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Posts posted by jwws9999

  1. That piece of footage is good.


    In terms of appearance alone, the dude is a freak. I'm not sure I'm buying the part about no TV, no internet and no partying but he sure seems to put in the work.


    Maybe the Bills do have a shot considering the need for an end. They could've easily told him, you have a good shot of making this team because we desperately need help from our ends. If we drafted an end, and got this guy, I'd immediately cut Kelsay and feel pretty excited about our ends.



    what's his motor and character like, can he play cornerback

  2. I'd go with Kawika based just on the way they impacted the team.


    "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king!"



    typical, make a high character, high motor guy who can't tackle, and can't cover the pass you're defensive mvp. I can't think of a playoff team he'd even start for. pretty much sums up our lame organization

  3. Edwards in his second year isn't any worse than Colins.



    yeah, you're right, as long as you don't count the fact that his arm is alot weaker and he's hurt all the time, or how about the fact he can't complete a pass of more than 3 yards.

  4. Kerry Collins-


    16 80.2 242 415 58.3 2676 167.3 6.4 12 7- sacked 8 times fumbled 5 25 rushes for 49 yards


    Trent Edwards-


    14 85.4 245 374 65.5 2699 192.8 7.2 11 10 - sacked 23 times 9 fumbles 36 rushes 117 yards 3 tds


    Collins as a mentor/backup for Edwards would be great move. As a starter for THE BILLS no thanks, at this point I'd prefer the Bills build a team around Edwards, not supplant him with a guy who was argubaly statistically worse for a much stronger team.


    the only problem with that opinion is that edwards sucks and will never be as good as collins

  5. That simply isn't the case. Polian is a terrific GM, so he doesn't hold on to players until they have nothing left. He actually committed what I feel was a blunder, by letting Faulk go and drafting Edge James. Not that James wasn't good, but at that time Faulk had plenty left and the Colts desperately needed some D.


    Clearly Harrison isn't what he was, and his contract is very big, Harrison is scheduled to make 9 Mil next year, 10 Mil in 2010 and even more in 2011.


    i can see the Colts letting Marvin go even though he has a little left in the tank.


    that is the main reason peters held out. an nfl contract is worthless if the team decides to cut you or you get hurt

  6. You could take 3/4 of the city and you would be doing everyone a favor. Good idea/concept of having the stadium there as it is the same distance away as OP. You get the Rochester crowd no matter what, you get Buffalo and NF obviously but then much easier to market in Southern Ontario as you are 30-40 minutes closer. Not even Toronto but Hamilton on South is over 1 million people. Add that to Buffalo/NY and Rochester and that is a 3M+ market all within 60 miles of NF.

    I do not see it happening at all or in doowntown Buffalo with a retractable roof unless federal and state money is available for it. Remeber the biggest reason Ralph makes money is b/c of no debt at all on the stadium. Add the debt of buying the team and the profit is gone....add in building a stadium and you are losing money.


    How much did the state pony up for the new stadium in the bronx

  7. That list is deceiving. Not only have Kiffin and Dungy had success with the Tampa 2, but Dungy met Lovie Smith in the Superbowl, where he was running that defense. Kansas City and Detroit, on the other hand, don't have the personnel to do well with any defense.


    And why give John Harbaugh credit? Rex Ryan has been running the same defense in Baltimore since Marvin Lewis left. Ron Rivera's defense only improved from 22 to 18 when he took over, not exactly a world-changing move. And Leslie Frazier inherited a defense with the Williams Wall. I'd attribute most of its improvement this year to Jared Allen (who did just as well in Herm's defense) than anything Frazier did.


    Oh, and the triple-A Bills defense was 14th in yards and points, missing its top pass rusher most of the season, missing arguably its best linebacker the whole season, and a slew of injuries in the secondary.



    wow, 14th in defense and we still didn't have a winning record, go figure

  8. I'll just say this about Ralph.


    If not for Ralph Wilson, you wouldn't have the Buffalo Bills.


    So, when you start pounding on what a sorry piece of crap he is... remember that without him, absolutely none of this would be possible.


    I know he has his faults... but, he isn't a complete douche, I'm sure he could have taken many opportunities to move this franchise elsewhere, but he chose to stick it out in a town that loves his property, even when the rest of the community was falling apart.


    If not for Ralph Wilson, the fledgling AFL might have crumbled. The NFL certainly wouldn't be what it is today w/o those foolish AFL owners who pushed the envelope. Imagine a world w/ no Superbowl. Imagine a world with no Buffalo Bills.


    Then tell me Ralph Wilson doesn't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame for his contributions to Pro Football.



    Ralph's a bonehead and shouldn't get into the hall because of people like polian, kay stephenson, hank bullough, jim ringo and every other idiotic football decision he has made

  9. OK, I'll bite. Pollyanna time...


    1. Free agency. Before declaring 2009 a lost season, let's at least wait and see what the team does in free agency and (to a lesser extent) the draft. A few prudent moves here and there to improve the pass rush, the interior of the offensive line and the TE position could go a long way toward helping this team win a few extra games. The team is in great shape against the cap -- and the decision to retain Jauron saved Wilson millions. There is no reason he shouldn't be willing to pay top dollar for quality free agents.


    2. With all of the doom and gloom about how poorly the team played in the division, how about the fact that they actually went 7-3 outside the division? Also, all of those division losses were winnable, as were 2 of the three out-of-division losses. The only game in which they got soundly beat this year was the Arizona game. Yes, I know a loss is a loss, and it doesn't matter whether it was by 1 point or 20 points. My point just is that it would NOT take a significant amount of upgrading to modify the outcome of many of those losses. Another stat of note: .500 on the road. That is a reasonable goal to shoot for every year. It's hard to fathom the team winning only 3 games at home again next season


    3. Maybe Jauron just had a bad year? I honestly thought he did a decent enough job the first two years here. The bad coaching decisions are inexcusable, but I don't remember him being so guilty of these types of gaffes in 2006 and 2007. He sure seemed smarter when the team was 5-1 before Trent's mid-season slump. I am sure that he will continue to be out-coached by the likes of Bellichick, but who isn't?


    4. The team is a VERY young team. Perhaps the time is ripe for many of the young, core players to grow up. Moreover, wouldn't it be nice if we could get through a season reasonably unscathed by injuries? I wonder how much better the defense would have been with a healthy Crowell and Schobel? Miami probably loses down in Miami if McGee is healthy. If JP Losman had never set foot on the field this year, there is a good chance that we would have won 2-3 more games. Yes, injuries are a part of the game, but it sure does seem like the Bills have had more than their share the past 2 seasons.


    5. We get a last place schedule! That only potentially helps in 2 games, but 2 games can make all the difference in the world.


    6. The schedule looks really tough, but who's to say how good any of these teams will be?



    are you Juarons mom

  10. it's doubtful that Mays makes it out of the top 5 if his supposed measurables are backed up in the combine. The dude is a freak of nature - bigger and faster than polamalu and also a playmaker.



    cmon, there must be better defensive players at ohio state with great character.

  11. Exactly. Please help me drill this message home. If you have a great D-Line, O-Line and an average QB you can be a great team in this league with average to below average talent around the rest of the field. I can't stress enough how this is the main reason the Titans, Giants and Patriots are having good seasons. Hell, the Patriots have been able to sustain greatness for so long because they have done a great job in drafting talent for their lines.


    The Bills need to do this, I don't care if it means passing up on the Mays.


    Mays looked awesome against penn state, I don't think we have anyone on defense as mean as he is. too bad we need lineman and linebackers alot more

  12. I for one agree with you Adam. I remember the killing fields that RJ and Losman went through when the LT position was up for grabs. Folks forget the wasted 1st round pick used on Mike Williams who spent most of his time hurt, playing RT, or simply eating his way out of the lineup each offseason.


    If you have a left tackle that can compete and often dominate you have to sign him, whether he is an ungrateful bastard or not, this team cannot affort a rookie project at that position. Edwards would get killed and never develop.


    Peters was not in game shape this year and it showed, he can however be very successful at that position, and he is still young and fairly durable.


    If anything, we trade Dockery and find a prospect in the draft to play Guard. Use the money saved to pay Peters. It is much easier to find a solid Guard in the draft than a Left Tackle.



    why is everyone so worried about saving ralph money, we are so far under under the cap it's a joke

  13. I can't come up with 20 or 30 that are better at their position, but I can come up with 20 or 30 that are equally as average.



    you're right, get rid of him and bring in some overpaid idiot with high character and a good motor, that's been working out so well. they should have renegotiated last offseason and avoided this problem in the first place.

  14. You keep him for another year. Peters and his agent both know this is his year to make the dough. Dont think you will see a hold out this season. Bills will wait to see if the Bell kid they drafted last year is developing, and thus could make Peters expendable at the end of next year for a trade. Either way all parties are happy. Bills get another year out of him playing for a contract and Peters will get Paid!



    it's amazing how you guys pick on peters when we have a quarterback who can't throw a pass more than 5 yards, a bunch of lineman who makes more than he does, a middle lb who can't tackle, and 2 defensive ends who would be journeyman backups on any other team

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