacks. When Edwards was drafted, he called Marv Levy personally to express his high opinion of Trent. Obviously he saw some type of potential there. I say this is the year Trent turns it around.


    HAHAHAHA...oh the Bill Walsh defense again...this is by far my favorite. Lets see how many issues I can come up with this statement in 60 seconds (I literally have a stop watch so pardon any typos):


    And GO:

    1 Walsh was up in years and quite removed from the current NFL when he gave the endorsement

    2 He also thought Drunkenmiller was the future of the 49ers who never made it past QB3

    3 He traded up in the draft to get JJ Stokes and called him the "Next Jerry Rice"

    4 Like any GM, he is wrong more than he is right...The greatest GMs in football history are all wrong more than they are right, its the quality of players they find when they are right, the value they find in the mid/late rounds, and their ability to find depth

    5 He also s....................................................................times up


    Crap ran out of time...#4 took too long...lol...doesnt matter, the ones I got out are enough.

  9. Wow. It must be tough for clean up the city boy to fall so far.


    An NFL trades up to the 1st to get him and it is all downhill from there:


    • A DB breaks his leg
    • He struggles when he plays
    • He loses his job to a glove wearing Mary
    • He has to start his own league to get playing time
    • He gets traded out of his own league to the Raiders.


    And now this?


    How low can he go?



  10. :) (not at your post, at your hopes of this being the last Trent thread)


    Good luck with the whole "last thread" on Trent Edwards thing...


    Honestly, one of the other QB's (Brohm, Fitz, or Levi) could come in and throw for 400 yards, 3 TD's and no turnovers in a win week 1 and someone will still start a thread about Trent is still the better option.

  11. All this coming from a guy who said Brohm's college tape (from 2007, mind you) was more relevant than his pre-season ("it's just exhibition!") and regular season ("it was one game!") tape here in the pros. You'll excuse me if I don't quite regard your opinion so highly.


    Huh? Did I miss someting? Either you have a skewed memory of what I have said and decided to try and quote me very inaccurately, or you simply are thinking of another poster.


    What I have said that a ROOKIE QB's performance in his first preseason is about the dumbest thing to rely on as proof a QB can make it or break it in the NFL...and it goes both ways. Some succes in the preseason doesnt mean it will translate to consistency or the regular season.


    Case example 1: Kolb did ok in his preseason games then went out in the regular season and was atrocious in every appearance going into the 2009 where he had 0 TD's and many turnovers.


    Its pretty much the consensus most difficult position in team sports to succeed at when playing at the Pro level and has the steepest learning curve going from college to Pros...yet you seem to think his preseason tape in his rookie year where he hardly played is somehow the defining evidence of his ability.

  12. Lots of good replies, and I get it has a lot to do with expectations, the high profile position of QB, etc. I know all that...


    I guess the point that was puzzling to me is that neither was a high draft choice of this organization...neither cost us much...and neither came with any expectations. So, there is just so little risk for this team to give both of these guys a shot yet some people get so animated in slamming Brohm as if our team mortgaged its future to get him or something while being totally positive on Meredith.


    And the vast majority of those slams are centered predominantly on him not beating out a 7th rounder (who the Packers are high on) for a back up spot on a team with a top 5 QB as its starter, all the while ignoring the fact Meredith couldnt make the active roster on a team in major need of help at his position.


    Like Promo said too...its the offseason, what the hell else do we have to do...

  13. You are 100 percent correct with this point Alpha. IMO, people are like cattle and their thought process follows suit.


    Meredith represents a relatively unfamiliar player, who has potential and is on a path of ascension. At least people really want to believe that. Many fans want to get on the bandwagon and say I had a feeling about that guy.


    Brian Brohm represents a very well-known player, who despite his potential has not lived up to the hype yet. It's the hype that makes fans want to get on the bandwagon and say I had a feeling that guy stunk.


    It's all about expectations and people's expectations can be based on any number of things. Alot of the time expectations are based on pure crap. Steve Johnson gets praised routinely on TSW and James Hardy gets shredded. What is the major difference between the two so far? Expectations


    Brian Brohm is an easy target for the crowds and Jamon Meredith makes for a feel good story. What they have done in the NFL up to this point is comparable.


    Yeah, Hardy and Steve Johnson is another good comparison.


    Too many people get held up on draft slot as well. Where you were drafted, or even if at all, becomes pretty meaningless once you put the pads on and hit the field.

  14. There is a very interesting thing going on amongst this board in regards to Brohm and Meredith. There are many posters on here who are just soooo hung up on how Brohm was claimed from the Packers PS and because of that it is evident he will never amount to anything. Then many of those same people turn around and show support for Meredith, who ironically travelled almost the identical path to get to the Bills.


    Both are unproven, both have potential...however, Meredith doesnt get bashed nearly as much, in fact barely at all, for being claimed off the Packers PS while Brohm continuously does in heated posts.


    So, why does Brohm provoke so much negative emotion from how he got here and not Meredith?


    1. Both were highly rated coming out of college

    2. Both slipped (Brohm to the 2nd and Meredith to the 5th)

    3. Both didnt develop fast enough to hold onto a roster spot in GB


    However, Meredith played a position where GB was greatly lacking in, the OL, and Brohm played a position where GB is top 5 in, QB. And lets be real here, the QB position is pretty much the consensus hardest position to play at the Pro level of just about any team sport and has the steepest learning curve. So, its really pretty normal for a young QB to struggle in his first year or two, especially when you are not getting many reps.


    Yet, Meredith some how gets a much bigger pass on how he got here even though he couldnt make the active roster of a team who desperately needed help at his position. I just dont understand the reasoning.


    I for one like that we have both young prospects who have great upside with little risk given how cheap we were able to get them. But for some reason, many posters on here insist Brohm is nothing more than a 3rd string QB because "he couldnt beat out a 7th rounder" while Meredith doesnt get that same criticism from many of them even though he couldnt make the active roster as even a reserve on a team that needed at lot of help on the OL.


    Maybe they both fail, maybe they develop...who knows...but I just dont get the uneven reception of them getting a shot as they both offer a lot of upside at positions of great need on this team.

  15. The reason you love his conviction is because his manlove for Harrell is just like your manlove for Brian Brohm-saw him in college, loves the stats, etc.

    Being realistic, this whole thread is ridiculous. It makes more sense if he's being sarcastic towards all the Brohm supporters.

    In that light, let's bring in Timmy Chang! Timmy is around the same age as when Warner emerged.


    LOL...lets be clear here for a second...I have not said Brohm is going to be any good or stating he will be our guy long term. I have stood by the stance that I think Brohm brings as much potential to the table as any rookie that was coming out in this draft class not named Bradford. I have stood by the stance that this kid should be given an opportunity to play before we label him a bust given that he wasnt just a college statistical stud. He was a highly regarded prospect with all the tools to potentially succeed at the next level. Timmy Chang he is not...


    Will he make it in the NFL...no one knows, but the kid should be given a shot before it is decided that he wont be any good...

  16. If you read the GB post and filter out the college hero stuff you are left with an awfull QB per GB fan perspective.


    Akili Smith anyone?


    Just so I am clear here...are you basing your assesment on a few GB fans who barely, and I mean literally barely, saw Brohm at all? He appeared breifly in a few preseason games as a 3rd string QB...I can assure you with full confidence that the absolute worst judge of talent at this point in time would be the opinnion of the fans in GB. Not because of themselves, but because they literally have about the least amount of information to judge him on.


    The Packers, who at the time had the most knowledge on Brohm, tried to keep him despite not having room on the roster for him (in the middle of a season where they are thinking SB run) because of a lot of injuries at other positions that needed that roster spot. Several other teams also tried to sign Brohm, but he wanted to go somewhere where there wasnt an entrenched established starter, so he elected to sign with us.


    Most importantly though, the fact the GB fans ONLY have mostly his rookie year preseason to really gauge Brohm, they really have the least intelligent understanding of where Brohm is now. Just because a rookie QB doesnt adjust in his first rookie campaign preseason well to the speed of the game does not equal bust...happens ALL THE TIME.


    Most recent example...Kolb in Philly prior to this year looked absolutely HORRID in REAL in season games when it counted filling in for McNabb when he was hurt. No TD's and lots of turnovers...now look where he is just after 2 seasons...McNabb is gone and he is the man in Philly because he was able to step in last year and show solid progress (still not a good decision maker yet, but thats to be expected with the little experience he has still).


    So, I am sorry, but I dont value the assesment of casual fans who has barely seen the kid play in GB (and are bitter over losing a 2nd round pick for nothing), and most of that was in his rookie preseason, over what our staff sees in him today.

  17. Um, no. Like Alpha, you guys are stuck on a "name", and you associate that "name" to a self opinionated ranking or "value".

    And since the Bills went after such a "highly ranked" QB, you assume the ONLY reason the Bills went after said QB was due to the QB being so "highly ranked".


    Then you turn around and justify your argument by declaring since the Bills did NOT draft a QB earlier in the draft, it only makes sense they are truly comfortable with who they already have.


    Let me apply your train of thought to a different position. Since the Bills did NOT draft a LT, nor did they acquire one via trade or free agency, then it must mean the Bills are truly comfortable with who they have at that position. Correct?


    Except Nix/Gailey did state, before the draft, the LT (and the QB) position was a problem that needed to be addressed. But they wanted starters, and they were not going to overpay to acquire them. They also said all the problems were not going to be addressed in one year.


    And the failure of the Bills to acquire players to fill those positions is NOT necessarily a hearty endorsement of the players they already have, but more of an admittance nobody else has met their criteria.


    Again, it's not about McNabb, it's about the Bills trying to acquire a starting QB.

    If the Bills were truly comfortable about Brohm, Edwards, or Fitzpatrick starting, they would not be wasting time trying to acquire one.


    Obviously we are not going to be in agreement here...but hey, thats what a message board is all about and I commend you for keeping it about the topic and sticking with points you feel are valid as our side has done the same. For that sir, you get a beer :rolleyes:


    In terms of the topic of discussion, we clearly see things differently...some others see it the way I see it, and others see it the way you see it...however, the biggest leaks in your ship are:


    1. Nix and Gailey have both publicly stated exactly what we are saying.

    2. They chose to pass on the top 5 QB's in this draft, even when getting them late presented little risk and high value

    3. They passed on stealing Campbell from Washington for a mid pick 2 years from now

    4. They didnt attempt to pursue any of the other top FA or available QB's and only went after the only ELITE QB available


    So, while you keep hanging your hat solely on the fact we went after McNabb, you are choosing to ignore these very apparent holes in your side of this...

  18. Damn! The Bills shoulda grabbed this guy last season - he'll be an All-Pro in w/in 3 years.




    LOL...I love the conviction Senator...just think it lies with the wrong player...


    I dont mean to rain on the parade, but he definitely will not make the active roster...PS maybe, but not one of the 3 active QB's.


    1. McCoy isnt going anywhere obviously.

    2. DelHomme was just signed for a sizeable contract and most certainly starts the season as a starter as Holmgren doesnt want McCoy starting week 1.

    3. Seneca Wallace is a very good backup and a Mike Holmgren guy who he traded for. Delhomme isnt going to be in Cle for more than a year or two, especially with McCoy there and Seneca was brought in to be a quality #2 which he is. No way they cut him this year...


    Thats 3 QB's and no room for your boy outside of the PS.

  19. While you're at it, can you help Alphadouche7 spell "rediculous"?


    LMAO...Hey "John Cocksmall", are you really giving a spelling lesson after the countless incoherent gibberish posts you have made (which have plenty of their own errors)


    Is this how you compensate for your name? Make you feel like a "bigger" man to puff your chest over a word spelled wrong on a sports message board to help validate your pointless posts?


    LOL...you go right ahead if you need that to "float your boat"...just let me know when you actually make a valid post on here and we'll talk then...


    This thread is hilarious...Spelling and grammer lessons on a sports message board...classic, now I have seen it all


    PS: To the OP: Sometimes the correct use of the word is "core" and you are misunderstanding the use of the word. If you are talking about the group collectively = corps...if someone is saying we have a great "core" of such and such, they could mean a solid group of guys inside the collective group they are referring too...so its not always used wrong. For example: We have a great RB corps...We have a great core of LB's to build on (referring to some solid guys inside the group of LB's)...there is a distinct difference and each has its own application...

  20. :rolleyes::sick:


    It's not about McNabb. YOU think the name is relevant because YOU place such a high value on McNabb.


    I'll post this in the simplest form possible. It is NOT about the Bills going after QB xxxxx, it's about the Bills going for a QB. Period.


    How would you feel if you found if the Bills went after Campbell?


    Go back and read Red's post #50. He gets it more than you do.




    Thats just it...it is about the name MCNABB...dont you get that? They did NOT pursue the other average at best QB's that were available like Campbell, Vick, Bulger, Delhomme, Garcia, etc, etc...they ONLY went out and tried to acquire a TOP 10 QB who is not only a clear substantial upgrade over an unproven QB, but also an upgrade over about 75% of the starters in this league...


    How is ths so complicated for you? I mean the FO cant be any clearer on this...they passed up Campbell for dirt cheap, Cluassen, McCoy, LeFevoru, Pike, etc, etc many times even when there was great value in where they could have gotten them on draft day. Clearly, they feel they were not significant upgrades over the potential we have in our QB's on this roster. Nix has even publicly stated that he did not feel any of the QB's outside of Bradford had the same potential as Brohm...


    Come on man...this isnt that complicated. I mean, obviously a top 10 QB gives an a better chance to win, but that does not indicate they dont think Brohm can develop into a good QB in this league. I guarantee you that if we had gotten McNabb, Trent would have likely seen the door over Fitz, Brohm would be the guy groomed to replace him in 3 years (and if he didnt show improvement, another young guy would be drafted next year or the year after), and Fitz would be most likely kept as a backup.

  21. Problem was that "hot" start was not overly "hot" to begin with.

    4 games, 4 TDs.

    The Bills went 4-0 because the teams they played were crappy.


    Hey look, something we totally agree on...lmao.


    Yeah, his play in the 4-0 start was poor in big chunks of those games with Sea being the only game he played solid in.



  22. You and Alpha should not be focusing on the name "McNabb". The name of the QB is irrelevant. I mentioned McNabb because he was the only QB that was considered to be starting quality, in that he could come to Buffalo and start immediately.


    The point was the Bills attempted to sign a QB to be the starter. If the Bills were really comfortable with who they already had, they would not be willing to sign another QB.


    Come on man...this is so rediculous...NO GM ON EARTH WOULD HAVE CHOSEN AN UNPROVEN QB TO START THE SEASON OVER MCNABB. This is by far your craziest and stupidest argument against how the staff feels about Brohm. McNabb is a top 10 talent, and if you can get him for your team when you have no proven starter, you do so. That is NO, and I repeat, NOOOOO, indication of how the staff feels about the potential of their young guys.


    I don't have an issue with your doubts in Brohm, its all opinnion and discussion, but this one you keep bringing up about McNabb is just silly...

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