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Posts posted by Alphadawg7

  1. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...tion-with-vick/


    Will this guy ever learn?


    edit: This just may bring down the hammer from Goodell. Vick may have just kissed his NFL career goodbye.


    Hold on here...none of this at all implicates Vick in anything. I dont even like the guy but this is stretching unknown info to lynch the guy.


    1. He is NOT supposed to be associating with people from the case and then this bozo shows up at his party. I would flip out on the dude and tell him to get the F out of there too because he is messing with my life.


    2. He at this point is not being reported to have even been at the shooting or involved in the shooting.


    So, at this point, Vick has done nothing wrong or anything punishable by Goodel. So until something else comes out linking him to the actual shooting, he really hasnt done a single thing to warrant punishment.

  2. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/


    I said before that Evans is one of the best #2 WR's in the league, but doesn't rank in the Top 20 of #1 WR's. Hopefully, those numbers for the Bills go up this year.


    I hope I dont have to explain the difference between NFL talent and fantasy football value...then again, with this board I probably do.


    Talent wise, Evans ranks much higher than 33...get him a QB and he produces top 15 at least.

  3. There may only be one thread but there are many replies mentioning Whitehurst. I saw his name brought up all the time when I was begging for Jason Campbell or Troy Smith. Just take a look at an QB ranking whether fantasy or other wise. Jason Campbell is rated WAY WAY above any Buffalo QB. In spite of this people still ran him down saying he was no better than what we have AND HE PLAYS ON AN EVEN WORSE TEAM!!!!!!


    I'm not making guarantees but if people couldn't see that Campbell was potentially a pretty significant upgrade over what we already have they are morons.


    Campbell > Trent

    Campbell > Fitz


    But we dont know if Campbell is better than Brohm because he is essentially a rookie in terms of playing time.


    Yes, JC is better than Trent and Fitz given what they have shown on the field, but that doesnt make JC the best choice for our long term answer. He has been average at best and I dont know that his cieling is much higher than that. His big knocks have been that he iisnt a good decision maker and hasnt been able to get it done when it matters.


    I would not have been upset if we grabbed him for what Oak gave up for him, but I also wasnt dissapointed either. Its pretty clear that the FO thinks enough of Brohms potential to give him a shot first and also feel that Trent was put in a position to fail and would like to see if he can put it together under the new regime before they officially pull the plug on him too. If they really thought Campbell could be a franchise QB they would have grabbed him given how cheap they could have gotten him for.


    Most importantly though, they also know next years QB crop is deep, so if there was ever a year to see if Brohm or Trent can develop under Chan, this is it. If they dont step up, we will have a good shot at a top QB prospect next year or can look to acquire one in FA or via trade.


    I think the FO got this one right...see what we truly got with a real offensive game plan rather than go out and get a guy like Campbell who seems more destined to be a middle of the road kind of guy.

  4. I agree. Unless a proven solid starter becomes available I can't see Buffalo picking anyone else up. IMO, Edwards and Brown are locks to make the team.That leaves Fitz and Brohm fighting for a job. I think the Bills might be able to trade one of those guys for a seventh rounder.


    There is no one that will come available that will be worth picking up before training camp. Why people are even speculating that in this thread is puzzling. The FO has been crystal clear that they like the potential of some of our guys with Chan here and want to see what they can do first. So I agree with you mostly on that part...


    But, how can you say Brown is a "lock" to make the team when he is by far the most likely candidate to be put on the PS of the 4 QB's? Right now, its pretty clear that Brohm and Trent are battling for the #1 spot more so than Fitz really is. In fact, about the only QB who is a lock to make the active roster is Brohm because he is a guy with a lot of upside that has been making good strides and improving. Even if he doesnt get named the week 1 starter, they are not going to just abandon trying to develop him.


    Fitz is in the most danger because he really is limited as a QB and is paid the most. Trent isnt a lock either because if Brohm wins the #1 job he may very well be the guy cut to show Brohm they are behind him and dont want any QB controversies as he starts his career.


    So, as I see it, Brohm is the closest thing to a lock to make the team (because of his potential) unless he comes out in training camp and is atrocious in camp and preseason, which doesnt seem likely as he has been improving and showing signs of his potential thus far.

  5. Forget Masoli, I'll tell you who we may see in blue pretty soon. Troy Smith. Baltimore just signed Marc Bulger to a 1 year $3.8 million deal, according to ESPN. That clears the way for Smith to get out of town like he's wanted for awhile now. And he'll certainly look our way if he does become free.


    He'd be the favorite to take over Chan's O in my opinion. And he'd probably come cheaper than Fitzpatrick or at least in the same ballpark. Lee could finally see an accurate deep ball again. And this guy's actually avoided a pass rush in the past, which is interesting...





    Cheers :censored:


    We have already got 4 developmental QB's...why would we add a 5th before we have figured out how these guys can do in his offense?

  6. Completely disagree. I just don't get the whole the coaches holding Losman back. IMO, his 2006 season was a complete fluke and the result of great coaching. Losman held the coaches back. He helped cost a great Oc in Mularkey his job, as well as very well respected coach in Sam Wyche.


    Losman does have physical talent, but so do a lot of wash out NFL QBs. If you have talent, you don't go from being a 1st round pick to being out of the league in 5 years. Some tema would take a chance on you if they believe there was anything fraction of talent there. How many years did Joey Harrington hang around?


    Quick Losman story: a girl who has a brother who is mentally retarded say JP out and asked him to sign a Bills' hat because her brother was a big fan of his when he was on the Bills. He signed his name and then wrote "Go Seahawks!" Not the worst thing in the world but the guy isn't the most mature guy on the planet either.


    You took my statement way out of context. When I said he isnt as bad as Bills fans think, I literally mean just that. I am not implying that the guy is going to become some quality starter or pro bowler. My point is, Bills fans who dont like him seem to think he is about as bad as it gets and doesnt belong in the NFL.


    I am not implying physical gifts are enough to get by. I am simply saying that the guy has enough physical talent that with some good coaching his game could show some improvement to be a back up or possibly push for a starting spot if he really improves. And no one gave him a serious look after Buffalo because he had just had a putrid showing for the Bills that year, as did Trent, in our putrid offense.


    Bills fans like to exaggerate things to the extreme. My favorite part though is that players come into this league and are busts on teams that drafted them all the time and go on to find success elsewhere in better systems with better coaching. However, Bills fans seem to think it can never happen to one of our guys (even though it frequently does).


    An example close to home from our rivals...Thomas Jones was a complete flop in his 3 years in AZ and one in TB before moving on to Chi where he found his groove and never looked back...most people forget what a bust he was his first 4 seasons and then went on to be one of the better backs in the league the rest of his career.


    I am not saying JP will ever be anything great, but my original point is that he is better than the Bills fans who think he shouldnt even be in the NFL and its no surprise that after getting some better coaching with Fassel and now Sea that he is more game ready than some guy who has never played a game and is completely raw.

  7. http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playernews.aspx?sport=NFL


    What a surprise, AJ Smith appears to have gotten the better end of the deal. Whitehurst is collecting 10 million over the next 2 or 3 years to be 3rd string, and it looks like this year it will be 3rd string behind Losman. That should tell you all something. I remember quite a few people wetting the bed around here over Charlie and, though it's early, he now doesn't appear able to fight off another Buffalo reject for the #2 job in Seattle. JP Losman > Charlie Whitehurst? Glad we didn't make that deal.


    Several problems I have with this post...


    1. What is the compulsion of fans on this board to label players busts because they jump to starter or pro bowl level instantly. I mean, Whitehurst is completely raw right now and on a new team learning a new system with no experience. Its no shock the veterans, especailly one as hungry as JP, appears more game ready right now. It in no way indicates that Whitehurst doesnt have a future.


    2. Very few were clamoring for him as I remember it. Brohm has a higher ceiling than him, so why would we trade for a project when we already had a young unproven guy with potential already onthe roster for cheap.


    3. JP is not as bad a player as he showed in Buffalo. The guy has loads of physical talent and lacked in the mental game here in Buffalo. But he was definitely not helped in grasping the mental part of the game with the last regime and was grossly mismanaged. So, its no surprise if he shows promise or beats out a guy who has never played a game in the NFL given he is in a situation with much better coaching, a real QB to learn from, and no pressure.


    4. Sea obviously felt they saw something in him worthy of what they gave up for him...give him a chance to develop first.

  8. This doesnt create a monster because it doesnt change the cap. The cap is still there and will be what ever it will be. Teams will not be paying out contracts like this regularly because they simply cant afford it. However, from time to time there will be an exceptional elite player who is the best at a key skill position that will snare a contract like this. However, thats the problem of that organization...they are the ones that are taking the risk of having so much of their cap space allocated to one player thats not a QB.


    Wash is already paying the price for their contract. Revis to me wont be another Haynesworth as he is just flat out Elite and the best shut down corner I have seen since I dont know when. However, they will have to pay the price down the road when some of these additional players near free agency. They are also gearing up to win NOW...thats the key thing...they are willing to risk salary cap issues down the road to win NOW because they feel they have a team that can, and I dont blame them.


    But, I just dont see how this will create a monster. What is terrible are rookie contracts, especially early first rounders getting cap crippling money before they ever step on the field. I have an issue with unproven rookies making substantially more than proven NFL talent, even pro bowlers, before ever setting foot in an NFL game. Thats the monster out of control that needs to be fixed. There needs to be a rookie cap...

  9. I'm glad that Nix & Gailey have brought in a ton of guys to compete for jobs. It's nice to see guys competing hard and trying to earn a spot on the roster, espcially at the WR position.


    Initially I was not happy about the Gailey hiring, and that had a lot to do with the names that were being tossed around as potential HC here before his hiring.


    But I can honestly say that shortly there after I bought into it and he and Nix continue to strengthen that view for me. I really feel like they are doing a lot of good things with this team, liked some of the signings (especially Davis), love the D switch, was very happy with the draft, and really like how he has been handling this team.


    I just feel like for the first time in a long time our young guys top to bottom are finally getting a chance to develop, get some experience and compete. Why draft them if we dont play or develop them. Its like the training wheels have been taken off...


    Only time will tell, but so far, I really like how he is handling all the position battles and the potential of some of the guys in these battles. More importantly, I feel like Gailey is going to actually use his young weapons rather than have them be occassional decoys.


    As a WR you need to develop timing with the #1 guy, so as expected he wants there to be someone named the starter. But, he definitely is going about it in all the right ways and I respect that. He isnt whining or complaining, he simply honestly answered the question then stated that he trusts Chans plan and is confident in how he is handling it. Evans is, and always has been, a total class act.


    I would suspect based on just experience alone that the initial pecking order will have Trent #1 until we get into camp and into the preseason games where the true competition will heat up. Pecking order is pretty meaningless until we can get these out there in game situations and see them move the ball...

  11. Hey, I am sorry that things are so grossly out of whack in Cali. 900 square feet = 1 mil? :unsure: Time for the market to crash, if it hasn't already... It needs to crash more.


    And... I have been blessed without the urge to be greedy, especially with my siblings (three of them). I have also been blessed with self-reliance. I could care less if "Daddy" gives me a leg up when he croaks, it isn't the end of the world. Like I said, you can move to some other country where they promote family wealth a lot better. If 1 million will buy you a small condo in Cali... Then paying these taxes and having the full protection and benefits of the United States is a steal.


    What is the % of how most wealth is created? Inheritence? I know it is pretty high... In the 90's %?


    Anyway... A lot of wealthy people do support what I am saying... It the few anti-government lunatics that are fighting these taxes and winning what is purely a PR battle amongst the wannabees.


    Things cost what they do in CA because people want to live in CA and people make more money on avg in those areas with a high cost of living. And FYI: In the mass majority of the state home prices are not like that and range from under 100k to 250k. The bigger exceptions being the Bay Area and parts of LA, parts of SD, and parts of Orange County.


    And just because you feel you were blessed and dont need the money doesn't make it right for the government to tax what does not belong to them to the extent of 55% after already taxing a majority of it when it was earned. Its like you people forget or ignore that this affects estates over $3 million, not just the uber rich. Sure, the absurdly wealthy may not have had everything in the estate yet taxed and all that jazz, but they represent a VERY small amount of the people affected by this inheritance tax.


    It gets so old listenting to people argue whats best for the masses based on what its best for them as an individual. Its about as annoying as people arguing for or against laws based on religious beliefs in a country that claims to seperate church and state (abortion, gay marriage, etc).

  12. I forgot about Roscoe in my earlier post, so I closed that thread. Here's my list to start the season:

    #1WR: Lee Evans

    #2WR: James Hardy

    #3WR: Roscoe Parrish

    #4WR: Marcus Easley

    #5WR: Steve Johnson

    Extra WR they keep (healthy scratch on game day): Chad Jackson

    Practice Squad: Felton Huggins

    The rest will be cut.




    I agree with who you say will be kept...I also think it will be Evans as the #1 (obviously) and agree Parrish will be the #3 given how impressive he is apparently being in the new offense during OTA's. I think Chan can finanlly take advantage of his skill set...on another team this guy would have been much better utilized.


    I honestly cant decide who the #2 will be. Hardy is intriguing given his size, but has been a poor route runner in his young career, so I have a hard time naming him the #2 right now until he shows the consistency in his routes. Steve has shown some skill and has good size too and I think he has the potential to win the job.


    Easley is a dark horse and a prospect that I like too...although, its more likely Hardy or Steve win this job to start the season, I dont think either has a firm enough grasp on it to hold off Easley if he has a big camp.


    My gut tells me Hardy gets the first crack at it, especially if its close, given his higher draft status and exceptional size as long as he gets better on his routes. I think for Steve or Easley to get the job they will have to really out play Hardy first...if its close, Hardy gets the initial nod.

  13. The Bills took what appeared to be a VERY short amount of time to select Spiller on draft day. Do I have the exact time frame? No, I do not. But, they appeared to waste no time at all to make this selection. The fact that they made this selection in such haste leads me to believe that there was no interest in a trade down under any circumstances.

    My question: Do you think that:


    A) Nix and Gailey we SO certain that Spiller was the best player available that they were tripping all over themselves to make the selection? Or.....


    B) They were ordered by Mr. Wilson to pick Spiller with the hope that a "flashy" player such as Spiller would be a great move to sell tickets in a bad economy and increase profits, and had no other option given that Mr. Wilson owns the team?


    I could have posed this question as merely a poll, but I prefer dialogue. IMO, rounds 2-7 indicated that Nix/Gailey, who are (again, IMO) solid football men as compared to the senile Levy and idiotic Jauron, wanted to make the Bills a bigger and stronger football team. This is what the Bills need to be. I am obviously of the opinion that the selection of a small, possibly part time running back was based on asses in the seats and profit much more than actually making the Bills a better football team.


    I would love to hear opinions on this and appreciate the dialogue.


    I honestly think is unquestionably A...Lets look at what we know.


    1. Gailey wanted this exact type of player, and he was undeniably the best one.

    2. Gailey is very familiar with him and was torched by him in college.

    3. This offense has been very bad and severly lacking in the big play department.

    4. Gailey took almost the exact amount of time on every pick which was literally no time. Our picks were in as soon as we were on the clock, so the very little time it took to choose Spiller is not unusual to the way they got all their picks in.

    5. He was clearly the best player on the board and their interest in him was reported leading up to the draft.

    6. Spiller is a Gailey kind of player and fits what he wants to do with this offense.


    So for me, I dont think there is really any doubt that Spiller was the pick all along if he was there and they were esctatic to take the best offensive weapon going into the draft. Spiller may also be who Ralph wanted, but I just dont buy that we drafted him because of that and not because Gailey and Nix werent looking to take him.

  14. yeah, there's so much equity in the cali housing market ...just teaming with real estate millionaires


    Its frustrating for me because I worked hard to be able to set myself up to retire in the 3 or 4 years and I am only 33. I am doing it through real estate here in the California housing market. I wouldnt fully retire as I would get bored, but I would probably do what I do now which is kind of like semi retirement as I pretty much do what ever I want now unless I am out overseeing one of my projects as the company I built is a pretty well oiled machine now. I worked hard to get to this point...I should be able to do what I want with my money right?


    I used to be in film and television production working slave like hours (a 8 hour work day is literally 12 hours in the industry) where I normally worked 12 to 16 hours a day on a project. Money was good, but hours were brutal. I worked hard to be able to put myself in a position to move into real estate and set myself up so its all I have to do. And I pay the IRS dearly for that as they tax me as short term capital gains as I flip houses in a mere months (its capped at 15% if you own it 12 months, but you make money doing what I do getting in and out, not holding it a year which means you pay way more in taxes as short term gains).


    I mean why should I have to give any of that to the IRS after they already taxed the hell out of me on short term gains? Havent I earned the right to leave my money to who I choose given I have been taxed heavily already when I earned the money and worked hard to be able to leave it to my family? It would be one thing if it was capped at like 15% or something, but 55% is down right criminal...Loan sharks dont take that much juice.


    I am doing all this for when I have a family not to cover the gross over spending of a corrupt, negligent, over spending government financial system. Its not my fault our government is so bad with money.

  15. Absurd argument. Call the team SF when they are essentially are hqed and play 50 miles away in San Jose?


    Conceptually, I get the whole Bay Area vibe thing, but it would be like the Bills moving to Hamilton and retaining the Buffalo place-name.


    As preposterous it is for the Jets and Giants to call themselves NY, NYC is 12 miles away and still by far the most populous city in that region.


    Well the Anaheim Angles were the Los Angeles Angels for a long time despite being about 50 miles from LA and in Anaheim...so its not that unusual, however, given there was already the Los Angeles Dodgers who played close to Los Angeles they decided it was time to destinguish themselves...the 49ers dont have to do that as their isnt another San Francisco named franchise.

  16. As I was thinking about the prospects for Edwards, Fitzy, and Brohm it suddenly became clear to me that the chances are more likely that the Bills view one of the three current QBs standing up to assume the QB of the future role than us finding that QB in the next draft.


    The simple likelihood is that even if we draft a stud QB in 2011 that the he and the team almost certainly will not make the playoffs his first year. Yes there is the single example of Ben RoboQB not only making the playoffs as a rookie QB but winning it all, However, a 2011 Bills team even with a stud rookie QB will be coming off of 11 straight playoff less years.


    Bills fans pretty much grudgingly accept that 2010 will be a rebuilding year with no playoffs likely. However, if the Bills end up depending on the 2011 draft to give them their QB for the future there is a good likelihood that even if that QB is Peyton Manning quality like Manning his rookie year will be a learning experience.


    Teams like the Jets with rookie Sanchez did go deep in the playoffs with their rookie QB, but the team did at least make the playoffs recently in their pre-Sanchez iteration. This will not be the case with the Bills. Its hard for me to believe that Nix in the crew are going to be wiling to wait until 2012 at the earliest to end the playoff drought.


    I must admit to having little faith in in any of the three QBs currently on the roster proving to be our next savior at QB. Thus I think that the plan B when our current QB does not cut it is gonna be FA (or even a trade) instead of expecting the 2011 draft to be the key one for us.


    This is pretty simple as I see it...if one of our guys steps up this year, then it will be that guys job again next year. If none of our guys right this offensively challenged ship, then we will draft a QB high next year or acquire one via trade or FA if there is one they like available. Its not that complicated really...What I can assure you is that if all 3 guys falter there will be a QB leading this team the following year not currently on this roster.

  17. That's my theory, barring unpreventable things like injury, illness and other things....


    Ever heard of Bill Walsh? A great eye for talent, one of the best ever. He traded up to get JJ Stokes and called him the next Jerry Rice...I bet you have never heard of JJ Stokes who was never anything more than a 2nd or 3rd WR and basically a bust.


    Point is, FO people miss all the time no matter how great the FO. In fact, statistically the FO will be wrong MORE than they are right, but its the ability to find depth and players consistently in each draft...but not every player, even high drafted players are going to pan out.


    FYI: We took players below where they were graded in almost every round...and draft grades are meaningless once the season begins.

  18. OJ's white Bronco chase. Did you watch it live?

    A bad day for Bills fans


    I wasnt living in Southern California yet, but I was living in Northern California and watched it all unfold live on TV. It was crazy...I personally did not have any attachment to OJ, because he played before I became a fan of the Bills, so I never got to see him play as I really didnt start becoming a fan of the Bills until about 1988. It was still crazy though, because I was very familiar with OJ from all the other stuff he did.


    Living here in CA, the most interesting day though was when the verdict was going to be announced. They closed all the malls where I lived fearing riots regardless of the verdict, and again, I was in Nor Cal. It was just a crazy day and you just knew you were witnessing history when it was all unfolding.

  19. Your correct, it is almost pointless because you never lose an argument... because your never wrong are you?


    I love it...the guy who ADMITTEDLY knows nothing about Montana and didnt watch his career is talking about never being wrong in an arguement as he continues to argue something he doesnt know anything about. Priceless.


    I am not even going to respond to you other points...its pointless, I have alreadly said what I wanted to say about them, you of course say the same factless gibberish over and over again while ignoring the facts presented to you. Its my fault for having a discussion with someone who admittedly didnt watch him play much. That would be like me claiming Willie Mays wasnt that good even though I didnt watch him play and arguing it with a guy who did.


    If you want responses to those repetitive weak arguments, scroll back in this thread as I already addressed them and you chose to ignore them and just stomp your feet and repeat the same two pointless statements...


    This might be the only place in the world where someone has to defend how good Montana was...funnier yet, its being done in a thread that was started to defend Trents check down nature as somehoe Montana like. Priceless

  20. i remember the days of people complaining about London Fletcher and the old 'he makes tackles ten yards downfield'. Hindsight is 20-20, but that guy has got to be one of the top 10 players to have ever played the game considering enthusiasm, durability, athleticism, heart, span of career, and leadership by example. good for him.


    haynesworth is who he is, and if not this, something else. he is not london fletcher.


    I really liked Fletcher and think he is grossly underrated...but top 10 players all time is a bit extreme. He isnt even in the top 10 players at his position let alone top 10 players ever. He was and is a great LB who deserves substantially more credit than he gets...but lets not get too carried away :mellow:

  21. On the contrary, nobody in this forum attacks others personally like you do, you have a very hard time arguing a point without the names, the insults, the condescending attitude like you are better or know more then they do, your not and you don't!

    I'm not crying about it as I just consider the source. Somebody else pointed out that you were wrong and I was being harsh back to you, all I did was give them the reason why.


    Every point you made about my original post in this thread I proved you wrong and yet ... here you are still arguing.


    You make a statement that Joe INSTANTLY vastly improved that 49er team... and yet it took him three years. Last time I checked 3 years isn't INSTANTLY, You were wrong, but you still want to argue it.


    You keep insisting that I disregard Joe Montana and I never have, show me one time that I stated anything other then he was a great QB! My original post in this thread was to correct a poster who called Joe Montana gay!


    For some reason you refuse to comprehend the fact that Montana could have failed just like Steve Young failed, your problem not mine.


    Come on man, is this really still being discussed? What have you proven other than you dont have any idea about Montana and are trying to google info to find holes to dispute the fact that he is one of the 3 greatest QB's of all time. You have gotten every fact you have tried to provide wrong. None of his win loss records were right either because you were too lazy to actually look to see what games he played in those years. You dont know when played, when he became a starter, what was his first full year as a starter, who was on his teams, etc...you have gotten all that wrong in these points you claim disprove the truth. Let me help you sort out the REAL facts about the period you are arguing...


    What was his record in 1980 when he got to start some games mid season as a 2nd year QB: 3-5

    What was his passer rating that season: 87.8

    How many games did the 49ers win in each of the previous 2 seasons: 2 each

    How many games had he started when 1981 season began? 8

    What was their record that year as his first year as the starter? 13-3 with a SB victory and MVP

    What was the combined record the previous 3 years? 10-38

    How many of these players were on his team that year (Rice, Rathman, Craig, Taylor, Jones): NONE


    So, in his FIRST year as the teams unquestioned full time starter, his 3rd in the league, he led the team to a 13-3 record, a SB victory and MVP when the previous 3 seasons the team was a combined 10-38.


    On what planet does that equal a vast impact on the team and a fast turn around? If you dont think thats a major impact on a perennial losing franchise before that and a fast turn around then we will just have to agree to disagree.


    By the way, friendly piece of advice...if you dont like people being blunt with you, then maybe you shouldnt slam and insult them in other threads. I treat you like you have always treated me.


    Now...lets just move on already, its pointless arguing about a player you never watched play and have no way to appreciate how great he really was. So here you go, a legitimate friendly beer on me :mellow: Next topic please...

  22. Then why did you do it? Nobody ever called Montana "Captain Checkdown".


    Yes, some great QBs have been successful in the West Coast Offense. That has virtually nothing to do with being a "check down" QB. And Trent didn't get the nickname "Captain Checkdown" by checking down simply when he had to. He got that nickname because it was his default choice.


    You seem to be thoroughly confused about what it means to check down and perhaps the basics of the West Coast Offense. It's laudable to be logical. But when your initial assumptions are fakakta your conclusions are bound to be dubious.


    The best thing you can do for your reputation around here, is to go to the initial post and click on "Delete" and be rid of this ridiculous thread.


    Ding Ding Ding again...a page or two back I posted what the west coast offense was really about, something the OP clearly does not understand well enough to differteniate from Trents lack of ability to see the field and anticipate when and where to throw the ball leading to him checking down.

  23. I think if polled the whole fan base, Brohm would like be the more popular choice to start because he has what the others dont have...potential.


    Trent fans and Fitz fans can argue until they are blue in the face that these guys have potential to be better, and they both do. However, that potential is no where near as high as what Brohm offers.


    That being said, I think that is where it is at today and that will grossly change once we get into pre season and see these guys play. At that point, the most popular guy will surely be the one moving the offense. And if none of them can, I think Brohm would still be the more popular choice again given that he has more upside by default because he just hasnt had any real time on the field yet.


    But like I said, if one of the 3 can come out and show themself to be effective in Gaileys new offense, then that guy will be the fans bases poplular choice because right now the fan base isnt attached to any of these 3 guys.

  24. Your right I could have been nicer, but then...




    I'm a Bills fan and simply want to post my opinion on occasion. I try to be considerate most of the time to others here because I know they are like me, a Bills fan. :lol:


    Some people on the other hand feel the need to call names , cast insults and condescend If someone doesn't agree with them.


    This guy can be a real jerk at times and obviously has some serious insecurity issues to feel the need to put down those that don't agree with him. I actually feel bad for him...and the people that know him.


    Come on bro...you slam me all the time, and its usually over something crazy like this. Now you want to play the poor weak victim because I was direct about the points you made? Another I can dish it out but I cant take it poster...


    Here is a beer on me :devil:

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