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Posts posted by jwws9999

  1. Agreed.

    Signing TO was a pure desperation move by the FO.


    However, the attitude he brings into the LR is sorely needed. Owens WILL hold other players (and hopefully, coaches) accountable.

    There should no more of this crap of "Well, we just didn't execute the way we wanted to" or "Its hard to win in the NFL", etc ....


    In the end, I love this signing, especially a one year deal.



    I still remember when Chuck Know brought Conrad Dobler(one of my fav all time Bills) and Phil Villapiano to do the same thing

  2. Fuggit, I'm so numb from the disgust over this team's performance I've seen the last decade that hellz yes, I'd rather watch a brief year of "cancer" than the turd show on turf I've been subjected to. At least they're trying something. Those tickets are going to get sold either way buddy. Plus, a solid draft will make this team exciting again. When do you suppose he inflicts his cancer? Game 1? Game 2? Game 3? Game 10? So what.... Worst case he's out of here a few weeks later and you can thank him for a high draft pick if it all blows up in Buffalo's face. God forbid we tinker with our vanilla formula in our quest to achieve the annual 7-9. Here's an idea, maybe how about these grown men use those balls God gave them and put TO in his $%& place if he gets out of hand. There's an idea.




    than the turd show on turf I've been subjected




  3. He couldn't get along with McNabb in Philly, couldn't get along with Romo in Dallas and then lead a mutiny along with Roy Williams and Patrick Crayton into Jason Garrett's offense to complain that Witten was getting the ball too much.



    This should work out great for Trent's confidence. One thing is guaranteed...for those who like to complain that the Bills don't get enough national press, you won't be complaining this year. :flirt:



    Romo and McNabb were all pros with owens

  4. nope...not gonna drink the kool aid....again....have seen it happen way to much....and just about everyone here has been down on TO for years....now we sign him and voila...he is a savior of the Bills......sorry......not gonna bite this time....downer, no, realist yeah...and btw, i will GLADLY come back and eat crow if the situation warrants, and I will continue to cheer balls to the wall for the Bills, just think this is not a good move.....sorry



    i've always liked TO, i thought philadelphia should've dumped that slug mcnabb and kept TO

  5. You just compared "Team Obliterator" (thanks, Skip) to Lofton, one of the classiest guys and best locker-room presences to ever wear a Bills uniform? Please tell me I'm reading that wrong.


    I hope they sign the guy, he plays with alot of passion and he's a great football player, and more often than not his teams have winning records

  6. i don't know how people can call this a "bad deal" or "to much money" before the signing bonus and breakdown has even been announced


    if the deal is as follows what would ya think:


    6M signing bonus

    '09 - 2M

    '10 - 4M

    '11 - 7M

    '12 - 9M


    the structure is much more important then the overall value, especially considering the fact that coles won't likely see the last two years of the contract



    most people on this board are too stupid to realize that he'll never see 28 million

  7. Right, but the Bills werent going to be making any moves until they knew one way or another that Coles was either signing or going. Considering the flury of FA news over the last few hours, I would guess that Coles is going elsewhere, hence the reason the money is freed up.

    what do you mean the money is freed up, they are going to be under the salary cap again this year

  8. On The Hurd they are reporting that the Browns have jumped into the Cutler discussion. Sounds like Cutler may still be available in some capacity, and Cle can send them back a young QB plus picks.


    Seems like if Cle could possibly pry away Cutler with a package of D. Anderson or Quinn with a draft pick or so, then we should be able to get involved with a package with Trent and a pick or two...



    why would we want to trade a quarterback who can't throw more than 3 years and is always hurt

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