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Everything posted by jwws9999

  1. until Peters got in shape last season. get ready for 5 wins and for Edwards to get hurt early because of no running attack
  2. mcnally's right, our running game sucked until peters got in shape last season. you dopes who like high motor guys like that pos poz and that overrated piece of crap schoebel are going to disappointed this season
  3. you Peters haters are a bunch of morons. when Trent gets his fragile head ripped off, and schoebel and Poz and all those high motor guys lead us to a if we're lucky 5 win season, what excuses will you have than
  4. with the staus of our o line, i'd be telling him to do alot of speed work because he's going to be running for his life back there
  5. trying what??? once again, character and tradition doesn't win football games, talent does
  6. like Edwards is going to get his head ripped out of the socket
  7. JP gets 60 million and gets to be in an organization that goes to the playoffs, who do you think got the better end of this deal
  8. he's not more of a factor because he's to small and weak to get off the line of scrimmage and get open
  9. dump roscoe, i could never figure out why he was drafted in the 2nd round. use mckelvin for PR's and go on with life
  10. who says he's holding out. i'm starting to think it would be better to trade the guy and just stick with high mortr character guys like Poz (who sucks) so this loser franchise can continue down the same path
  11. calm down, people will hear you yelling in the trailer park that you live in. what a redneck, you probably voted for bush twice as well, didn't you
  12. Trent sucks, the bills will never be a playoff team with him at QB
  13. Brandon should have renegotiated the contract a year ago and never let it get to this point.
  14. fairly certain huh, I guess peters should have called you for advice
  15. an NFL contract isn't worthy of wiping my butt with. the money isn't guaranteed and the team can cut you anytime they want. sounds like a bunch of idiots who don't have a clue about how the NFL works
  16. Edwards sucks, he has a weak arm, is always hurt, and won't be able to throw in Buffalo in cold weather games. we'd be lucky to get Cutler, and immediately be a playoff contender
  17. the biggest difference between Edwards and Cutler is that Cutler doesn't suck
  18. as always, most people on this board seem to think that talent doesn't matter. Cutler is a franchise QB who we'd be lucky to get
  19. that turd schoebel had 3 years left when they decided to overpay him
  20. you mean is the 6 games he plays before he gets a sore pinky on his non throwing hand
  21. another clown who seems to think the buffalo bills character philosophy works. cutler is 10 times better than our noodle armed injury prone qb
  22. so you're saying it's better to have kelsay, who cares about the team, but is a crappy football player
  23. for some reason, people seem to think chemistry is more important than talent. I think Juaron is finally waking up to that idiotic idea. most of the great teams in the past had some real questionable character, but they sure could play football
  24. will the lawyers have TO take Kelsays spot on the commercials
  25. Did Garcia and TO play together in Philadelphia
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