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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I'm not sure if the thing is meant to be a stealth parody. I don't see the article posted online yet but I will add it when I find it. In it, he talks about Spiller being a bust, which has some merit, but promptly provides legitimate reasons for a lack of products while stating that they are illegitimate. Let's face it: Spiller has not had too many yards. He also hasn't had that many touches. On Sunday he was given two, for five yards. Let's admit here people, that's not much and it certainly wasn't because Fred Jackson was playing amazingly well. Sully also talks about how Spiller hasn't been let into the spread, but when he did last game he thrived. In short, I personally think that the only way to get more production out of Spiller is to let him touch the football a few times on O.
  2. It's a good problem to have. I hope that in a few weeks we'll be a lot healthier.
  3. Byrd I'm not sure about. This is not casting aspersions about his play, which has been quite good, but Wilson has been a beast: four interceptions and he leads the team with tackles. He's definitely the stronger of the two.
  4. LOL. Sure, why not? I don't want to give Jauron more credit than I have to.
  5. Well, you'll always find a way. But that was one of the best games we've played this season (maybe on par with NE).
  6. I would agree that our O-line has made strides. We haven't given up a lot of sacks, and Fitz usually had plenty of time against the "number one sack team in the NFL". Like with the Eagles.
  7. I think it's a combo of putting more pressure on the QB and a shaky O-line to exploit. That said, the Bills did a good job sniffing out weakness and pouncing on it. We managed to bring pressure, which disrupted everything.
  8. You're right. I mean, come on, having 9 sacks in one game, still being the leaders in turnover margin and giving up the least points in our division clearly isn't enough to have a decent defense. Oh wait, that's the OPPOSITE of right.
  9. The man did a good job! I was worried about Williams being out, but the Dareus, Edwards, Johnson combo worked quite well. I'll be happy when K. Williams come back, but I am relieved to see Dareus playing this well as a rookie.
  10. Either way, I think it's going to be a good game. The Bills look like they fixed a lot of problems today, and the Jets showed they aren't pushovers with the SD game. I would say that it's one of the three biggest games next week (those being Giants-Patriots and Ravens-Steelers)
  11. Agreed. Like I said: It's early. Really early. This is just a projection, based on what we've seen so far.
  12. I agree that it's going to be a big game. It isn't the end all, be all, but a win here would do a lot in terms of standing, tiebreakers and give us some momentum going into a long road trip.
  13. I would feel safe with 11-5. But, you know, even if the Bills miss the playoffs with a 10-6 record do we really have all that much to B word about? Well, yes, but we still would have done better than expected.
  14. I remember people talking about the Bills with a soft schedule this year. Oops!
  15. Yes, it's early, but we are at the end of week 8 right now, so I think there is some time to see how the winds are blowing. Can we make take the divisional title? I honestly don't know. It's going to be tough to beat out the Pats. They aren't going to be playing a team of the Steelers caliber constantly. Assuming that they make out the same record as last season (an entirely reasonable 12-4) that does not leave a lot of margin for error. This year is looking like a giant clusterf*@k when it comes to the wildcard. There are still a lot of teams in contention. At this point, I would anticipate needing at least 10 wins to make the wildcard. At the start of the season, I thought we would to at least need to go 3-3 in our division. That, of course, was before we beat the Patriots, which I honestly didn't expect. If we expect to make the playoffs I think we need to at least go 4-2. This is not impossible. With the way that the Dolphins are playing, a winning team NEEDS to be able to beat them. Both times. Not kidding. The Jets are a tough team, but I think that it's reasonable to split games there. Maybe at home, maybe away. Of course, winning both would go for A LOT, but for the sake of argument I'll stick with one. The Pats, round 2. Honestly, I don't think we're going to win this one. In our huge upset, we played amazingly well and Brady gave up four picks. I don't see that happening again, especially on the road. So that, at my estimate, gives us three wins and two losses. (8-4) That leaves four non-division games unaccounted for: Week 10 at the Cowboys, home against the Titans, at the Chargers and home for Denver. Barring some incredible Tebow magic, I think Denver is a winnable game. The other three are a bit more up in the air. If we can win at least two of them (preferably at least one against an AFC foe) I think there's a good chance we can make the Wild Card, if not the Division.
  16. I think that's a possibility. The games which our has done poorly has been against some of the best offenses in the NFL. It sure isn't our strong point, but the D I saw today was very, very good.
  17. And we come back to Earth on Maybin. Still Ryan did decent with a sub-par player so credit where credit is due, but we aren't missing him.
  18. I don't know about bragging about it, but Chan was clearly the better coach today. Both teams were banged up, and meeting in a neutral place. It wasn't even close. Chan's playcalling, management, and preparation were all superior.
  19. Yeah...I think I heard a giant "DO'H" when the ball collided with his head.
  20. Man that writing was awful...not just on the content, but with the quality of writing. All the stuff they talked about, we did perfectly this eat. Eat some crow
  21. Agreed. A few of my impressions: Chandler came back with a vengeance! He's been quiet lately, and it was nice to see Fitz find him again. I like Spiller as a WR. It makes sure that we get used to him and on that big Pass Interference call he had the corner beat. With Jackson churning away, any way we can use him is a good thing and we may have found his niche. Our D. Seriously. WTF. Where have these guys been for the last five games? That was magnificent! Did anyone else's heart drop when Fitz held his ribs at the end of the second half? He looked pretty good after that though, so I hope whatever problem it was is minor.
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