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Everything posted by jwws9999

  1. football is won with defense and at the line of scrimmage.
  2. I wonder if JP will pull an abdominal muscle from laughing so hard on the sideline
  3. i predicted in the lynch yardage threat that he'd have 11 carries today because turk would have edwards in the shotgun all game. what a bonehead
  4. should be able to get a really really good cornerback with that pick
  5. keep Juaron and the bills win 4 games next year with the tougher schedule. trade peters and keep juaron and they'll win 2
  6. denver will take an early lead and turk will quickly go into shotgun three yard pass mode, therefore lynch will get about 11 carries
  7. yeah, the offense with trent really lights it up against crappy teams
  8. what are you guys going to do next year when trent still sucks and jp is gone
  9. Peters and Lynch are the two best players an offense and you morons are talking about getting rid of one of them. the problem could have been fixed last winter by paying the guy, but they'd rather lock up crappy football players like schobel and kelsay. remember one thing Lombardi always said "there's no substitute for talent"
  10. you're kidding right. how can you say they stack up against the giants or steelers. we have one of the softest defenses I've ever seen in Buffalo
  11. my fav coach on the sidelines was always Chuck Knox, but he was another guy that Ralph pissed off to the point where he quit
  12. watching pennington carry poz on his back last week made me realize that aside from stroud and mcgee, the defense needs to be completely rebuilt and the head coach replaced
  13. the actual point is that even if they had a good quarterback, the defense sucks, plays with no intensity, and tackles like girls. and in case you haven't figured it out yet, defense wins playoff games and championships. and by the way, the defense was great aginst miami and cleveland NOT!!!!
  14. you're right, the competition was weaker. the jets would've score 50 yesterday if favre hadn't been throwing so bad. watch the giants, steelers, cowboys, and ravens play defense, even if we had those injured players back, our defense would look nothing like them
  15. our offense makes evans look like a hack, how is hardy supposed to do any better
  16. and this team would still suck. the defense is one of the most pitiful I've ever seen, and except for Marshawn the rest of the offense sucks too
  17. trent edwards sucks. now we have 2 bad quarterbacks
  18. are you edwards mom, because edwards sucks and he'll never be an nfl quarterback
  19. good idea, everytime he gets hurt he should be given the rest of the year off
  20. \ Losmans leaving at the end of the season, so who cares. good thing the bills aren't playing at rich stadium today and edwards starting, because his arm would never be able to throw in this wind because he sucks
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